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mod b wk 3

terms and definition

anxiety dread & fear with cahracteristics of tension, restlessness, tachycardia, dyspnea & sense of hopelessness
affective disorder group of disorders characterized by disturbances in mood, from partial to full mania or depression
akathisia restlessness, inability to sit still, urgent need to move
Alzheimer's disease progressive diease that is characterized by memory loss and inability to carry through or thought processes
ADHD disease found in most frequently in a child that is characterizedby inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness
bipolar disease psychiatric condition characterized by alternationg periods of mania and depressive states
delusion false belief that cannot be changed with reason
drug holiday period during which drug dosages are withheld to allow reversal of side effects or adverse reactions
hallucinations perceptions that no basis in reality may be visual, auditory, tactile, or olfactory
neurosis abnormal behavior from increased anxiety, tension, or emotional imbalance
obsession domination of one's thoughts or feelings by perissitent idea, image, desire
Parkinson's disease chronic nervous system disease characterized by fine, slowly spreading tremors and muscular weakness and rigidity accompained by characteristic shuffling gait
Schizphrenia group of mental disorders of unknown eitology that affect thinking, affect, and behavior
psychosis mental illness accompained by bizarre behavior and altered personality with failure to perceive reality
Tourette's syndrome rare disease of unkown eitology characterized by lack of muscel control, tics, purposeless movements, and incoherent grunts and barks
tranquilization state of reduced mental tension characterized by calmness, but without significant sedation or mental confusion
anxiolytics medication to relieve anxiety: minor tranquilization
compulsions an overwhelming urge to perform an irrational act or ritual
neuroleptics another name for medcation used to treat psychosis
psychologic drug dependence or habituation accustomization to a drug through frequent or exposure repeated administration of medication for the patient's mental sense of well being; the craving for a drug because of frequent use
psychotherapy treatment of illness through mental means rather than physical or chemical therapy
tardive dyskinesia slow, rhythmical, involuntary movement as a result of the use of psychotrophic drugs
extrapyramidal symptoms of taking antipsychotic medications which include parkinsonism, dystonia & tremors
mania form of psychosis characterized by excessive excitement, elevated moods and exalted feelings
depression mental state characterized by sadness, feelings of loss and grief, loss of appetite and may include suicidal thoughts
insomnia difficulty falling or staying asleep
Created by: mrsjohnson
Popular Pharmacology sets




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