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Horizontal or Flat Organization Few/no levels of mngt. Less supervi& increas involv in decision making. Greater lvl of respons. Excess layers of mngt remove & increas effici/reduc costs/speed up comm. Decision streamlined.Lack directive or job duties. Generalists. Not good for bigorg.
Vertical or Hierarchical Organization Pyramid. All sub to someone in the org except top boss. Have clear sense of leadership in org & what responsib is. Promotion opp. Narrow field /expertise in one area. Dept loyalty ilikely. Focused on own interests. More bureaucracy slow down. Higher cost.
Matrix Organization Encourage interdisciplinary approaches to prob-solving. Difficu to manage &ineffective for large orgs. May be both vertical &horizontal chains of command & fewer formal rules & levels of hierarchy. Cause confusion, esp if there are dual lines of authority
Charles Abrams Created the New York Housing Authority. In 1965, he published The City is the Frontier, a book that was highly critical of US Federal policies surrounding slum clearance, urban renewal, and public housing
Thomas Adams Important planner during the Garden City movement. Secretary of the Garden City Association and became the first manager of Letchworth, UK. He developed a number of garden suburbs in England and later went on to teach planning at MIT and Harvard
Saul Alinsky An advocate of community organizing. Org Chicago’s poor in late 1930s& 1940s. In 1946, he published Reveille for Radicals, which encouraged poor to become involved in democracy. Later he publ Rules for Radicals, which provided its rules for community org
Sherry Arnstein Wrote “A Ladder of Citizen Participation” for the Journal of the American Planning Association in 1969. This article describes the levels of involvement by citizens depending on the form of participation utilized
Daniel Burnham A Chicago architect & prominent proponent ofCity Beautiful movement. He was the lead force behind the 1893 Columbian Exposition and later the 1909 Plan of Chicago. His most famous quote is “Make no little plans. They have no fire to stir men’s blood.”
Rachael Carson Wrote Silent Spring, an important book in environmental planning
Robert Moses Transformed NYC’s public works from the 1930’s through the 1950’s. He expanded the state’s park system and built numerous parkways. He also built parks, playgrounds, highways, bridges, tunnels, and public housing
John Nolen Designed Mariemont, Ohio and was a leading planner and landscape architect. He made substantial contributions including creating the first comprehensive plan in Florida, contributing to the park system in Madison Wisconsin and designing Venice, Florida
Fredrick Law Olmsted, Sr. Considered the father of landscape architecture. He is responsible for many of the nation’s most important parks including Central % Prospect Parks in NYC, Niagara Reservation &University campus landscapes. Part of the design team for Riverside, IL 1868
Clarance Perry Developed the neighborhood unit concept which was implemented in Radburn, New Jersey. He was a key contributor to the 1929 Regional Survey of New York and its Environs
Paolo Soleri Was an architect responsible for designing Arcosanti, an experimental utopian city in Arizona focused on minimizing the impact of development on the natural environment
Clarence Stein Designed Sunnyside Gardens in Queens, NY, Radburn, NJ and many other garden suburbs in the US. He was a major proponent of the garden city movement. He wrote New Town for America in 1951
Rexford Tugwell Head of Resettlement Administration during New Deal. He worked on greenbelt cities program, that sought construc ofself-suf cities. He was invol in devt of Arthurdale WV a Resettlement Admin Commu. Served on NYC Planning Commissionas gov of Puerto Rico
Sir Raymond Unwin Was an English town planner and designer of Letchworth. He later lectured at the University of Birmingham in England and Columbia university. He wrote Town Planning in Practice, published in 1909
Catherine Baver Wurster Was a founder of American housing policy. Worked to reform policy related to housing& city planning. Served as executive secretary of Regional Planning Association of America. Wrote Modern Housing & was influential in passage of the Housing Act of 1937
City Beautiful Movement Late1800s &early 1900s, cities were places ofpoverty, crime bligh tMvmt to address these issues thru expr of moral & civic virtues. Burnham was leader in promoting this mvmnt. Believed creating a beautiful city inspire residents to lead virtuous lives
Garden City Movement 1898, Ebenezer Howard wrote To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform. Later reissued in 1902 as Garden Cities of To-morrow. It explained the principles behind Garden City. After publishing, he formed the Garden City Association in England in 1899
The City Efficient aka City Functional or City Scientific A reaction against the City Beautiful Movement, which was seen as overlay focused on beauty and not sufficiently concerned with matters of function and efficiency. The City Beautiful movement was openly denounced at the first planning conference in 1909
The Land Ordinance of 1785 Provided for the rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest. The survey was completed following the end of the Revolutionary War and provided a systematic way to divide and distribute land to the public
