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Career Management

Flashcards for modules 1-7

Defeatist Attitude Showing a tendency to expect failure or accept it too readily.
Emotional Intelligence Personal attributes that enable people to succeed in life, including self-awareness, empathy, self-confidence, and self-control.
Global Awareness Relating to or happening throughout the whole world.
Inferior Attitude A feeling of failure to meet a standard of quality, ability, or achievement.
Stimulus Something that encourages an activity or a process to begin, increase, or develop.
Conflict Resolution A problem solving strategy for settling disputes.
Respect A feeling of admiring someone or something that is good, valuable, or important.
Self-Control Correction or resolution of oneself for improvement.
Etiquette Having good manners when dealing with people.
Ethics The principals of conduct that govern a group or society.
Auditory Relating to the sense of hearing.
Dexterity Proficiency in using the body or hands.
Interpersonal Relationships between people.
Intrapersonal Relates to independent action.
Values Cherished ideas and beliefs that affects decisions that a person makes.
Change Process Sequence of steps or activities that a management team or project leader follow to apply change management.
Developmental Changes The process of change that occurs in human beings throughout development.
Developmental Progression The purposeful sequencing of teaching and learning expectations across multiple developmental stages, ages, or grade levels.
Interrelated Related to or connected to one another.
Progression The process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state.
IB Courses International baccalaureate, offering internationally recognized courses.
AP Courses Advanced placement, college courses taken in high school.
Attainment The action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked.
Legible Clear enough to read.
Post-Secondary Education after high school.
Internship A type of work experience for entry-level job-seekers.
Proofread To read the text and mark corrections to be made.
Correlation A mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.
Convincing Able to persuade somebody to believe that something is true or to act.
Active Listening The practice of paying close attention to a speaker and asking questions to ensure full comprehension.
Work-Based The duties or activities that are part of a job or occupation.
Volunteer A contribution of free labor, usually to a non-profit organization.
Trends A direction of movement.
State Economy Economic activities belonging to or characteristic of a state.
Recession A period of declining economic growth.
Created by: m.tessn
Popular Management sets




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