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Ch 10: Geology/Soil

APES Geology & Soil

Mount St. Helens taught reporters what Succession can occur quickly (10 yrs)
Slowest cycle on Earth Rock cycle
Rock that fors from magma wellig up from upper mantle, cooling, and hardening into rock Igneous Rock
Forms when preexisting rocks are weathered, eroded, transported, and deposited then compacted Sedimentary
Most popular type of rock Sedimentary
Mechanical weathering Major type
Chemical weathering Rock decomposed by chemical reactons resulting in products chemically different from the original material, most rapidly in tropics (higher temp & precipitation)
Ligimite & bituminous coal are which type of rock Sedimentary
Metamorphic Preexisting rock is subjected to high temps, high pressures, chemically active fluids—pressure & heat squish rocks together
Soil Complex mixture of eroded rock, minerals, decaying organic matter, water, air, and billions of living organisms
What type of biomes have best soil and are converted into farmland Grasslands & cleared deciduous forests
Horizon Horizontal layer in coil
Soil Profile All the horizons
O Horizon Top layer
O Horizon has the ______ Leaf litter (decaying leaves, waste, fungi, etc.)
A Horizon’s nickname Topsoil layer
A Horizon contains ___ Humus—mixture of inorganic & organic material
Why is surface litter important 1)habitat, 2) ground cover (“nature’s blanket”), 3) Provides a dark, moist area for seeds to germinate, 4) maintains soil’s moisture, 5) Contributes to production of humus, 6) reduces soil erosion
Why is humus important 1)helps topsoil hold water, 2) prevents sol compaction, 3) improves soil aeration (O2), 4) improves soil porosity, 5) Stabilizes pH in soil*
In which horizon do most roots & micro-organisms reside in A Horizon,
What’s the average of topsoil worldwide 6-8 inches
What does a dark vs. light color mean for soil High vs. low nitrogen/organic nutrients/organic matter (dark is better)
B Horizon contains most of soil’s ______ Mineral matter—mixture of sand, silt, clay & gravel
C Horizon arose from ___ Bedrock weathered to give rise to parents material
C Horizon’s nickname Parent rock
Soil texture Amount of different sizes and types of minerals
What most directly determines porosity Soil texture
Clay Smallest particles, good water holding capacity,
Silt Transported by rivers, 2nd smallest, lots of nutrients
Sand 3rd smallest, good infiltration & aeration
Gravel Largest, bunch of different rocks
Way to remember soil sizes Carly’s silicone sags greatly
Loams Equal amounts of sand, silt, humus, and clay; good for crops
Soil Structure How soil is organize & clumped together
Soil porosity Measure of volume of pores/spaves in soil
Soil Permeability Rate at which water moves thru soil
Infiltration Downward movement of water through soil
Leaching As water moves down, it carries nutrients to lower layers
Acidic soil pH range Below 5.5
Add what to acidic soil Lime
Basic is the same as _____ Alkaline
Add what to basic soil Sulfur & water (H2SO4)
Basic soil pH Above 7.5
What acidifies soils Burning fossil fuels causes acid rain, H ions replace other cations in soil like K, Ca, Mg, NH4-, so soils become infertile
The core is made of ___ Iron
Outermost part of mantle is/isn’t partially melted rock IS NOT
Most nonrenewable resources are found where Crust
Athenosphere Plastic region in mantle
T/F: Plate tectonics are composed of crust & core F
What causes an earthquake Creation of fault (fracture in rock) or shifting along an existing fault
Soil Erosion Movement of soul from one place to another
How long does it take soil be made per inch 1 inch/200-1000 yrs
Major erosion agent Flowing water
Sheet Erosion Surface water moves down a slope in a wide flow & peels off uniform sheets of layers in soil
Rill Erosion Surface water moves quickly and forms small channels in soil
Gully Erosion Small rills join together to make gullies of ditches
Wind does/doesn’t cause erosion Does
What does man do to erode soil Construction, overgrazing, logging, farming, off wheel four-wheeling
Turbidity Number of suspended solids in water…MAJOR form of pollution*
Is soil a potentially renewable resource Yes
What caused the US to set up Soil Conservation Service (SCS) 1935 Erosion Act
Leeching is a big problem where Tropical rainforests
Desertification Production of land falls 10% or more
Moderate vs. Servere Desertification 10-25% vs. 25-50%
Overgrazing, deforestation w/o reforestation, surface mining w/o reclamation, bad irrigation techniques, salinization, waterlogging leave topsoil vulnerable to ____ Erosion
Salinization Irrigation water evaporates and eaves dissolved minerals (salts) that build up and make soil TOXIC
Waterlogging Increased water in soil from irrigation causing water table to rise
Conservation tillage Farming Minimum soil disturbed
Terracing Steep slopes get terraced, retains water, prevents erosion
Contour farming Plating crops in rows at 90 degree angles across the slope of the land
Strip Cropping Alternate rows of crops (corn, legumes, corn, legumes, etc)
Alley Cropping’s synonym Argo forestry
Argo forestry Crop, trees, crop, trees
Gully reclamation Reseed, dam up, and fill with silt, plant, and redidect water
Windbreaks/Shelterbelts Rows of trees that break up winds on plains
PAM Polyacrylamide—binds soil to clay to prevent erosion, con: labor-intensive
Organic fertilizer’s drawback Labor-intensive
Types of organic fertilizer Animal manure, green manure, compost, crp rotation
Compost Alternate layers of green & brown waste, worms speed process
Animal Manure Animal shtt, spreads diseases, labor intensive,
Green Manure Taking remaining stalks & waste and letting it rot in the soil to increase humus for next crop
Crop rotation Different crops in different spots in different years—increase fertility, reduce erosion, reduce pests. Con: unpleasant odor
Inorganic Fetilizer NPK
Fertilizer bag with numbers 10-12-15 at top, what do they mean 10% nitrogen, 12% phosphate, 15% potash
Advantages f inorganic fertilizer Easily stored, transported, applied, more economical, increase crop yield/productivity
Prevention of soil erosion Landscape areas with natural vegetation, compost bins, use paved walkways/provided trails
Disadvantages of Inorganic fertilizer? Doesn’t add humus (allows for soil compaction, decreased water holding capacity, lower O2), large amounts of E to produce, release greenhouse gas N20 (Nitrous Oxide), causes water pollution-cultural eutrophication
Created by: kittycrunk
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