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ACU F 19


Entry pt ST 1
Exit Pt ST 42
Yuan Pt ST 42
Luo Pt ST 40
Xi Cleft Pt ST 34
Mother Pt ST 41
Son Pt ST 45
Horary Pt ST 36
Total number of points on the ST channel 45 points
Mu pt CV 12
Shu pt UB 21
Jing Well ST 45
Ying Spring ST 44
Shu Stream ST 43
Jing River ST 41
He Sea ST 36
Lower He Sea Point ST 36
Where is CV 12 located 4 cun superior to CV 8
Sea of Qi pt ST 9
Front MU pt of LI ST 25
2 Sea of Food pts ST 30 and ST 36
Command pt of abdomen ST 36
Lower He Sea of LI pt ST 37
Lower He Sea of SI pt ST 39
2 Sea of Blood pts ST 37 and ST 39
Stomach Channel Name ST channel of foot yangming
which ZangFu organs does the primary ST channel connect with ST and SP
Functions of the ST channel Control Rotting and Ripening, control descending and act as first stage in digestion of fluids
What are yangming channels abundant in Qi and Blood
What points of yangming channels are good for regulating Qi and Blood Arm and Leg points on yangming channels
Which are the two yangming channels LI and ST
Which two channels have points on there arms and legs that can be used to regulate Qi and Blood LI and ST
Primary actions of ST channel Treating all disorders of the Yangming channel in the head, disorders of the ear and throat, regulates function of intestines, disorders of all 3 Jiao, tonify Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang, acute and chronic disorders of the breast, disturbances of the spirit
What specific disorders of the Yangming channel in the head does ST treat face and cheeks, forehead, eyes, nose, lips, gums, and teeth
Disorder is which specific organs and areas in the 3 jiao does ST treat the LU, HT, chest, epigastrum, ST, SP, uterus and bladder
Where does the primary ST channel begin lateral side of the nose at LI20
from LI 20 it ascends to meet UB 1 in the canthes of the eye
From UB1 the ST descends to meet ST 1 in the orbital ridge of the eye
From ST 1 it descends to meet with DU 26 and DU 28 in upper gum
from DU 26 it circles around to meet in the mental labial groove at CV 24
from CV24 runs laterally across the cheek to ST5 and ST 6 and the angle of the mandible
from ST 6 ascending anteriorly to the ear passing ST 7 to GB 3
from GB 3 ascends within the hairline to the temporal region to ST 8 following harline to meet with DU24
How many branches come off of the ST primary channel 5 of ST5, ST12, originates in pyloric orifice of the stomach, ST 36, ST 42
branch that separates at ST 5 goes descends along anterior SCM to enter supraclavicular fossa ST 12, travels to upper back to DU14, descends through CV 13 and CV 12 to enter stomach and connect with the Spleen
branch descends from ST 12 to mamillary line, 4 cun lateral to the midline as far as ST 18, then passes 2 cun lateral to the midline and descends along umbilicus to ST 30
branch originates in the pyloric orifice of the stomach descends within the abdomen and meets with the previous portion of the channel at ST 30, travels laterally to ST 31, lateral margin of femur, patella, lateral margin of tibia to the dorsum of the foot to ST 45
branch separates at ST36 to lateral aspect of the middle toe
branch separates at ST42 to medial side of the tip of the big toe at SP1
ST luo connecting channel originates at ST40 to medial aspect of the lower leg to join SP channel, ascends the leg and trunk to the nape of the neck and head where it converges with the QI of all the other yang channels, the travels internally to terminate at the throat
ST divergent channel branches from the primary channel in the middle thigh, ascends enters abdomen, to ST and disperses the SP,ascends to penetrate the HT, ascends along esophagus to mouth, continues along the nose connects with the eye and unites with the primary ST channel
ST1 point category Entry
ST 1 location eyes looking directly forward, located directly below the pupil between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge
ST action benefits the eyes and stop lacrimation, eliminates wind and clears heat locally
What do a lot of face points do Clear heat
what are examples of external wind in the face stroke, bells palsy
what are examples of internal wind in the face ticks and tremors
ST5 point location directly anterior to the angle of the jaw in a depression at eh anterior border of the masseter muscle
