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anatomy muscles
exam 3
Question | Answer |
Superficial pectoral m. origin | cranial part of sternum |
Superficial pectoral m. insertion | crest of greater tubercle/ cranial humeral border |
Superficial pectoral m. action | adduct the thoracic limb |
deep (ascending) pectoral m. origin | sternum |
deep (ascending) pectoral m. insertion | greater and lesser tubercles of humerus |
deep (ascending) pectoral m. action | adduct thoracic limb and pull caudally |
brachiocephalus m. origin | clavicular instersection/ clavicle |
cleidobrachialis m. insertion | distal cranial humerus |
brachiocephalus m. action | pull thoracic limb cranially. depress and pull head and neck laterally |
cleidocephalicus m. insertion | mastoid process of temporal bone. dorsal midline of neck |
omotrasversarius m. cranial most attachment | wing of atlas |
omotrasversarius m. caudal most attachment | distal spine of scapula |
omotrasversarius m. action | pull thoracic limb cranally. depress and pull head and neck laterally |
Trapezius m. cervical part origin | dorsal neck |
Trapezius m. thoracic part origin | dorsal thorax |
Trapezius m. insterion | spine of scapula |
Trapezius m. action | elevate thoracic limb |
rhomboideus m. origin | dorsal thorax, dorsal neck, nuchal crest of occipital bone |
rhomboideus m. insertion | dorsal border of scapula and/or scapular cartilage |
rhomboideus m. action | elevate the thoracic limb |
serratus ventralis m. origin | cervical vert. and thoracic wall. |
serratus ventralis m. insertion | serrated face of scapula |
serratus ventralis m. action | support and elevate the trunk |
lattismus dorsi m. origin | thoracolumbar fascia |
lattismus dorsi m. inserion | teres major tuberosity |
lattismus dorsi m. action | pull the thoracic limb caudally; flex or extend the humeral joint |
sternocephalicus m. origin | sternum |
sternocephalicus m. mastoid part insertion | mastoid process of temporal bone |
sternocephalicus m. occipital part insertion | nuchal crest of occipital bone |
sternocephalicus m. action | depress and pull head and neck laterally |
sternohyoideus m. origin | sternum |
sternohyoideus m. instertion | basihyoid bone |
sternohyoideus m. action | pull tongue and larynx caudally |
sternothyroideus m. origin | cranial aspect of sternum or ribcage |
sternothyroideus m. insertion | thyroid cartilage |
sternothyroideus m. action | pull tongue and larynx caudally |
deltoideus m. origin | spine of scapula and acromion |
deltoideus m. insertion | deltoid tuberosity of humerus |
deltoideus m. action | flex the humeral joint |
supraspinatus m. origin | supraspinous fossa of the scapula |
supraspinatus m. insertion | greater tubercle of the humerus |
supraspinatus m. action | laterally stabilize the humeral joint. extend the humeral joint |
infraspinatus m. origin | infraspinous fossa of the scapula. |
infraspinatus m. insertion | greater tubercle of the humerus |
infraspinatus m. action | laterally stabilize the humeral joint |
subscapularis m. origin | subscapular fossa of scapula |
subscapularis m. insertion | lesser tubercle of humerus |
subscapularis m. action | medially stabilize the humeral joint |
Teres major m. origin | caudal border of scapula |
Teres major m. insertion | teres major tuberosity of humerus |
Teres major m. action | flex the humeral joint |
biceps brachii m. origin | supraglenoid tubercle |
biceps brachii m. insertion | radial tuberosity |
biceps brachii m. action | flex the cubital joint. extend the humeral joint |
brachialis m. origin | brachial groove of humerus |
brachialis m. insertion | proximal radius and/or ulna |
brachialis m. action | flex the cubital joint |
triceps brachii m. origin | caudal order of scapula (long head). proximal humerus (other heads) |
triceps brachii m. insertion | tuber olecrani |
triceps brachii m. action | extend the cubital joint (all heads). flex the humeral joint (long head only) |
tensor fasciae antebrachii m. origin | lattissimus dorsi and associated fascia |
tensor fasciae antebrachii m. insertion | tuber olecrani |
tensor fasciae antebrachii m. action | extend the cubital joint. tense the deep antebrachial fascia |
anconeus m. origin | caudal aspect of distal humerus |
anconeus m. insertion | tuber olecrani |
anconeus m. action | extend the cubital joint |
extensor carpi radalis m. origin | lateral epicondyle of the humerus and crest |
extensor carpi radalis m. insertion | dorsal and base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones |
extensor carpi radalis m. action | extend carpal joint |
common digital extensor m. origin | lateral epicondyle of the humerus |
common digital extensor m. insertion | extensor process of the distal phalanges |
common digital extensor m. action | extend the carpal and digital joints |
lateral digital extensor m. origin | lateral epicondyle of the humerus |