Homestead Act 1862. Provided 160 acres of land to settlers for a fee of $18 &guarantee of 5 years of residence. The result was settlement of 270 mil acres or 10% of land area of US. In same year congress passed Morrill Act, allowed new Western States to est colleges
General Land Law Revision Act 1891. This Act provided the President with the power to create forest preserves by proclamation
First Amendment Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association
Fifth Amendment Just compensation for takings
Fourteenth Amendment Due process, substantive due process, procedural due process, equal protection
Welch v. Swasey US 1909. Court est right of cities to reg building height. An act in 1905 in MA enabled lim building heights & court ruled height discrim is based on reas ground, is prop exercise of police pow& not violate equal protect &due process clauses of 14th amend
Eubank v. City of Richmond State had statu auth cities make regs concern build of house in city in partic districts/along partic street to prescribe & est build lines or req prop owners in districts to leave certain % of lots free from buildings & reg height of build.Court upheld
Hadacheck v. Sebastian (US 1915) The court first approved the regulation of the location of land uses. The court found that a zoning ordinance in Los Angles that prohibited the production of bricks in a specific location did not violate the 14th amendment of the constitution
Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co If commu believed threat of nuisance zoning ord should be upheld. Key was if Village of Euclid’s zoning ord violated Due Process & Equal Protection clauses of14th Amend. Upheld modern zoning as a proper use of police power. Alfred Bettman filed brief
Nectow v. City of Cambridge (US 1928) 2 years after Euclid v. Ambler, Court used a rational basis test to strike down a zoning ordinance because it had now valid public purpose (police powers). The court ruled that it was a violation of the due process clause of the 14th amendment
Golden v. Planning Board of the Town of Ramapo (NY 1972) Court upheld a growth management system that awarded points to dev proposals based on availability of public utilities/services. A proposal would be approved upon reaching a point level. Dev could increase point total by providing facilities
Construction Industry of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma (US Appeals 1975) The court upheld quotas on the annual number of building permits issued
Associated Home Builders of Greater East Bay of City of Livermore (CA 1976) The Court upheld temporary moratoriums on building permits.
Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States (2013) Court found 1875 General Railroad right-of-way act grants an easement for the railroad’s land. When the railroad company abandons the land, it should be settled as an easement & if easement is abandoned, easement disappears& land reverts to previous owner
Massachusetts v. EPA, Inc. (US 2006) The court held that the EPA must provide a reasonable justification for why it would not regulate greenhouse gases.
Rapanos v. United States (US 2006) The court found that the army corp of engineers must determine whether there is a significant nexus between a wetland and a navigable waterway.
SD Warren v. Maine Board of Environmental Protection (US 2006) The court found that hydroelectric dams are subject to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act.
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project Inclus Commu Prjt claim TX Dpt of Hous & Commu Affair disproport grant tax creds to dev in minor nbhds & deny creds to dev in whte nbhds. SC held disparate impact is appropr stndrd to apply to Fair Hous A. Pol inadvert reg minor to poor areas violate FHA
Young v. American Mini Theaters, Inc. (US 1976) The court upheld a zoning scheme that decentralized sexually oriented businesses in Detroit.
Metromedia, Inc. V. City of San Diego (US 1981) The court found that commercial and non-commercial speech cannot be treated differently. The court overruled an ordinance that banned all off-premise signs because it effectively banned noncommercial signs
Members of City Council v. Taxpayers for Vincent SC upheld LA ord thtbanned attaching signs to utl poles. SC found reg of signs valid for aesthetic reas if ord did not reg content of sign. If reg based on sign content must be justi by compel govinterest. SC found aesthetics does adv legitstate interest
City of Renton v. Playtime Theaters SC upheld ord limit sex oriented busi to single zon dist. SC found plac restric on time/place/manner of adult ent is accept. Ord was treat second effec not content. SCfound city doesnot guaran availabe land, reason price. City cant entir prohib adult ent
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Person act of 2000 Declares no gov may implement land use reg in manner that imposes a substantial burden on religious assem/instit unless gov demonstrates imposition of burden both is in furth of compel gov interest & least restric means of furth that compel gov interest.
Reed v. Town of Gilbert, AZ Church in school placed signs announc time/loca of church. Gilb sign ord restric size/#/duration/loca of tempsigns)Gilb told church it viola code w tempsigns. SC found cant impose more string restric on signs for pub meeting than other. Not content neut
United States v. Gettysburg Electric Railway Company (US 1896) The court ruled that the acquisition of the national battlefield at Gettysburg served a valid public purpose. This was the 1st significant legal case dealing with historic preservation.