ST 5 action eliminates wind and reduces local swelling
ST 8 location at the corner of the forehead, 4.5 cun lateral to DU 24 and .5 cun within the anterior hailine
ST 8 action eliminates wind and alleviates pain, benefits the eyes
ST 9 point category Sea of Qi, Window of Heaven
ST 9 location level with tip and 1.5 cun lateral to the laryngeal prominence, in depression between the anterior border of the SCM and lateral border of thyroid cartilage
ST 9 action regulates Qi and Blood and lowers rebellion, benefits the throat and neck, alleviates pain
ST 12 location in supraclavicular area, posterior to the superior border of the clavicle and at its midpoint, 4 cun lateral to the midline, on the mamillary line
ST 12 action descends LU Qi and clears heat from the Chest, activates the channel and alleviates pain
ST 17 location at the center of the nipple, in the 4th intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the midline
which ST point is contraindicated in acupuncture and moxabustion ST 17, just use as reference point
Which 3 points are contraindicated in acupuncture ST, CV 17, CV8
which points are contraindicated in acupuncture but you can use moxabustion CV17 and CV8
ST 25 point category Front Mu Point of LI
ST 25 location on abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus
ST 25 action regulates the intestines, SP and ST, and Qi and Blood/resolves dampness and damp heat/eliminates stagnation
ST30 point category Sea of Food
ST 30 location on lower abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the midline, level with the superior border of the pubic symphysis (CV2)
ST 30 action regulates Qi and lower jiao, regulates the penetrating vessel, subdues running piglet Qi
ST 34 point category Xi cleft point, only xi cleft point above the joint
ST 34 location on the thigh, on a line drawn between the lateral border of the patella and the ASIS, in a depression 2 fun proximal to the superior border of the patella
ST 34 action activates the channel and alleviates pain, harmonizes the ST and alleviates pain, moderates acute conditions
which points are on same line lateral to CV8 SP15, KD 16, ST 25
Which is the lowest ST point of the abdomen ST 30
Which is the only XI cleft point above the joint ST 34
Which point is level with ST 34 SP 10
What should you be careful of near ST 9 coratid artery
What is running piglet disorder arises from lower abdomen & rushes up to the throat with ferocity the patient feels close to death, attacks and remits, caused by fear & fright, Qi is violently discharged, rushes upward along the penetrating vessel causing great agitation and anxiety
ST 35 location on the knee, in the hollow formed when the knee is flexed, immediately below the patella and lateral to the patella ligament
ST 35 action dispels wind-damp and reduces swelling, activates the channel and alleviates pain
ST36 point category Horary, He-Sea, Command point of Abdomen, Sea of Food
ST 36 location below the knee, 3 cun below ST 35, one finger breath lateral to the crest of the tibia
ST 36 actions Harmonizes ST, fortifies SP & resolves damp, supports the correct Qi & fosters the original Qi, Tonigies Qi & nourishes Yin & Blood, clears fire & calms the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain, revives the yang and restores consciousness
ST 37 point category Lower He-sea of LI, Sea of Blood
ST 37 point location on lower leg, 3 cun below ST 36, one finger breath lateral to the crest of the tibia
ST 37 action regulates the intestines and transforms stagnation, clears damp heat and alleviates diarrhea and dysenteric disorders,regulates the SP and ST, activates the channel and alleviates pain
ST 38 point location on the lower leg, midway between the tibiofemoral jt line (level with popliteal crease) and the prominence of the lateral malleolous, one finger breath lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
ST 38 action expels wind-damp and alleviates pain, benefits the shoulder
ST 39 point category Lower He-sea of SI, Sea of Blood
ST 39 location on the lower leg, 3 cun inferior to ST 37, one finger breath lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
ST 39 actions moves SI Qi and transforms stagnation, regulates and harmonizes the intestines and clears damp-heat, activates the channel and alleviates pain
