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Extended Turkish Vocabulary

açık open
açılmak (açılır) to be open
açmak (açar) to open (trans.)
adam man
afyon poppy, opium
ağabeyi elder brother
ağaç (ağacı) tree
ağız (ağzı) mouth
ağlamak (ağlar) to weep
Ağustos August
Ahmet (Ahmedi) man’s name
ak white
akmak (akar) to run, flow
akşam evening
akşam yemeği evening meal
alçak low
alfabe alphabet
alışmak (alışır) to be or become accustomed to (with dat.)
Ali man’s name
âli lofty, sublime
Allah God
almak (alır) to buy, get, take
alo hello (on the phone)
alt bottom
altı six
altın gold
altmış sixty
Aman! Oh! Alas! My goodness!
amma but
anahtar key
anlamak (anlar) to understand
anlaşılmak (anlaşılır) to be understood, agreed
anlatılmak (anlatılır) to be explained
anlatmak (anlatır) to explain, recount, make understand
anlayış penetration; manner of understanding
anlayışlı perceptive
anne mother
apartman apartment building
ara midst, interval
arka back
Aralık December
aramak (arar) to search for
Arap (Arabı) Arab
arkadaş friend
Arnavutköy Albanian Village (a suburb of Istanbul)
aşağı down
at horse
ata ancestor
ayak (ayağı) foot
ayrılmak (ayrılır) to depart, go away from
az few, (a) little, insufficient; less
baba father
bacak (bacağı) leg
bahçe garden, yard
bahçeli having a garden
bahsetmek to discuss, talk about (with abl.), to mention
bakmak (bakar) to look, look at (with dat.), look after (with dat.)
bando band(musical)
banka bank
bankacı banker
bankacılık the banking business
bardak (bardağı) drinking glass
baş head
başka another; other than (with dat.)
başlamak (başlar) to start to (with dat.)
Bay Mr.
Bayan Mrs.; Miss
bayat stale
bayram holiday
bazı some (with plural)
beğenmek (beğenir) like, approve, enjoy (trans.)
beklemek (bekler) to await, wait for (with obj. def.)
belki perhaps
belli clear, evident, plain
bembeyaz very white
ben I
beraber together
beri since (with abl.)
beş five
Bey Mr.
beyaz white
Beyoğlu downtown section of Istanbul
bıkmak (bıkar) to get tired of (with abl.)
biber pepper
bildirilmek (bildirilir) to be announced
bildirmek (bildirir) to inform, announce, cause to know
bile even
bilet ticket
biletçi ticket man
bilinmek (bilinir) to be known
bilmek (bilir) to know
bin thousand
bina building
binmek (biner) (with dat.) to get on (a horse, ect.), to get in (a car, ect.), to board (a ship)
bir one; a, an
birisi someone
birleştirmek (birleştirir) to be united
bir şey something
bitirmek (bitirir) to end (trans.)
bitmek (biter) to end (intrans.)
biz we
boş empty
böyle thus, in this fashion
bu this, these
buçuk one half (used only with other numbers)
bulmak (bulur) to find
bulunmak (bulunur) to be found; to be
buluşmak (buluşur) to meet together, to convey (intrans.)
buluşturulmak (buluşturulur) to be caused to meet or get together
bulvar boulevard
bura/burası here, this place
büro office
bütün whole, entire, all
büyük big, large, great
büyüklük largeness, bigness, greatness
büyümek (büyür) to grow larger
cadde street, avenue
cami mosque
cep (cebi) pocket
Cuma (günü) Friday
Cumartesi (günü) Saturday
çabuk fast
çalışmak (çalışır) to work, work hard
çarçabuk extremely swift
çarpışmak (çarpışır) to collide
çarpıştırılmak (çarpıştır) to be caused to collide
çarpıştırmak (çarpıştırır) to cause to collide
çarpmak (çarpar) to hit, strike against (with dat.)
çarşamba (günü) wednesday
çarşı market, bazaar
çay tea
çekmek (çeker) to pull / fotograf çekmek: to take a photograph
çeyrek quarter
çıkış exit; manner of going out
çıkmak (çıkar) to go out of (with abl.); to go up; to come up to (with dat.); to set forth on (with dat.)