Pennsylvania Coal v. Mahon (US 1922) The court found that if a regulation goes too far it will be recognized as a taking. This was the 1st takings ruling and defined a taking under the 5th amendment.
Berman v. Parker (US 1954) The court held that aesthetics is a valid public purpose. The court also found that urban renewal is a valid public purpose
Fred French Investing Co. v. City of NY City had put in place a regulation that required the placement of a public park on private property, leaving no income producing use of the property. The court invalidated the regulation, but it was not ruled as a taking that should receive compensation.
Penn Central Transportation Co. v. The City of New York SC found NYC Lndmrk Pres Law w Grand Central not taking. SC found taking based on extent of loss of value/interfer w invest expect/charac of gov action SCweighed econ impact of reg on investbacked expec & charac of reg to deter if reg deprive prop right
Agins v. City of Tiburon They acq 5 acres of unimproved land for res dev. Ord place their prop in zone w 1 u/a. They sued city alleging city take their prop w/o just comp in viol of 5th/14th amend & ord unconsti. SC upheld city right to zone prop at lowdensity &determ not taking
Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corporation TV comp instal cables on build to serve tenants of build& to serve other build. Prop owner brought suit claiming that allowing TV comp to occupy land was taking. SC found that gov authorized a permanent physical occu of private prop a taking req just comp
First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Glendale v. County of Los Angeles Court found that if a prop is unusable for period of time, then ord be set aside& prop owner can subject gov to pay damages. The court found that the county could either purchase the property outright or revoke the ord & pay church for losses during trial
Keystone Bituminous Coal Association v. DeBenedicts PA Bitumi Mine Subsid & Lnd Consv act prohi coal mine cause subsidence damag to exist pub build/dwell/cemeter. Req 50% of coal beneath 4protect struct kept in place to provi surf sup. Coal Asso said taking. SC found not taking & justif by the pub interest
FCC v. Florida Power Corporation (US 1987) Public utilities challenged a federal statute that authorized the FCC to regulate rents charged by utilities to cable TV operators for use of utility poles. The court found a taking had not occurred
Nollan v. California Coastal Commission whether CA Coast Commis req owners of beach prop seek bp need to maintain beach acces is takin viol 5/14th amen. SC agree legt interest serve maintain pub acces beach along coast, but CA must provide just comp to beach prop owner for pub use of their land
Lucas v. South Carolina Costal Council SCfound there is taking if there is total reduc in value after reg is in place (except where derived from state’s law of property & nuisance). SC found that Lucas purchased the land prior to the dev reg being put in place & said reg constituted a taking
Dolan v. Tigard SC ovrtrn exact req dedi of portion of fldpln for bike path by busi wnt to expand. SCfound not enough of connect b/w exact req & dev Conditi that req deed of porti of prop to gov can be justi but clear relati b/w nature & extent of propo dev. Rough propor
Suitum v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Suitum owned an undev lot near Lake Tahoe & Tahoe RPA found lot couldnt be dev under reg but Suitum could sell dev rights underTDR prog. SC ruled Suitum did not have to attempt to sell development rights before filing a regulatory taking suit
City of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey SC upheld award of $1.45 mil in favor of dev based on city repeat denials of dev permit for 190-unit resi complex on ocean prop. The dev confor w city’s comp plan &zoning ord. SC found repeat denials of permits depriv own of all econ viable use of land
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island If own acq title to a prop after reg in place could bring take claim under 5th. Own claim invrse condmn against RI coast resourc mgmnt council bc own deni permit to fill landsto constrct club. SC found acq of title after regdate doesnt bar reg taki claim
Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Tahoe RPA imposed 2 moratoria on dev in the Lake Tahoe Basin while the agency formulated a comprehensive plan for the area. A group of prop owners sued, claiming a taking. SC found that the moratoria did not constitute a taking requiring compensation
Lingle v. Chevron USA SC overturned part of Agins v. City of Tiburon. said reg of prop does effect a taking if does not substan advance legit state inter. SC found Takings clause chal had to be based on severit of burden reg imposed, not effectiveness of reg in furth gov inter
City of Rancho Palos Verde v. Abrams (US 2005)The court ruled that a licensed radio operator that was denied a constitutional use permit for an antenna could not seek damages because it would distort the congressional intent of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
Kelo v. City of New London (US 2005) SC ruled that economic dev, even if it involves taking land for private dev, is a valid use of eminent domain. The court reasoned that it is not a position to determine the amount or character of land needed for a particular public project
Stop the Beach Renourishment Inc. v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (2009) The Supreme Court ruled that submerged lands would be filled by the state for beach reclamation did not constitute a taking of property without just compensation (in violation of the 5th and 14th amendments).
