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GRE 300 Word

aberrant an aberration, not normal
abeyance temporary suspension of something
abstemious moderate in appetite, abstain
aesthetic relating to beauty or art
alacrity to do something happily, eagerness
alleviate to lessen, relieve
amalgamate to combine many things into one
ambiguous unclear
ambivalence mixed emotional attitudes
ameliorate to improve or make better
anachronism out of the proper timeline
analogous comparable
anarchy without government, chaos, disorder
anomalous like an anomaly, an outlier, not common, irregular
antipathy dislike, hostility
apathy general disinterest, not caring
apprise to inform
approbation praise or approval in some form
appropriate to confiscate
arcane mysterious, understood by few
arduous hard and laborious
artless natural, without deception, pure
ascetic one who practices self-discipline
aspersion slander
assiduous diligent and hard-working
attenuate to weaken
audacious bold
austere stern
aver to affirm or declare as truth
banal common, normal, a tad boring
belie to mislead, give a false impression, contradict
beneficient kind, doer of good
bombastic pompous, outlandish, over the top, using big words
boorish rude and insensitive
burgeon to flourish
burnish polish, improve, make to appear better
buttress support, reinforce
cacaphonous terrible sounding
cant negative term, hypocritical talk, or the language of a specific group
capricious fickle
castigation punishment, criticism
catalyst something that causes change, shifts the dynamic
causality to cause something
chicanery trickery or fraud
coagulate thicken
commensurate in a proportional way, corresponding in size etc
compendium a brief and comprehensive summary
complaisant overly polite, willing to please, obliging
conciliatory trying to conceal!, often dishonest, saying what you need to please someone, to make someone less hostile/angry
concomitant existing simultaneously
confound to baffle and perplex
contentious quarrelsome, causing fights
conundrum paradox, problem with no solution
conventional customary and commonplace
convoluted twisted, complicated
cosmology study of the universe, theory of origin and structure
craven cowardly
credence acceptance as truth
decorum proper behavior, etiquette
deference respect, humble submission
delineate to properly represent, depict accurately
demotic pertaining to people
demur to express doubt
denigrate to slur someones reputation
denoument the finale, ending of a play, wrapping up the plot, the outcome
derivative unoriginal, derived from, came from something else
desiccate to dry completely
desultory random, disconnected, rambling
diatribe bitter verbal attack
dichotomy two contradicting parts
diffidence shyness, lack of confidence
diffuse to spread out, but also wordy and hard to follow
disabuse free from misconception, inform of the truth
discordant incongruous, not in agreement
discrepancy difference between
discrete distinct
disingenous non genuine
disinterested no opinion, unbiased, objective
dismiss reject
disparage to belittle
disparate no comparison, unlike eachother, unequal
dissemble to pretend, disguise motives
disseminate to spread and scatter
dissolution disintegration, break down
dissonance lack of harmony, discord
doctrinaire a person who cant compromise on their doctrine/opinions
dogmatic stating opinions without proof
ebullient exhilarated, enthusiastic
eclectic pulling from many sources
effete depleted of vitality, spent, overrefined, washed up
efficacy level of efficiency
effrontery shameless boldness
elegy poem or song about lamentation/death
elicit to provoke or draw out
embellish decorate, enhance, add details
empirical objective and scientific
emulate to replicate, imitate
endemic inherent, belonging to an area
enervate to weaken
ephemeral fleeting, gone quickly, short-lived
equanimity calmness, composure
equivocate to intentionally use vague language, beat around the bush
erudite learned and scholarly
esoteric hard to understand, known by few
euphemism to replace something hurtful or harsh with something more nice or appropriate
exacerbate to make worse
exacting highly demanding
exculpate clear of blame, vindicate
execrable detestable and abhorrent, not to be supported or entertained
exigency crisis, urgent requirements
existential relating to existence, based on experience
extant in existance
extraneous not essential
extrapolation estimating based on assumption that current trends are accurate
facetious humorous, inappropriate humor, flippant
fallacious based on fallacy
fatuous foolishly self-satisfied, silly and pointless
felicitous well-chosen, appropriate
fledgling novice
foment to incite and arouse
forestall to prevent or delay
fractious quarrelsome, dividing, rebellious
frugality thrifty, being economical
fulminate to denounce, attack something
gainsay deny or oppose
garrulous very talkative and wordy
grandiloquent bombastic, pompous
gregarious sociable
guileless without deception or cunning
harangue long pompous speech, a tirade
heterodox unorthodox, not widely accepted
histrionic dramatic for attention
homily sermon
homogenous of like parts, similar
hyperbole exaggeration for effect, tall tale
iconoclastic attacking long standing traditions
ideological relating to ideology, beliefs about economy or religion
idolatry idol worship
igneous volcanic, produced by fire
gullible easily deceived
immutable unchangeable
impassive not showing emotion
impermeable unable to be penetrated
imperturbable not easily bothered/disturbed
impervious unaffected, invincible
implacable inflexible, incapable of being pleased
implicit implied, understood but not stated
inadvertently not intentional
inchoate imperfectly formed, not finished
incongruity not congruous
indeterminate not certain, indefinite
indigence poverty
indolent habitually lazy
ineluctable inevitable, unavoidable
inert unable to move, sluggish, stationary
ingenuous innocent, naive
inherent firmly established by nature, a characteristic, permanent
innocuous harmless
insensible not conscious, without their sense
insinuate suggest, say indirectly
insipid lacking in flavor
insularity narrow-mindedness
intractable not easily managed
intransigence stubbornness, refusal to compromise
inundate cover with water, overwhelm
inured hardened, accustomed to
invective verbal abuse, insulting, critical language
irasciable easily angered
irresolute unsure of how to act, weak, showing hesitancy
juxtapose position side by side
laconic using few words
lassitude lethargy, sluggish
laud to praise
lethargic inactive
levity light manner or attitude
limpid clear
loquacious talkative
lucid clear, bright, intelligible
magnamimity generosity, nobility
malinger to feign illness to escape duty
malleable capable of being shaped, impressionable
maverick dissenter, someone who strays from the norm, solo
mendacious dishonest
meretricious plausible but false
metamorphosis to undergo change
metaphysical relating to ultimate nature of reality
meticulous very careful, attentive to detail
misanthrope someone who despises humanity
misogynist someone who hates women
mitigate alleviate, make less harsh
mollify to soothe
morose sullen, gloomy, bad tempered
mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual, concerned with ordinary
neophyte novice
obdurate stubborn
obsequious overly submissive
obviate to remove, make unnecessary
occlude to block or shut
officious too helpful, annoying, meddlesome
onerous burdensome
opprobrium disgrace, contempt
oscillate to move back and forth
ostentatious showy, trying to attract attention, pretentious
paragon model of excellence or perfection
partisan one-sided, committed to a party, prejudiced
pathological departing from normal condition/function
paucity scarcity
pedantic excessively concerned with minor details/rules, boring academic
pellucid transparent, easily understood
penchant a strong or habitual liking for something, inclination
penury extreme poverty
perfidious faithless, disloyal, untrustworthy
perfunctory carried out with minimum effort, not thorough
permeable penetrable
pervasive widespread, seen in many parts, perhaps unwanted
phlegmatic having an unemotional and solid disposition, calm temperament
piety devoutness
placate lessen another's anger, to pacify
plasticity able to be shaped or formed, pliability
platitude a remark too often used to be interesting or thoughtful, an overused expression
plethora excess, overabundance
pragmatic practical
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