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break down __ . averiarse, estropearse . __
break into __ . introducirse / meterse en . __
break up __ . romper / cortar / dejar (una relación) . __
bring up __ . educar, criar . __
brush up on __ . repasar . __
carry on __ . seguir, continuar . __
catch on __ . entender, captar . __
check out __ . mirar . __
check up on __ . controlar . __
clean up: __ . limpiar . __
come across as __ . parecer . __
come along __ . aparecer, salir . __
come back __ . volver . __
come up with __ . ocurrirse . __
creep over __ . cernerse, envolver . __
cut across __ . atravesar, atajar (por) . __
cut down on __ . reducir (el consumo de) . __
cut in __ . interrumpir . __
cut off __ . cortarse, bloquear la entrada a . __
cut out for __ . valer / estar hecho / a para . __
die out __ . desaparecer, extinguirse . __
drop out __ . dejar / abandonar (los estudios) . __
end up __ . terminar, acabar . __
fall behind __ . retrasarse, quedarse atrás . __
get across __ . expresar; hacer entender . __
get along __ . llevarse (bien), congeniar . __
get around to __ . tener / sacar tiempo para . __
get away with __ . salirse con la suya, irse de rositas . __
get on with __ . continuar / seguir con . __
get over __ . olvidar(se) de / a; superar . __
give away __ . repartir, distribuir . __
give in __ . rendirse, darse por vencido/a . __
give up __ . rendirse, darse por vencido/a . __
go away __ . irse, marcharse . __
go backwards __ . retroceder / volver atrás en el tiempo . __
go into __ . dedicarse a . __
go off __ . estropearse, echarse a perder . __
go over __ . repasar . __
grow apart __ . distanciarse . __
grow up __ . crecer . __
hang around __ . pasar / echar el rato . __
hide away __ . esconder, ocultar . __
keep on __ . seguir, continuar . __
keep up __ . seguir el ritmo . __
laugh down at __ . hacer callar riéndose a . __
let down __ . decepcionar / defraudar . __
let in __ . dejar entrar . __
lighten (something) up __ . distender / suavizar (algo) . __
live through __ . pasar . __
live up to __ . estar a la altura de, mantener . __
look in un __ . visitar . __
look up to __ . admirar / idolatrar a . __
make up __ . formarse, componerse . __
make up for __ . compensar (a alguien) por . __
move on __ . pasar página, seguir adelante . __
pay (someone) back __ . devolver dinero (a alguien) . __
put off __ . aplazar, posponer . __
put up with __ . tolerar, soportar, aguantar . __
rent out __ . poner en alquiler, alquilar . __
run out of __ . quedarse sin . __
set off/ out __ . salir, ponerse en camino . __
shop around __ . comparar precios . __
show (someone) around __ . hacer un recorrido (por un lugar) / enseñar / mostrar a alguien . __
splash out __ . gastar(se) un dineral, tirar la casa por la ventana . __
stand up for __ . defender . __
tale after __ . parecerse a . __
take (something) back __ . llevarse (algo) consigo; devolver (algo) . __
take out __ . sacar . __
take over __ . extenderse por; hacerse con el control . __
talk over __ . hablar sobre . __
throw away __ . desperdiciar; desechar, tirar . __
tick off __ . poner una marca a . __
top off __ . rematar, culminar . __
try out __ . experimentar . __
turn against __ . ponerse en / volverse contra . __
turn back __ . dar(se) la / media vuelta; echarse atrás . __
turn down __ . rechazar . __
turn into __ . convertir(se) en . __
turn off __ . cortar . __
turn on __ . encender (un aparato) . __
turn out __ . salir, resultar . __
turn up __ . presentarse . __
walk in __ . entrar . __
work out __ . resolver; hacer ejercicio . __
Created by: ACV
Popular English Verbs sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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