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Chapter 15 & 16

Avitamosis (hypovitimosis) A condition that developes as a result of lack of vitamins
Hypervitaminosis overdose of vitamins
Minerals Nonorganic materials found in the earths crust. Iron-may help prevent macular degeneration
Anemia A condition in which the number of red blood cells or amt. of hemoglobin is less than normal
Essintial Fatty Acids EFA Molecules found in fats that are not produced by the body but are necessary for proper function
Antioxidants Agents that inhibit oxidation thereby neutralizing the effect of free radicals Believed to play a part in tissue damage and the aging process.
Fiber Food substance found only in plants that is not digested by gastrointestinal enzymes. broccoli, cauliflower
Vitamin A fish oils (cod liver), dairy, carrots, spinach nightblindness
Vitamin D dairy, ultraviolet radiation...Rickets, enables the body to absorb calcium
Vitamin K spinach, broccoli...hemorragic tendency, needed for blood to clot normally
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) nuts, seed, wheat deficiency, boost the immune system
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) yeast, liver...beriberi
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) milk, kidney, liver...dermatitis
Niacin (Nicotinic Acid) tuna, peanuts, liver...pellagra (raw skin)
Bitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) molasses, milk, lesions
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) eggs, legumes, deficiencies
Folic acid green leafy vegetables, cantaloupe...Macrocytic anima
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) animal tissue, liver...Pernicious anima
Vitamin C (Asorbic acid) berries, citrus fruits(must be fresh)...scurvy
Iron iron has long been known to be an essintial component of blood hemoglobin, iron deficiency common in teens
ferrous sulfate Feosol iron suppliment
ferrous gluconate Fergon iron suppliment
Calcium & Phosphorus Unlike iron deficiencies, conditions arising from calcium and phosphorus deficiencies are usually due to metabolic problems rather than nutritional deficiencies.
Osteoporosis A condition in which there is thinning of the calcified portions of bone owing to deficient formation of bone matrix.
calcium gluconate commercial preparation of calcium
Potassium maintains water and electrolyte concentrations within the body tissues and cells
Name 3 potassium drugs Slow-K, Ten-K, K-Dur 10 (commercial preparation)
Define Antibotics Substances that kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms
Broad-spectrum antibotics an antibotic that is effictive against many microorganisms
Narrow-spectrum antibotics an antibotic that is effective against only a few microorganisms
What type of penicillin was developed to better absorb orally and also treat respiratory infections,cutaneous anthrax, ginivitis penicillin V potassium (Pen VK- children)
amoxicillin Amoxil (semisynthetic)
amoxicillin/clavulanic acid- Augmentin (semisynthetic)
cephalosporins also derived from mold, related to penicillin 4 generations
first-generation cephalosporins effective against streptococci and some strains of staphlococci...Duricef
second-generation cephalosporins In addition to activity against strep and staph, these agents are also effective against Haemophilus influenza...Ceclor
third-generation cephalosporins effective against gram-negative invaders of the gastrointestional and uniary tracts- Rocephin
fourth-generation cephalosporins Only one of these agents is available at present; Maxipime is used to treat urinary tract infections, including those associated with pyelonephritis
cefadroxil Duricef...1st generstion
cephalexin Keflex...1st generation
cefaclor Ceclor...2nd generation
cefprozil Cefzil...2nd generation
cefdinir Omnicef...3rd generstion
cefixime Suprax...3rd generation
ceftriaxone sodium Rocephin...3rd generation
cefepime hydrochloride Maxipime...4th generation
Tetracyclines broad spectrum antibotic that is effecteve against many organisms, particularly those infecting the resiratory system and soft tissues...Rocky Mountain spotted fever minocin (macrolides)
doxycycline hyclate Vibramycin (eythromycins)
minocycline hydrochloride Minocin
Erythromycins effective against gram-positive cocci...streptococci
erythromycin ethylsuccinate EES,Ery-Ped (erythromycins)
azithromycin Zithromax (erythromycins)
clarithromycin Biaxin(erythromycins)
dirithromycin Dynabac(erythromycins)
ciprofloxacin Cipro tx: UTI (antimicrobials)
gatifloxacin Tequin tx: effective against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative organisms (antimicrobials)
levoflaxacin Levaquin tx: sinus, respiratory tract infections (antimicrobials)
moxiflaxacin hydrochloride Avelox tx: UTI (antimicrobial)
ofloxacin Floxin tx: STD's(antimicrobial)
sulfonamide drugs "sulfa drugs" combat infection in the body by checking the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms, must maintain adequate fluid intake
clindamycin hydrochloride Cleocin tx: respiratory tract infections (antibiotic/sulfonamide)
gentamisin sulfate Garamycin tx: GU infections (antibotics/sulfonamide)
metronidazol Flagyl tx: trichomoniasis (antibiotic/sulfonamids)
vancomycin hydrochloride Vancocin tx: septicemia (antiboitic/sulfonamide)
sulfasalazine Azulfidine tx: Crohn's (antiboitic/sulfonamide)
co-trimoxazole(trimethoprim & sulfamethoxazole) Bactrim tx: otitis media, UTI's(antiboitics/sulfonamide)
Fungi eukaryotic organisms that contain no chorophyll or vascular tissue, survive by growing on or absorbing nutrients from surrounding matter...tinea pedis (athlets foot), thrush
Virus microscopic infectious agent that requires living host cells for metabloism, when it enters the host cell the virus is able to reproduce and mutate
fluconazole Diflucan tx: vaginal candidiasis (antifungal)
itraconazole Sporanox tx: stemic fungal infections in immunocompromised patients (antifungal)
terbinafine hydrochloride Lamisil tx: orally for toe or finger nail fungus (antifungal)
acyclovir sodium Zovirax tx: chickenpox, herpes simplex (antiviral)
famciclovir Famvir tx: genital herpes (antiviral)
oseltamivir Tamiflu tx: influenza A&B (antiviral)
abacavir Ziagen tx: Aids (antiviral)
crotamiton Eurax tx:lice, scabies
lindane Kwell tx:head lice, scabies
permethrin topical cream Elimite tx: scabies
Created by: jfrane
Popular Pharmacology sets




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