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Energy systems

Every function of the body eg muscle contraction, digestion, breathing, repar & growth requires what ? Energy
To power functions of the body what has to occur continual chemical reactions at a celluar level
To function all living organisms require which high energy molecule ? ATP Adenosine Triphosphate
what is the energy currency of cellular life & the only fuel the human body recognises & uses ATP Adenosine Triphosphate
How does ATP Adenosine Triphosphate obtain its captured chemical energy ? Breakdown of food molecules
why does ATP Adenosine Triphosphate release its energy ? to fuel other celluar processes
How many phosphate molecules and Adenosine molecules bond to make ATP Adenosine Triphosphate ? 3 Phosphate + 1 Adenosine Molecule
what incredible ability does ATP Adenosine Triphosphate hold it regenerates itself
To supply the body with its daily energy needs, how many times a day does an ATP molecule regenerate 2000 to 3000 thousand a day
At what point does ATP Adenosine Triphosphate release its energy when one if its high energy phosphate bonds is broken
what happens to an ATP phosphate bond when it is broken its is converted to ADP Adenosine Diphosphate
Once stores of ATP Adenosine Triphosphate have been used what happens It has to be remade
How is ATP Adenosine Triphosphate remade after stores have been used up the breakdown of phosphocreatine or certain nutrients eg carbs, fat & protein
the breakdown of phosphocreatine & certain nutrients eg carbs, fat & protein make up which energy source ATP Adenosine Triphosphate
what is phosphocreatine a chemical in the body used in making ATP Adenosine Triphosphate
where is the store of ATP Adenosine Triphosphate very limited ? In the muscles
how long does ATP Adenosine Triphosphate last in the muscles 1 to 2 seconds
How is "ADP" Adenosine Diphosphate produced when one energy phosphate bonds are broken
Name the 3 Energy systems (CP) Creatine Phosphate - Lactate - Aerobic
what system provides ATP to primarily fuel high intensity explosive activities eg shot put, 100m sprint or power lifting the (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
Besides providing ATP with fuel for Highy Intensity exercise which system also is used ti initiate most movement regardless of intensity ? the (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
in which tissue is (CP) Creatine Phosphate readily available Muscle tissue
which energy system is readily available in muscle tissue and doesnt have to wait for the heart to push oxygen to specific areas the (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
Which system regenerates ATP almost immediately by using its phosphate molecule (CP )Creatine Phosphate
whats the maximum in seconds before the (CP )Creatine Phosphate is exhausted 10 seconds
the enzyme "creatine kinase" breaks down which high energy system bond (CP )Creatine Phosphate
which energy system is is used to predominantly fuel high intensity exercise lasting "longer" than 10 seconds Lactate energy system
give examples of exercise activity that would use the the (CP) Creatine Phosphate system 100m sprint, shot put, power lifting
which energy system would most likely be used for explosive activity lasting "less" than 10 seconds (CP )Creatine Phosphate
give examples of exercise activity that would use the the "lactate" energy system 400M race
whats the name for stored carbohydrates in muscles Glycogen
which energy system can also be involved in lower intensity exercise when the demand for oxygen & glycogen stored in the liver cannot be met Lactate energy system
What stores does the lactate energy system tap into to fuel ATP Glycogen (stored form of carbohydrate)
what does the lactate energy system break down glycogen into without the use of oxygen ? Glucose
what is glucose continually being converted to in the body ? Lactic Acid
How does lactic acid accumulate ? rate of production exceeds the bodys ability to get rid of it
When does lactic acid become a problem when it starts to accumulate
What eventually happens in exercise activity when lactic acid build up becomes to much the activity will eventually stop
Lactic acid build up causing activity to halt is know as what ? OBLA - Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation
Give examples of sensation that occur as OBLA - Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation starts Laboured breathing/breathlesness - heavy limbs & pain (the burn)
Its a common myth that "burning sensation" felt during high intensity anaerobic exercise is lactic acid. although lactic acid levels are high at this time explain the actual cause (H+) Hydrogen ions are produced as a result of anaerobic hydrolysis
anaerobic hydrolysis produces which ions (H+) Hydrogen ions
what kind of training improves the bodys ability to delay or prevent lactic acid build up Targeted interval training
Which kind of training uses up the glycogen stored in muscles quickly Aerobic or Anareobic ? Anareobic
What period in minutes should a strenuous anaerobic activity set last before your recovery period prior to the next set 1 to 3 minutes
How should the recovery period between a strenuous anaerobic activity set be used - Active or Inactive ? Active
why should the recovery period between a strenuous anaerobic activity set be active ? to aid the return of blood to the liver
Insufficient recovery periods or static rest between strenuous anaerobic activity sets may stop lactic acid being what not dispersed in time for the next set/interval
what does aerobic mean with oxygen
which system produces ATP from the complete breakdown of cars,fat & protein in the presence of oxygen ? the aerobic system
which energy system is dominant when there is enough oxygen in the cells to meet energy production needs ? the aerobic system
at what intensity level is the aerobic energy system dominant low to moderate activity & at rest
which system supplies the oxygen to the aerobic system circulatory system
Fat (fatty acids) & Carbohydrate (Glucose) are the two main macronutrients that supply the ATP during during which energy system metabolism Aerobic
carbon dioxide, water & heat from the breakdown of fat & carbs are the by-products of which energy system ? Aerobic
How is the by-product (carbon dioxide) of the Aerobic Energy system easily removed (exhaled) eg transported to the lungs via the circulatory system
How is the by-product (water) of the Aerobic Energy system easily removed sweating
the complete breakdown of a single glucose molecule regenerates how many moles of ATP 36 moles (263kcal)