çıplak naked
çiçek flower
çocuk (çocuğu) child
çocukluk childhood; childishness
çok (çoğu) much, many, very
çünkü because
dv² also, too, for X’s part, in X’s turn
dağ mountain
daha more
daima always
dakika minute (time)
defa time, occurrence
değil not (with ‘to be’)
demek (der) to say, speak (used only with directquotation) Demek, gittin. In other words (that is to say), you went.
demir iron
deniz sea, ocean
derhal immediately
ders lesson, class
dış outside
dışarı outside
diğer (the) other
dikkat coution, dikkat etmek: to be careful (with dat.), to pay attention
dilim slice
diş tooth
doğru right, true, straight; straight toward (with dat.)
doğruluk rightness, straightness
doksan ninety
dokuz nine
dolar dollar
dolayı because of (with abl.)
dönmek (döner) to turn (intrans.); to return, go back to (with dat.)
dört (dördü ) four
dükkan shop, store
dün yesterday
dünya world
edebi literary
efendi gentleman, sir
eğer if
Ekim October
ekmek bread, loaf of bread
el hand
elektrik (elektriği) electricity
elektriksiz not electrified
elektrikli electrified
elli fifty
elma apple
emin certain of, sure of (with abl. or dat.)
en (the) most
endişe anxiety, endişe etmek: to worry
erkek male
erken early
eski old
wife, husband
et meat
etmek (eder) to do, to make (auxiliary verb)
ev house
ev sahibi house owner; landlord
evvel before (with abl.)
evet yes
evli married
evlilik matrimony
Eylül September
eyvallah (mild exclamation, Arabic) Ah, by God! So be it!
fabrika factory
fakat but
fakirlik poverty
fazla more than (with abl.), too much
fena baa
fikir (fikri) idea
fil elephant
film (photographic) film; moving picture
fincan cup
fiyat price
fotoğraf photograph
fotoğrafçı photographer
Fransız French
Fransızca French language
frenk Frank (i.e. west European)
garaj garage
gâvur heathen
gazete newspaper
gazeteci journalist, newspaperman
gazetecilik journalism
gece night
geç late
geçilmek (geçilir) to be crossed over
geçmek (geçer) to cross over (with abl., dat., and acc.)
gelişmek (gelişir) to flourish, to develop (intrans.)
geliştirilmek (geliştirilir) to be developed
gelmek (gelir) to come
genç young
genişletilmek (genişletilir) to be widened
gerek right, proper, necessary
getirilmek (getirilir) to be brought
getirmek (getirir) to bring, to import
gram gram
gibi like (postposition)
gidilmek (gidilir) to go (impersonal)
gidiş manner of going
girilmek (girilir) to be entered
giriş entrance; manner of going in
girmek (girer) to go into (with dat.)
gitmek (gider) to go
giyinmek (giyinir) to dress (reflexive)
giymek (giyer) to wear (clothing)
göl lake
gönderilmek (gönderilir) to be sent
göndermek (gönderir) to send
göre according to (with dat.)
görmek (görür) to see
görücü matchmaker
görünmek (görünür) to be visible, to seem
görüşmek (görüşür) to converse, discuss
görüşülmek (görüşülür) to be discussed
görüştürülmek (görüştürülür) to be made to converse with each other
göstermek (gösterir) to display, show (trans.)
göz eye
gözlük eyeglasses
güç difficult
güçlük difficulty
gülmek (güler) to laugh
gümüş silver
gün day
günlük daily
güzel pretty, lovely, nice, fine
güzellik beauty
ha so!
haber news
hafta week
haftalık weekly
hak (hakkı) right, truth; God bunun hakkında concerning this
hakikat (hakikati) fact, reality
hakikaten really
Hakki man’s name
hal (hali) circumstance, situation, condition; with relative gerund) although
halı rug
hangi which? what?
Hanım Mrs.; Miss
hasta sick
hatırlamak (hatırlar) to remember
hatırlatmak (hatırlatır) to cause to remember
hava air; weather
havuz pool
hay! hay! (exclamation of enthusiasm)
hayat life
haydi (interjection) Well! Hey! Come on!
hayır no (opposite of yes)
hazır ready, prepared
Haziran June
henüz as, yet
hep (hepsi) all
her each, every
hırsız thief
hiç none; nothing; never, ever (with positive verb) hiç bir not a
hisar fortress, castle
hoş fortunate; pleasing. Hoşuna gider. It pleases him. He enjoys it.
