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VSL Unit 2 WS 6 app

vocabulary from the app

exposer to display, to show, to exhibit
un paysan, une paysanne farmer, peasant
s'inspirer de to be inspired by
une section a section
un chemin a path, pathway, track, lane, country lane, way
une ferme a farm
être caractéristique de to be characteristic of, to be a feature of, to be typical of
un bal populaire a public dance, village dance, street dance, festival dance
assis(e) seated
un couple a couple
un orchestre an orchestra
un personnage a character
illuminer to illuminate, to light, to enlight
flou blurred, blurry
régner to reign, to prevail, to rule
au sein de in, within, inside
la foule crowd
conserver to keep, to store, to preserve, to conserve
considérer to consider
le point de départ starting point
nommer to name, to call
de bonne heure early
une enfance childhood
une figure figure, face, character
une barque boat, small boat (no sail) usually with oars
propulser to propel
sombre dark
la masse mass
dynamique dynamic
le disque solaire the solar disc
le port harbour, port
un quai platform, quay, wharf, dock
un dock a dock
une cheminée chimney, fireplace, earth
une usine factory
la composition composition
se caractériser par to be characteristic of, to be the main feature of, to be typical of
l'horizontalité horizontality, horizontalness, the horizontal orientation
être consacré à to be dedicate to, to be devoted to
plat flat, thin
se détacher to stand out (here), to come off, to free oneself, to undo, to unfasten
la variation variation
un élément component, element
se mélanger to merge, to mix, to blend
une juxtaposition juxtaposition
côte-à côte side by side
une palette a palette
à distance remotely, at a distance
optique optical
enlever to remove
troubler to upset, to trouble, to disconcert, to baffle, to disturb
un, une critique criticism, review, critique
juger to judge
effectivement indeed, actually, effectively, really
être habitué à/ s'habituer à to get used to, to get accustomed to
atmosphérique atmospheric
un moulin à vent windmill
une galette buckwheat pancake, shortbread biscuit, potato galette
classer to file, to sort, to classify, to arrange
découpé(e) cut, jagged, indented,
diviser to divide
deviner to guess
une ombre shadow
la nuit night
l'obscurité (f) darkness, obscurity
net(te) sharp
la tristesse sadness
le désespoir distress, despair
vouloir dire --> ça veut dire to mean --> it means
la veste a jacket
affreux, affreuse ugly, awful
la robe te va bien the dress fits/ looks good on/ suits you
le vendeur, la vendeuse sales assistant
emprunter to borrow
s'inquiéter to worry, to get concerned
pénible hard, difficult, gruesome, arduous,
devoir de l'argent to owe money
chantonner to hum
causer = parler= converser = papoter (informel) to chat, to talk, to speak, to have a chat
l'alcoolisme (m) alcoholism
une proposition de loi a bill (legislative)
poser une question to ask a question
occuper to occupy, to fill, to take up
cueillir to pick
charmant(e) charming
interroger to question, to examine, to test, to quiz
publier to publish
prochainement in the near future, shortly, in due course
un couscous couscous
faire son lit to make one's bed
connaître un vif succès to achieve great success, to be successful
se disputer to argue, to quarrel
à cause de (negatif) because of (negative)
l'aube (f) dawn, daybreak
remercier to thank
la chorale choir
le roi king
un, une camarade friend, -mate, comrate
frais, fraîche fresh
demander pardon à quelqu'un to ask sb for forgiveness
proposer to suggest
Created by: CathyLebrun
Popular French sets




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