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6th Gr Sci 4th 9 We

Ecology and Natural Selection Review

Natural Selection The process by which individuals are better adapted to their environment. ring
Giraffes, Butterflies, Cheetah , Peppered Moth Examples of Natural Selection
Charles Darwin Proposed the theory of evolution/natural selection
Galapagos Islands Islands where Darwin observed finches
What did Darwin notice about the beaks of the finches? The finches were adapted to their environment.
mutation A ________ is a change in the genes of an organism that causes physical characteristics that are different from the normal characteristics.
ancestor All the finches had a common ________.
How did their beaks come to match their environments? The beaks of the finches had adapted to type of food they ate in order to fill different niches on the Galapagos islands
Why do rapid environmental changes cause extension? Organisms can’t change fast enough.
Selective breeding ________ ________ is where two animals are chosen with desired traits and breed them to produce the parent’s traits in the offspring.
Racehorses bred for speed. Dogs bred for hunting. Examples of selective breeding
Why are there so many different breeds of dogs today? People have bred so many dogs to produce a certain trait.
Biome, Ecosystem, Community, Population, Organism levels of organization
Ecosystem An ________ unit made up of all the living and nonliving things in a given area that interact with each other. Pond, River, Forest
Popoulation Each type of living thing that makes up a community. Horses, Deer, Ants.
Community The living part of the ecosystem. Fishes, Seaweed, Turtles, and frogs living in a pond.
Biome A major ecological community, extending over a large area and usually characterized by a dominant vegetation.
Biotic Living Things
Abiotic Non-living Things
A disease broke out in this ecosystem. Which organism(s) would be LEAST affected if the disease killed the large majority of the mice? Rabbit and Frog
Which organism(s) would be MOST affected if the disease killed the mice? Hawk, Owl, and Snake
What would happen to the population of owls if the clovers were all burned in a fire? Explain your answer on the line below. The owl population wouldn’t be affected because the owl has other things to eat.
Why are decomposers important? Decomposers return nutrients to the soil.
Can a food chain start with the sun? Yes
Yes, What is the next level if it does start with the sun? Producers
Where is most of the energy available? Producer level
Where is least of the energy available? Tertiary level
Adaptation A trait or characteristic that help an organism survive in its environment
structural adaptation A ________ ________ involves some part of an organism’s body. Long neck on a giraffe.
Behavior adaptations ________ ________ include activities or behaviors that help an animal survive.
physiological adaptation Behaviors controlled by the brain.
An adaptation of some organisms is a bright coloring. How does this help the organism? To attract a mate.
adaptations of the spiny cactus that help it survive Stores water by swelling up, The spines ward off predators, Spines provide shade.
How spines benefit the cactus The spines collect moisture.
How broad flat leaves benefit a plant When the leaves open up to release oxygen to the air, water is also released.
How does a predator prey relationship benefit the prey? The prey is not overpopulated.
three adaptations of a camel that help it survive? The long eyelashes keep sand out of the camel's eyes., A camel’s nostrils can close so it doesn't get sand up its nose., Thick eyebrows shield the eyes from the desert sun.
adaptations that help organisms survive in a cold climate Fur, Blubber,
mutualism A symbiotic relationship in which both organisms’ benefit
otter and kelp Example of mutualism
Parasitism A symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed
Fleas on a dog Example of parasitism
commensalism A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other organism is unaffected
egrets and cows. Example of commensalism
indicator species Valuable as an early warning system for environmental problems, ________ ________ are chosen for their sensitivity to environmental conditions
Created by: SHigh
Popular Ecology sets




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