Hükümet government
ırmak river
ısmarlamak (ısmarlar) to commend to, order
içeri inside
içilmek (içilir) to be drunk (passive of’ to drink)
için for
içirilmek (içirilir) to be caused to drink
içirmek (içirir) to cause to drink
içmek (içer) to drink
ihtiyarlamak (ihtiyarlar) to grow old
iki two
iktisadi economic, economical
ile with
ilk first
inanmak (inanır) to believe (with dat.)
indirilmek (indirilir) to be lowered
indirmek (indirir) to cause to descend; to lower
ingilizce the English language
inmek (iner) to descend from, dismount, get out of (with abl. Or dat.)
insallah if God will; I hope...
ise (conditional sign); however, as for
isim (ismi) name
iskemle chair
ismail man’s name
ispirto spirits, alcohol
istasyon station
istemek (ister) to want, wish, desire, need, require
matter, work, job, business. İş görmek, to do work, have a job
işte so, thus, all right, etc.
italya Italy
itmek (iter) to push
iyi good
iyileşmek (iyileşir) to grow better, improve (intrans.)
iyilik goodness, the good
Japonya Japan
katil murderer
kaç how much? how many?
kaçışmak(kaçışır) (for all) to flee; to run off in different directions
kaçmak (kaçar) to flee
kadar amount; up to (with dat.)
kadın woman
kahvaltı breakfast. Kahvaltı yapmak: to eat breakfast
kahve coffee; coffeehouse
kalem pencil
kalmak (kalır) to stay, remain in (with loc.)
kapalı covered; roofed-over
kapı door
kapıcı doorkeeper, concierge
kar snow
kâr profit
kara black
Karaköy a section of downtown Istanbul
karar decision. Karar vermek: (with dat.) to decide
kardeş brother
karı wife
karşı againts, opposite
kasaba town
Kasım November
kat (katı) floor, story (of a building)
katil murder
kedi cat
kelime word
kendi self; own
kere time; occurence
kılmak (kılır) to make, do (archaic)
kırılmak (kırılır) to be broken; ti break (instans.)
kırk forty
kırmak (kırar) to break (trans.)
kısa short
kısım (kısmı) section, part
kız girl, daughter,maiden, female
kız kardeş sister
kızıl red, scarlet
kızmak (kızar) to become angry
ki that (relative)
kilo kilogram
kilometre kilometer
kim who
kimse nobody
kira rent. Kiraya vermek: to rent (to some one)
kiralık for rent
kişi person
kitap(kitabı) book
kitapçı bookseller, book store
kitapçılık the book business
klinik clinic, doctor’s office
koca husband
kol arm
kolay easy
konuşmak (konuşur) to talk, converse
korkmak (korkar) to be afraid of (with abl.)
koşmak (koşar) to run
koymak (koyar) to put, place (with dative of the place into which the object is put)
köpek dog
körfez gulf
köy village
kul slave, subject; worshiper
kulak ear
kullanılmak (kullanılır) to be used
kuruş (piaster, 1/100 of a turkish Lira: unit of money)
kutu box
küçük small, little
küçülmek (küçülür) to grow smaller
kütüphane library
lale tulip
lamba lamp, light, bulb: radio tube
lazım necessary
limon lemon
limonlu with lemon
lira pound: unit of Turkish money
lisan language, tounge
lokanta restaurant
Londra London
lütfen please
Lübnan the Lebanon
Lübnanlı Lebanese
maalesef unfortunately
Marmara marble
Mart March
maşallah my goodness! (Arabic: what God wills)
Mayıs May
mecburiyet necessity, obligation
mecmua/dergi magazine
Mehmet man’s name
Mehmetçik Turkey’s G.I. Joe, Tommy Atkins
mektep/okul school
mektup(mektubu) letter
merhaba hello (informal greeting)
metre meter
mevcut extant
mevki class, rank
meyve fruit
Melek woman’s name
milli national
milyar billion
milyon million
minare minaret
Mösyö Monsieur
muallim/öğretmen teacher
mutlaka positively
müsaade permission
namaz kılmak to perform the formal Moslem prayer ritual
nasıl? how? What sort of?
Nazaran in view of, according to (with dat.)
nazır overlooking, looking out upon (with dat.)
ne? what?
Ne (exclamatory) how very!
ne... (negative) neither... nor. (with positive or negative verb)
nere? Where? What place?
Netice result, consequence
ne zaman? When? What time?
Niçin (ne için)? Why?
Nilüfer water lily; woman’s name
Nisan April
numara grade, mark
o he, she, it; that, those (demonstrative)
Ocak January; oven
oda room
oğul (oğlu) son
ok arrow
okul school
okumak (okur) to read, to study
okunmak (okunur) to be read
olmak (olur) to become, happen
olunmak (olunur) to be
on ten
onlar they
ora there, that place
otel hotel
otobüs bus
otomobil outomobile
oturmak (oturur) to sit, dwell
oturtmak (oturur) to cause to sit or dwell
oturtulmak (oturtulur) to be caused to sit or dwell
otuz thirty
oynamak (oynar) to play
öbür the other
öbür gün the other day
öğle noon
öğle yemeği lunch, noon meal
öğrenci student
öğrenmek (öğrenir) to learn
öğretmen teacher
ölmek (ölür) to die
ön front
öyle thus,in that fashion
pahalı expensive
para money
paralı/zengin reach
parasız moneyless
parasızlık poverty
parça part
pasaport passport
pazar (günü) sunday
pazartesi (günü) monday
pek very, very much
pencere window
perşembe (günü) thursday
peynir cheese
pişirmek (pişirir) to cook (trans.)