What are the Xi Yan points ST 35 and the medial Xi Yan point
Which 7 points can be used to treat knee pain ST 35, Xi Yan, ST 34(xi cleft), SP 10 (move blood), He Diing, GB34 (relieve damp), SP9 (tonify)
What is the name of ST 36 Leg 3 mile-if getting tired needle point and go 3 more miles
Which point is highly used to tonify ST36
Which is the distal shoulder point on ST channel ST 38, needle ST 38 while moving the shoulder
Which points are used to treat shoulder conditions LI 15, SJ 14, Qian Jian, ST 38
ST 40 point category Luo Connecting
ST 40 location on the lower leg, midway between the tibiofemoral jt line (level with popliteal crease) and the prominence of the lateral malleolous, TWO finger breath lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia, horizontal line with ST 38
ST 40 actions transforms phlegm and dampness, benefits the chest, clears phlegm from the LU and alleviates cough and wheezing, clears phlegm from the HT and calms the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain
ST 41 point category Jing-River, Mother
ST 41 location on the ankle lateral to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, in a depression between the tendons of extensor hallicus longs and extensor digitorum longus
ST 41 actions clears heat from the ST channel and Fu, calms the spirit and activates channel and alleviates pain
ST 42 point category Yuan Source, Exit
ST 42 location dorsum of the foot in the depression formed by the junction of the second and third metatarsal bones and the cuneiform bones, 1.5 cun distal to ST 41 on line drawn between ST 41 and ST 43
ST 42 actions clears heat from the ST channel, Harmonizes the ST Fu, calms the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain
ST 43 point category Shu-stream
ST 43 location on the dorsum of the foot between the second and third metatarsal bones, in a depression 1 cun proximal to ST 44
ST 43 actions regulates the spleen and expels edema, regulates and harmonizes the ST and intestines
ST 44 point category Ying Spring
ST 44 location on the dorsum of the foot between the second and third toes, .5 cun proximal to the margin of the web
ST44 actions clears heat from the ST channel and alleviates pain, harmonizes the intestines and clears damp-heat
ST 45 point category Jing Well, Son
ST 45 location dorsal aspect of the second toe, at the junction of the lines drawn along the lateral border of the nail and the base of the nail, approximately .1 cun from the corner of the nail
ST 45 actions clears heat from the ST channel, clears heat, calms the spirit and restores consciousness
How many cun from ST 25 to ST 30 5 cun
which ST points are the same horizontal level ST 38 and ST 40
Which point is in the 4th intercostal ST 17
Which point is used for phlegm ST 40
Why doesn't the ST channel stop bleeding because Yang channels do not stop bleeding
Which ST channel penetrates the HT ST divergent channel
Examples of S&S to treat with ST 40 clears phlegm from HT and calms the spirit Myocardial Infarction, uncontrolled anger/rage, mental problems, irritable
Which are best two points used to clear dampness SP 9 and ST 40
What does alleviates pain mean local pain in area or along channel in muscle groups
what can be palpated at ST 42 pulsation of the dorsal pedis artery
ST channel is abundant in Qi and Blood
which ST points are located 2 cun from midline Abdomen points
which ST points are located 4 cun from midline chest points
Which point is named Sea of Blood but not in the category of Sea of Blood points SP10
Which channel has the most points BL has 67 points
Which important points are located around the umbilicus ST25, CV12,CV6
What Vessel runs along the Ren Channel Penetrating vessel
what is plum pit symptom that something feels stuck in the throat, phlegm and stagnation
what is ear acupuncture good for acute pain
which ST point on the face is used for back pain ST3
Why doesn't Xi Cleft point ST 34 stop bleeding because it is a yang point
Where does the Sinew Channel connect posteriorly to the Lumbar spine
Where does the divergent channel connect to The HT
Which is the tonifying point on ST channel ST 36
Which is the lower He-sea of LI ST 37
Which is the lower HE-sea of SI ST 39
Created by: mloft
Popular Acupuncture sets




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