Koontz v. St. John’s River Water Management Koontz reques bp from St John to dev addit land. St John agree iss bp w condit Koontz deed rest of prop to conserv area&mitig work. Koontz refused mitig work & denied app. SCfavor of Koontz noting no specif reg req dedication & mitig work.Taking occurred
Munn v. Illinois SC found that a state law reg pricing did not constitute a taking &violation of due process. SC est principle of public reg of private busi in pub interest. SC found reg of private prop doesnt violate due process when the reg is necessary for public good
Village of Belle Terre v. Boaraas SC upheld a reg that prohib 2+ unrelated individ from living together as single-family. SC found that commu has power to control lifestyles/values. SC extended concept of zoning under police power to include a commun desire for certain types of lifestyles
Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation Denied a rezoning prop from R-F to RMF. The dev want build integrated low/moderateincome hous. Village deni rezon and dev filed suit that denial racist/violatEqual Protect of 14th/Fair Housing Act. SC found insuf evidence to prove racism. Overtrn lwr crt
Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mount Laurel (NJ 1975) The court found that Mount Laurel had exclusionary zoning that prohibited multifamily, mobile home, or low- to moderate-income housing. The court required the town to open its doors to those of all income levels
City of Boerne v. Flores Challenged Religi Freedom Restoration Act. City of Borne TX prohib church historic district expand. SC ruled act unconsti exercise of congressional power that exceeded powers of 14th. City & church agree leave 80% of church intact/new 750-seat auditorium.
Concentric Circle Theory Ernest Burgess 1925, studied growth of Chicago. Believed cities grow in rings&land use based on distance from downtown. 1 CBD (gov/office/com uses) 2 industrial zone 3 transition zone(industrial/low income hou) 4 middle class 5 commuter zone/higher income
Bid Rent Curve Explains land use patterns based on how much people are willing to pay for land, based on profits that are likely to receive from maintain a busi on that land. CBD has the highest number of customers,the most profit & is at the steep end of bid rent curve
Sector Theory Homer Hoyt 1939 was in the real estate busi in Chicago & was interested in high end resi dev. Hoyt disagreed w Burgess conception of city growth & argued land uses vary based on transp routes. City was a series of sectors radiating out from center of city
Multiple Nuclei Theory Harris and Ullman in 1945. They argued that cities develop a series of specific land use nuclei. A land use nucleus is formed because of accessibility to natural resources, clustering of similar uses, land prices, and the repelling power of land uses
Central Place Theory Walter Christaller 1993 explain site& spacing of cities. States there is a min market threshold to bring a firm to city & max range of people willing to travel to receive goods/services. It is useful way of understanding hierarchy of retail estab in city
Rational Planning The basic steps are to: 1. Set goals 2. Determine Alternatives 3. Evaluate the Alternatives 4. Choose an Alternative 5. Implement the Alternative 6. Evaluate Cannot be used for wicked problems. Must have perfect knowledge of all factors
Bounded Rationality Herbert Simon. Accepts that the human mind is limited in its ability to solve problems. We instead choose alternatives that are good enough. Simon argued that the rational “economic man” should be replaced by the administrative man who satisfices.
Incremental Planning 1959 Charles Lindblom published “The Science of Muddling Through” which introduced this concept. He argued that people make their plans and decisions in an incremental manner, accomplishing their goals through a series of successive, limited comparisons
Mixed Scanning Amitai Etzioni intro concept as a mix between rational & incremental planning theories. Views planning decisions at 2 levels: big & small picture. Argued policyshaping deci should based on rational analysis of altern. Implem deci use incremental approach
Advocacy Planning 1960 Paul Davidoff way to represent interests of groups within a commu. Plan was based on public interest. Plan for good of whole results inadequate repres for many group. He argued plan should repres special interest group rather acting for good of whole
Equity Planning Norman Krumholtz Cleveland 1970. Help make needs of poor priority. Planners should work to redistrib power/resources/partici from elite, to poor. Emphasis given to process of personal/organizational devel. Plans evaluated on improvemen to quality of life.
Radical Planning 1987 John Friedman wrote Planning in the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action. It involves taking power away from the government and giving it to the people. In this process citizens get together and develop their own plans
Communicative Planning Theoryofnow. Planners moved towards intens citiz participa process. Planning contains variety of stakeholder intere. Use rational model as basis forbringing understanding among stakeholders. Planners provide info & bring people together to discuss issues
Mugler v. Kansas (1887) in which the Supreme Court found that a state had the right to regulate a brewery
Created by: etreat
Popular American Government sets




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