polis police
portakal orange
postacı mailman
pul stamp (postage, etc.)
radyo radio
rağmen despite (with dat.)
randevu appointment
renk (rengi) color
resmen officially
rica request
Rus Russian
saat (saati) hour, time; watch, clock
sabah morning
saç hair
sahip (sahibi) owner, master
Serkut man’s name
sakın in any case, at any cost, but
salı (günü) tuesday
sanat art, craft
sanatçı artist
saniye second (time)
satılık for sale
satın almak to buy
satmak (satar) to sell
sebep (sebebi) reason, cause
sekiz eight
seksen eighty
Selim man’s name
sen you (familiar singular)
sene year
sevinmek (sevinir) to be or become happy
sevmek (sever) to like; to love
seyahat trip, travel
seyahat etmek to travel
sıcak hot
sıra line, rank, file
sinema movie house, theatre
siyah black
siz you (polite singular, normal plural)
sokak (sokağı) street
son last
sonra after (with abl.)
sormak (sorar) to ask. Mehmet bana onu sordu. Mehmet asked me (about) it
söylemek (söyler) to speak, say, tell (not used with direct quotations: see demek)
söylenmek to be said
söz word; promise
sözcü speaker
su water
Suat man’s name
susturmak (susturur) to cause to be silent
susuz waterless
susuzluk aridity
süt milk
sütlü with milk
Selin woman’s name
Şam Damascus
şair poet
şehir (şehri) city
şeker sugar, candy
şekerli with sugar
şekersiz without sugar
şey thing; uh-uh- ahem... (said when one hesitates in speech)
şikayet complain. Şikayet etmek: to complain)
şimdi now
şimdilik for the present, for now
şirket company, firm (business)
şöyle thus; in that fashion; as follows
şu that, those (demonstrative); at some distance away; which follow(s)
şubat february
Taksim a downtown section of Istanbul
talebe student
tane counting word
taraf side, part (used to express agent with passive)
tarif etmek to describe, define
taş stone
telefon etmek to telephone
Temmuz July
tercih etmek to prefer (with obj. def.)
teşekkür etmek to thank
tiyatro theater
top ball
tramvay streetcar
tren train
tutmak (tutar) to grasp, hold, catch
tuz salt
tuzluk saltcellar
tuzluluk saltiness
tuzsuz salt free
tuzsuzluk saltinessness
Türk Turk, Turkish
Türkçe the Turkish language
Türkiye Turkey
türlü fashion
tütün tobacco
tütüncü tobacconist
ucuz cheap, inexpensive
uçak airplane
ufak small
unutmak (unutur) to forget
uzun long, tall
üç three
ümit/umut hope
üniversite university
üst top
üzere (üzre) over, upon, on the point of, for the purpose of
vapur steamer, ferry
var extant
vaz geçmek to change one’s mind about (with abl.)
ve and
verilmek (verilir) to be given
vermek (verir) to give to (with dat. or acc.)
ya and ad for...
yağ grease, (cooking) fat; oil
yağmak (yağar) to fall as precipitation
yağmur rain
yağmurlu rainy
yalan lie, falsehood
yalnız alone, only
yan side
yani that is, i.e.; I mean
yapılmak (yapılır) to be made
yapmak (yapar) to make, do
yaramazlık mischief
yardım help
yaş age
yaşlı old
yatak bed
yavaş slowly
yazı writing,article
yazıcı secretary (usually in the armed forces); printer
yazık a pity, too bad
yazmak (yazar) to write
yedi seven
yemek (yer) to eat
yemek food, meal. Yemek yemek: to eat meal.
yeni new
yer place, location
yetmiş seventy
yıkamak (yıkar) to wash (trans.)
yıkanmak (yıkanır) to wash (reflexive)
yıl year
yılmak (yılar) to flinch
yine again
yok non-extant
yol road, voyage
yukarı up
yumuşak soft
yüksek high, tall
yükselmek (yükselir) to grow higher
yüz face
yüzmek (yüzer) to swim
zaman time. Bazı zaman/bazen: sometimes. Bir zamanlar: sometimes
zaten as a matter of fact, in reality, at any rate
zengin reach, wealthy
zira because
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Popular Turkish sets




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