the complete breakdown of a single fat molecule (1 glycerol + 3 fatty acids) regenerates how many moles of ATP 460 moles
Which is the greater ATP energy molecule supplier - Fat or Carbohydrate FAT - 460 ATP moles but slower release than carbohydrate
Which is the preferred ATP energy molecule supplier - Fat or Carbohydrate Carbohydrate - less ATP moles but a lot faster release
Although Carbohydrate release far less energy per molecule than Fat molecules why is carbohydrate the better ATP energywise releases a lot faster
which is the only energy system that uses oxygen Aerobic
which energy system allows ATP to regenerate almost immediately the (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
which energy system breaks glycogen down into glucose without oxygen Lactate energy system
which energy system chiefly uses carbs & fat for fuel aerobic
which energy system chiefly "does not" use protein unless carbohydrate availability is low ? aerobic
Use of Oxygen by the cells of the body is known ? (VO2) oxygen uptake/consumption
(VO2) is known as the use of what by the cells of the body oxygen
When at rest the bodys oxygen uptake (VO2) is about " ?ml " of oxygen per kg of bodyweight per minute 3.5ml
millilitres of oxygen per Kg of bodyweight per minute (ml/kg/min) is also known as "1" what 1 metabolic eqiuvalent or MET
(MET) 1 metabolic eqiuvalent = (ml/kg/min) TRUE or FALSE ? true
Exercise intensity (low/med/high) can be gauged according to the amount of oxygen uptake (VO2) required, also know as ? your MET'S
The max amount of oxygen a person can take in, transport & utilise provides an indication to a persons what ? Fitness
The more oxygen a person can take in & use via muscles the higher intensity that person can work at making that person what ? Fitter
what is (VO2max) ? The maximal oxygen uptake a can person can manage
what is generally accepted as the best way to measure a persons fitness levels measuring their (VO2max)
How do you measure a persons (VO2max) either directly or estimated using various aerobic fitness tests
At what level do all 3 energy systems produce energy ? Celluar
which energy production system occurs in small cell structures called mitochondria aerobic
the aerobic energy production system occurs in small cell structures called ? mitochondria
describe mitochondria small cell structures
The name "powerhouse" is given to what structure of cells mitochondria
What are the 2 systems that are part of Anaerobic energy production ? (CP) Creatine Phosphate & The Lactate systems
where does Anaerobic energy production "(CP) Creatine Phosphate & The Lactate systems" occur in the muscle cells (but outside the mitochondria)
Anaerobic energy production "(CP) Creatine Phosphate & The Lactate systems occurs inside the mitochondria TRUE or FALSE FALSE its outside in the muscle cells
To achieve greater potential for aerobic ATP production of a cell. A larger and more plentiful supply of cell structures known as what are needed mitochondria
To run, swim or cycle at a higher intensity for a sustained period without fatigue would require a more plentiful and larger supply of what cell structures mitochondria
all 3 energy systems work independently of eachother - TRUE or FALSE FALSE
All 3 energy systems work together providing the body with energy - TRUE or FALSE TRUE
A golf swing, 100m sprint or shot put would mainly use which energy system ? (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
A 400m sprint or squash/tennis rally would mainly use which energy system ? Lactate system
A long distance run/marathon would mainly use which energy system ? Aerobic
No matter what the sport/activity what actually determines the energy system used by the body is ? the intensity & duration
which energy system used in activity could also rely on a persons level of what ? fitness
which activity would burn more fatty acids - walking the dog or 100m sprint walking the dog
in a high intense activity like 100m sprint what fuel would be used almost exclusively glucose
a low intense activity like slow paced walk would use mainly what fuel fatty acids
where does ATP production take place ? in the muscle cells
which energy system has a very rapid speed of energy production (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
which energy system uses the energy source (stored chemical energy) phosphocreatine ? (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
which energy system is very limited in ATP production (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
which energy system produces no by products eg no fatiguing waste products (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
which energy system has a very high intensity of activity (95% to 100% max effort (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
which energy system has a quick recovery (30 secs to 5 mins) (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
which energy system has mainly type 2b fiber types ? (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
which two energy systems are anaerobic oxygen dependent (CP) Creatine Phosphate system + Lactate System
which energy system has a rapid speed of energy production Lactate System
which energy system uses the energy source Glycogen ? Lactate System
Lactate System
which energy system produces the by-products lactic acid ? Lactate System
which energy systems duration of energy production is short lasting (0 to 10 secs) (CP) Creatine Phosphate system
which energy systems duration of energy production lasts (1 to 3 mins of intense activity) Lactate System
which energy system has a high intensity of activity (60 to 95% max effort) Lactate System
which energy system required a recovery period of 20mins to 2hours (breakdown of lactic acid) Lactate System
which energy system has mainly type 2a fiber types ? Lactate System
which two energy systems are aerobic oxygen dependent Aerobic System
which energy system has a slow speed of energy production Aerobic System
which energy system uses the energy sources Fat & Glycogen Aerobic System
which energy system is unlimited in ATP production Aerobic System
which energy system produces no fatiguing waste by-products l(only carbon dioxide & water) Aerobic System
which energy systems duration of energy production is long Aerobic System
which energy system has a low to moderate intensity of activity (upto 60% max effort) Aerobic System
which energy system has a required recovery period to eat & drink (to replenish fuel stores) Aerobic System
which energy system has mainly type 1 fiber types ? Aerobic System
Created by: LeeNelson
Popular Fitness sets




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