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Ch 15: Mining
APES: Finding & Remving Nonrenewable Resources
Question | Answer |
Mineral resources | concentration of naturally occurring solid, liquid, or gaseous material in or on the Earth's crust that can be extracted and processed into useful material at an affordable cost |
Coal, oil, natural cases, energy resources, uranium, geothermal energy are____ _____ | Mineral Resources |
Metallic mineral resources | iron, copper, aluminum |
Nonrenewable | coal, uranium, oil |
Renewable Resources | can be replenished within a human life span ie. sun's energy, water, and oxygen |
Nonmetallic mineral resource examples? | Salt, gypsum, clay, sand, phosphate, water, and soil |
Ore | metal yielding material that can be economically extracted at a given time |
Undiscovered reources | potential supplies of a mineral resources that are assumed to exist on the basis of geologic knowledge and theory |
Reserves | identified resources thta can be extracted economicaly at currnet prices with current technology |
Other Resources | identified & undiscovered resources not classified as reserves |
How to find minerals to mine for | plate tectonics, mineral formations, aerial photos, satellite images, etc |
Subsurface mining | removes deep deposits |
Surface Mining | removes shallow deposits |
In surface mining, ___ is stripped away as unwanted and piled into ______ | overburden, spoils |
Open-pit Mining | Machines dig open-pits, create windy path, and mine; used for copper, iron, sand, gravel, and building stone |
Dredging | Draglines scrape up underwater deposits |
Area-Strip Mining | Mining in strips |
Contour Strip Mining | Terraces are cut, Earthmover mines a terrace at a time and dumps overburden on already mined terrace creating spoil banks |
Mountaintop Removal | Used to extract coal, mountaintop is blown off and spoils go between mountains |
Heap Leach Extraction Steps | 1)Gold is put into pile/HEAP 2)They let acidified cyanide drip/LEACH thru pile, 3)Solution dissolves gold, 4)Gold is retrieved thru electrolysis |
S vs. SS Mining: More destructive | Surface |
S vs. SS Mining: More dangerous | Subsurface |
S vs. SS Mining: alot's left in the ground | Subsurface |
Longwall Mining | miners dig deep vertical shaft, blast subsurface tunnels and chambers to get to the deposits, MOST COMMONLY USED |
Pros/Cons of Longwall Mining | P: less disruptive, less wate Con: lung diseases from inhalation, dangerous, expensive |
Room-and-pillar Method | pillars prevent mining from collapsing, they're knocked down in the end |
Long-Wall Method | Narrow tunnel is dug and then supported by movable pillars, pillars are removed when mining's done, earth collapses |
Mining Environmental Impacts | Disturbed land/habitat, accidents, health hazards, mine waste dumping, oil spills, blowouts, noise, ugliness, heat, pollutes watersheds |
Gangue | waste mineral materials |
Benefication | separation in a mill of ore from gangue to produces tailings |
tailing | ugly piles of material from which toxic materials can be blown, leached, contaminate surface and groundwater |
Impacts of Processing | Solid wstes, radioactive material is dug up, air, water, soil pollition, noise, safety, health hazzards |
Smelting produces air pollutants like ______. | sulfur dioxide, soot, tiny particles of arsenic, cadmium, lead, etc. all are toxic |
Mining machinery uses fossil fuels, which emits ____, causing ___ ____ because its a greenhouse gas | Co2, global warming |
Use of Mined Minerals (transportation, use, discarding) | heat, safety & health hazards, solid & radioactive waste, thermal water pollution, noise, ugliness |
US 1872 Mining Law is what? | Mining companies can purchase public lands at the 1872 price, mind, and pay NO rent/royalties to extract except natural gas & oil |
How should we change the 1972 Mining Law? | Set strict standards to prevent/control pollution, environmental degradation, require companies to pay to fix the lands, require mining companies to pay 12.5% royalty on all minerals removed |
SMCRA 1977 stands for what? | Service Mining Control & Reclamation Act |
What does SMCRA do? | "If you mine and destroy an are, you have to fix it" |