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Random Vocab

Chemin Path
Ci-contre Opposite
Compagne Partner
Un coup de fil A phone call
Cesser To cease
Confondus Combined
Cela That
Communément Commonly
Certes Admittedly
Coup de main A helping hand
Cerveau Brain
Cacher To hide
Cour Playground
Culpabiliser To blame
Compter To count
Constater To state
Cerner To surround
Chômeurs Unemployed
Circoncepts Sceptics
Cadre Part
Colocisation House share
Cage à rats Rat cage
Canaliser To channel
Confie Says
Clés Keywords
Coups Punches
Consacrer To devote
Chauffage Heating
Compétent Qualified
Une couronne A crown
Conjoint Other half
Cohabitation People who live together
Les coups budgétaires Budget cuts
Couper To cut
Coûter To cost
Clère Clear
Coutume Custom
Colérique Bad-tempered
Constamment Constantly
Convenir To be suitable for
Cité Inner-city
Col Collar
Convoquer To summon
Couvre-feu Curfew
Coauteur Co-author
Cadre Framework
Collectivité Community
Célibataire Unmarried
Couteau Knife
Coup de couteau Stabbing
Cible Target / objective
Commettre To commit
Collecte de fonds Collection
Compte en banque Bank account
Compter To count
Constituer To form
Cacher To hide
Créance Debt
Ciel Sky
Corbeau Crow (bird)
Colle Glue
Contenter To satisfy
Châtagne Chestnut
Concierge Caretaker
Cri Cry / scream
Chef de Head of
Courant Common
Clandestinité Hiding
Croissance Growth / development
Chalutier Fishing boat
Chavirer To capsize
Cadavre Corpse
Chaleur Heat
Cauchemar Nightmare
Comptabiliser To count
Citer To quote / sight
Constat Statement
Caritatif Charitable
Cambrioleur Burglar
Courbature Muscle ache
Couette Duvet
Croiser To cross
Coller To stick
Coussin Cushion
Cerner To determine
Cadres Managers
Coût de Cost of
Casser To crack / break open
Cendres Ashes
Confier To be confined to
Crazy Fada
Caché Hidden
Camion Lorry
Confiance Trust
Camionneur Lorry driver
Cabane Cabin
Culte Worship
Croyance Belief
Conviction Opinion
Contraindre To force
Coupable Guilty
Condamnation Conviction
Casquette Cap
Compétences Skills
Capacités Abilities
Centaines de Hundreds of
Centrales nucléaires Nuclear power stations
Carburant Fuel
Comptabilité Accounting
Created by: DylDZ-ALevel
Popular French sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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