lateral digital extensor m. insertion | phalanges of lateral-most digits |
lateral digital extensor m. action | extend the carpal and digital joints of the lateral most digits |
ulnaris lateralis m. origin | lateral epicondyle of humerus |
ulnaris lateralis m. insertion | accessory carpal one and lateral base of 5th metacarpal bone |
ulnaris lateralis m. action | awkwardly flex the antebrachiocarpal joint, abduct the manus |
supinator m. origin | later epicondyle of humerus |
supinator m. insertion | body of radius |
supinator m. action | supination of manus |
abductor digiti longus m. orgin | body of the ulna |
abductor digiti longus m. insertion | base of 1st metacarpal bone |
abductor digiti longus m. action | abduct the first digit |
brachioradialis m. origin | lateral epicondyle of the humerus |
brachioradialis m. insertion | fascia near the carpus |
brachioradialis m. action | supination of the manus |
flexor carpi radialis m. origin | medial epicondyle of the humerus |
flexor carpi radialis m, insertion | palmar base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones |
flexor carpi radialis m. action | flex the carpal joints |
flexor carpi ulnaris m. origin | medial epicondyle of humerus, olecanon of ulna |
flexor carpi ulnaris m. insertion | accessory carpal bone |
flexor carpi ulnaris m. action | flex the antebrachiocarpal joint |
superficial digital flexor m. origin | medial epicondyle of the humerus |
superficial digital flexor m. insertion | palmar base of middle phalanges |
superficial digital flexor m. action | flex the carpal joint, flex the metacarpophalangeal joint; flex the proximal interphalangeal joints |
deep digital flexor m. origin | medial epicondyle of humerus, radius, ulna |
deep digital flexor m. insertion | flexor tubercles of distal phalanges |
deep digital flexor m. action | flex the carpal and digital joints |
pronator teres m. origin | medial epicondly of humerus |
pronator teres m. insertion | body of radius |
pronator teres m. action | pronation of the manus |
pronator quadratus m. attachments | apposed surfaces of the radius and ulna |
pronator quadratus m. action | pronation of the manus |
interossei m. origin | palmar base of respective metacarpal bone |
interossei m. insertion | palmar base of respective proximal phalanx. tendon of common digital extensor dorsally |
interossei m. action | supports metacarpophalangeal joints |
extrinsic muscle of thoracic limb | 1. superficial pectoral m. 2. deep (ascending) pectoral m. 3. brachiocephalicus m. 4. omnotransversarius m. 5. trapezius 6, rhomboideus 7.serratus ventralis 8. latissimus dorsi |
muscles of ventral neck | 1. sternocephalicus 2. sternohyoideus 3.sternothyroideus |
later muscles of shoulder | 1. deltoideus 2.supraspinatus 3.infraspinatus 4.teres minor |
medial muscles of shoulder | 1. subscapularis 2.teres major 3.coracobrachialis |
cranial muscles of brachium | 1. biceps brachii 2. brachialis |
caudal muscles of brachium | 1. triceps brachii 2.tensor fasciae antebrachii 3.anconeus |
craniolateral muscles of the antebrachium | 1. extensor carpi radialis 2.common digital extensor 3. lateral digital extensor 4.ulnaris lateralis 5. supranator 6. abductor digiti longus 7. brachioradialis |
caudomedial muscles of antebranchium | 1. flexor carpi radialis 2. flexor carpi ulnaris 3.superficial digital flexor 4. deep digital flexor 5. pronator teres 6.pronator quadratus |
muscles of the manus | 1. interossei muscle |
lateral muscles of the pelvis | 1. tensor faciae latae 2. supeficial gluteal 3. middle gluteal 4.pififormis 5.deep gluteal 6. articularis coxae 7.gluteofemoralis |
caudal muscles of the hip | 1.external obturator 2.internal obturator 3.gemelli 4.quadratus femoris |
caudal muscles of thigh | 1.biceps femoris 2. semitendinosus 3.semimebransosus |
medial muscles of thigh | 1. sartorius 2.gracilis 3.pectineus 4.adductor |
cranial muscles of thigh | 1.quadraceps 2.illosoas |
crainolateral muscles of crus | 1. cranial tibial 2.long digital extensor 3.fibularis longus |
caudal muscles of crus | 1.gastrocnemius 2.soleus 3.superficial digital flexor 4.deep digital flexor 5.popliteus |
tensor fasciae latae m. origin | tuber coxae |
tensor fasciae latae m. insertion | fascia lata |
tensor fasciae latae m. action | tense the fascia lata |
superficial gluteal m. origin | sacrum and 1st cd vertebra |
superficial gluteal m. insertion | third trochanter |
superficial gluteal m. action | extend the coxal joint, abduct the pelvic limb |
medial gluteal m. origin | gluteal surface of the ilium |
medial gluteal m. insertion | greater trochanter of the femur |
medial gluteal m. action | extend the coxal joint, abduct the limb, rotate pelvic limb medially |
piriformis m. origin | sacrum and 1st cd vertebra |
piriformis m. insertion | greater trochanter |
