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What are the 4 pillars of TCM
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ACU F 19

Intro to HERBS Lect 1

What are the 4 pillars of TCM Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology, Therapeutic Exercise, Manual Therapy
Acupunture= inserting the needles in the body
Herbology= consuming herbs and the right foods
Tui Na= massaging the body
Qi Gong/Tai Chi= exercising the body
What is chinese material medica medicinal substances that consists of botanical, mineral, and zoological material
Huang Di Nei Jing translation Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic
2 Parts of Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen=inner classic and Ling Shu=Spiritual pivot
Su Wen Inner Classic part of Huang Di Nei Jing
Ling Shu spiritual pivot part of Huang Di Nei Jing
What is the Huang Di Nei Jing a conversation between the Yellow Emperor and his physician Qi Bo
what is the name of the Yellow Emperors physician in Huang Di Nei Jing Qi Bo
What is discussed in the Huang Di Nei Jing Theory of Yin & Yang, Five Elements, Acupuncture, Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease are discussed.
Huang yellow
Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing translation Divine Husbandman's Classic of Materia Medica
What is the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing FIRST herbal text mentioning individual herbal of 364 entries
What does the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing contain description, dosage treatment protocol for each herb
Shang Hun Lun translation Discussion of Cold Damage written by Zhang Zhong Jing
Wen Bing translation Warm Diseases written by Wu You Ke
Jin Gui Yao Lue translation Golden Cabinet Essentials
What does the Shang Hun Lun consist of formulas that treat the Six Stages of Wind-Cold Invasion
What does the Wen Bing consist of formulas that treat the Four Levels of Wind-Heat Invasion
What does Jin Gui Yao Lue consist of formulas that treat the internal ZangFu conditions
TCM Vs Western Focus TCM focus on the Cause of the condition, Western focus on treating the conditions symptoms
TCM vs Western useful with TCM useful with internal chronic diseases, Western useful with First Aid and Surgery
TCM vs Western remedies TCM remedies based on successful clinical experiences in practice, Western remedies based from studies with animals *how effective on humans
TCM vs Western side effects TCM does not produce side effects when done correctly, Western drugs tend to produce side effects
TCM focuses on the cause of the condition
TCM is useful with internal chronic diseases
TCM remedies based on successful clinical experiences in practice
TCM side effects no side effects when does correctly
4 concepts in Acupuncture use needles, use body's energy, channels to the organ, draining and moving
4 concepts in Herbology use of plants, minerals and animal parts, adds energy to the body, organ to the channels, strengthening and building
TCM Eight Principles Yin-Yang, Interior-Exterior, Cold-Hot, Deficiency-Excess
shady side of hill Yin
sunny side of hill Yang
Functions of Yin material basis for Yang, cools the body with fluids, nourishes the body with blood, recovers the body after activity
Functions of Yang functional action of Yin, warms the body, protects the body, moves blood and fluids in the body
cools the body with fluids Yin
nourishes the body with blood yin
recovers the body after exercise yin
warms the body yang
protects the body yang
moves blood and fluids in the body Yang
Yin Gender female, woman
Yin Temperature cool,cold
Yin Weight heavy
Yin Brightness Hill, cloud, inside, darkness
Yin Time night
Yin Motion rest
Yin Season winter
Yin Body Position side supine, front, bottom
Yang gender male, man
Yang temperature warm, hot
Yang weight light
yang brightness sunny, outside, brightside
yang time day
Yang Motion active
yang season summer
Yang body position side prone, back, top
Yang Excess signs fever, heat signs, surplus of heat
Yin Excess signs Chills, cold signs, surplus of cold
Yang Deficiency signs cold signs, inadequate heat
Yin Deficiency signs hot signs, inadequate coolness
3 vital substances Qi, Blood, Body Fluids
Substances can be Deficient of Excess
Deficient substances shortage, decline
Excess substances congested, blocked
3 Qi Pathologies Qi Deficiency, Qi Stagnation, Qi Rebellion
Qi Deficiency energy has a decline in function
Qi Stagnation energy movement travels through the body is difficult and movement is hindered/stopped
Qi Rebellion energy moves opposite of its natural direction
3 Blood Pathologies Blood Deficiency, Blood stagnation, heat in the blood
Body Fluid Pathology Insufficient of Body Fluids(Fluid Damage)
Insufficient of Body Fluids Fluid damage, the distribution of body fluids is in shortage due to the decrease of production, absorption, or transportation
Definition of Body Fluid water in the body that lubricates and moistens the organs, muscles, skin, joints, brain, marrow, bones
Blood Deficiency shortage of blood due to loss of blood or insufficient production of blood
Blood Stagnation blood collects and pools in an area of the pathway
Heat in the Blood Hot blood, blood is effected by heat
translate tui na push pull
Internal exercise Qi Gong
external exercise Tai Chi
What is the Fundamental TCM book of Conversations Huang Di Ne Jing
Who are the Conversations between in the Huang Di Ne Jing Practitioner and the Yellow Emporer
What is the first herbal textbook Shen NongBen Cao Jing
What does TCM treat well Chronic Conditions
Which point does Wind enter in the back DU 14
Why do we consume herbs to get their energy
What does acupuncture use persons energy
Why use herbs with acupuncture if person is depleted of energy use herbs to get their energy
Treating the body from outside to inside acupuncture
treating the body from inside to outside herbs
2 caused of pathology internal or external
External causes 6 Evils
Which is the most important of 6 Evils and why Wind is the vehicle that brings all the other evils to the body
What are the internal evils 7 emotions
List 7 internal Emotions Joy, Anger, Worry, Overthinking, Sorrow, Fear, Shock
Organ associated with Joy Ht
Organ associated with anger LV
organ associated with worry SP/HT
organ associated with overthinking SP
organ associated with sorrow LU
organ associated with fear KD
organ associated with shock HT and KD
which treatment method is not used in USA induce vomit
How does sweat prevent a pathogen stops pathogen from coming into the body, sweat it out
Why do we clear heat in TCM because Heat will dry up fluids and cause stagnation
why do we induce in TCM to relieve constipation, have bowel movement
What does harmonizing do balance organs
why do we use treatment method of warming Yang deficiency-furnace is off
When do we use tonifying treatment Deficiency of Qi, Blood, Yang, Yin
when do we use eliminate treatment food or parasite
why is the treatment induce vomit used in TCM rid of toxins/poisons
Created by: mloft
Popular Acupuncture sets




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