piriformis m. action | extend the coxal joint, abduct the limb, rotate pelvic limb medially |
deep gluteal m. origin | body of ilium and ischiatic spine |
deep gluteal m. insertion | greater trochanter |
deep gluteal m. action | extend the coxal joint, abduct the limb, rotate pelvic limb medially |
external obturator m. origin | ventral aspect of ox coxae around obturator foramen |
external obturator m. insertion | trachanteric fossa |
external obturator m. action | adduct and/or roate the limb laterally at the coxal joint |
internal obturator m. origin | dorsal aspect of os coxae around obturator foramen |
internal obturator m. insertion | trochanteric fossa |
internal obturator m. action | rotate the limb laterally at the coxal joint |
gemelli m. origin | lateral aspect of ischium |
gemelli m. insertion | trochanteric fossa |
gemelli m. action | rotate the limb laterally at the coxal joint |
quadratus femoris m. origin | ventral aspect of ischium |
quadratus femoris m. insertion | caudal femur near the trochanteric fossa |
quadratus femoris m. action | extend coxal joint, adduct and/or roate the limb laterally at the coxal joint |
biceps femoris m. origin | ischiatic tuberosity and sacrotuberous ligament |
biceps femoris m. insertion | lateral aspect of genual region, tuber calcanei |
biceps femoris m. action | extend the coxal joint, variable action on genual joint, extend the tarsocrural joint |
semitendinosis m. origin | ischiatic tuberosity |
semitendinosis m. insertion | medial aspect of tibia, tuber calcanei |
semitendinosis m. action | extend the coxal joint, variable action on the genual joint, extend the tarsocrural joint |
muscles that contribute to the common calcanei | 1. biceps femoris 2.semitendinosus 3.gracilis 4.gastrocnemius 5.superficial digital flexor |
semimembranosus m. origin | ischiatic tuberosity |
semimembranosus m. insertion | medial aspect of distal femur and proximal tibia |
semimembranosus m. action | extend the coxal joint, variable action on the genual joint |
sartorius m. origin | crest of ilium |
sartorius m. insertion | medial aspect of the genual region |
sartorius m. action | flex the coxal joint. extend (cr) or flex (cd) the genual joint |
gracilis m. origin | pelvic symphysis |
gracilis m. insertion | medial aspect of the genual region, tuber calcanei |
gracilis m. action | adduct the pelvic limb, extend the tarsocrural joint |
pectineus m. origin | iliopublic eminence |
pectineus m. insertion | distal body of femur |
pectineus m. action | adduct the pelvic limb |
adductor m. origin | ventral surface of ox coxae |
adductor m. insertion | most of the caudal surface of femur |
adductor m. action | adduct the pelvic limb, extend the coxal joint |
quadracepts femoris m. origin | rectus femoris- body of ilium. other 3- proximal femur |
heads of quadriceps | rectus femoris, vastus lateralism vastus intermedius, vastus medialis |
quadracepts femoris m. insertion | tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament |
quadracepts femoris m. action | flex the coxal joint (rectus femoris), extend the genual joint (all 4 heads) |
Iliopsoas m. origin | ilium, lumbar vertebrae |
Iliopsoas m. insertion | lesser trochanter |
Iliopsoas m. action | flex the coxal joint |
cranial tibial m. origin | lateral aspect of proximal tibia |
cranial tibial m. insertion | plantar base of 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones |
cranial tibial m. action | flex the tarsocrural joint, rotate the pes laterally |
long digital extensor m. origin | extensor fossa of femur |
long digital extensor m. insertion | extensor processes of the distal phalanges |
long digital extensor m. action | flex the tarsocrural joint, extend the digital joint |
fibularis longus m. origin | on or near lateral collateral ligament of the genual joint |
fibularis longus m. insertion | 4th tarsal bone and plantar base of metatarsal bones |
fibularis longus m. action | flex the tarsocrural joint, rotate the pes medially |
gastrocnemius m. origin | medial and lateral supracondylar tuberosities of femur |
gastrocnemius m. insertion | tuber calcanei |
gastrocnemius m. action | flex the genual joint, extend the tarsocrural joint |
superficial digital flexor m. origin | lateral supracondylar tuberosity of femur |
superficial digital flexor m. insertion | tuber calcanei, plantar bases of middle phalanges |
superficial digital flexor m. action | flex the genual joint, extend the tarsocrural joint, flex the metatarsophalangeal joints, flex the proximal interphalangeal joints |
deep digital flexor m. origin | proximal caudal aspect of the tibia and fibula |
deep digital flexor m. insertion | flexor tubercle of distal phalanges |
deep digital flexor m. action | extend the tarsocrural joint, flex the digital joints |
popliteus m. origin | fossa for the popliteus m. |
popliteus m. insertion | proximomedial portion of caudal aspect of tibia |