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Chapter 5

Infection Control - Cosmetology

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) A disease that breaks down the body's immune system. Caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus.
Acquired Immunity Immunity that the body develops after overcoming a disease, through inoculation or through exposure to natural allergens such as pollen, cat dander, and ragweed.
Allergy Reaction due to extreme sensitivity to certain foods, chemicals, or other normally harmless substances.
Antiseptics Chemical germicide formulated for use on skin; registered and regulated by the Food and Drug Adminstration (ADA).
Asymptomatic Showing no symptoms or signs of infection.
Bacilli Singular: bacillus. Short, rod-shaped bacteria. They are the most common bacteria and produce diseases such as tetanus, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and diptheria.
Bacteria Once-celled microorganisms that have both plant and animal characteristics. Some are harmful; some are harmless.
Bacterial Spores Bacteria capable of producing a protective coating that allows them to withstand very harsh environments, and shed the coating when conditions become more favorable.
Bactericidal Capable of destroying bacteria.
Binary Fission The division of bacteria cells into two new cells called daughter cells.
Biofilms Colonies of bacteria that adhere to gether and adhere to environmental surfaces.
Bloodborn Pathogens Disease - causing microorganisms carried in the body by blood or body fluids, such as hepatitis and HIV.
Chelating Soaps Also known as chelating detergents; they break down stubborn films and remove the residue of pedicure products such as scrubs, salts, and masks.
Cocci Round-shaped bacteria that appear singly (alone) or in groups. The three types of cocci are staphylococci, strepticocci, and diplococci.
Contagious Disease Also knows as communicable disease; disease that is spread from one person to another person. Some of the more contagious diseases are the common cold, ringworm, pinkeye and viral infections.
Contamination The presence, or the reasonably anticipated presence, of blood or other potentially infections materials on an item's surface or visible debris or residues such as dust, hair and skin.
Diagnosis Determination of the nature of the disease from its symptoms and/or diagnostic tests.
Diplococci Spherical bacteria that grow in pairs and cause diseases such as pneumonia
Direct Transmission Transmission of blood or body fluids through touching, kissing, coughing, sneezing and talking.
Disease An abnormal condition of all or part of the body, or its systems or organs, which makes the body incapable of carrying on normal function.
Disinfectants Chemical products approved by the EPA designed to destroy most bacteria (excluding spores), fungi, and viruses on surfaces.
Disinfection A chemical process that destroys most, but not necessarily all, harmful organisms on environmental surfaces.
Efficacy The ability to produce an effect.
Exposure Incident Contact with non-intact (broken) skin, blood, body fluid, or other potentially infectious material that is the result of the performance of an employees duties.
Flagella Slender, hair-like extensions used by bacilli and spirilla for locomotion (moving about). May aka Cilia
Folliculitis Barbae Synonym tinea barbae. Also known as barbers itch ,inflammation of the hair follicles caused by a bacterial infection from ingrown hairs.
Fungi Single-cell organisms that grow in irregular masses that include molds, mildews, and yeasts.
Fungicidal Capable of destroying fungi.
Hepatitis A bloodborne virus that causes disease and can damage the liver
Hospital Disinfectants Disinfectants that are effective for cleaning blood and body fluids.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV; virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Human Papilloma Virus Abbreviated HPV; a virus that causes warts in humans, but also the cause of cervical cancer in women. AKA Plantar wars in feet.
Immunity The ability of the body to destroy and resist infection. Immunity against disease can be either natural or acquired, and is a sign of good health.
Indirect Transmission Transmission of blood or body fluids through contact with an intermediate contaminated object such as a razor, extractor, nipper or an environmental surface.
Infection The invasion of body tissues by disease-causing pathogens.
Created by: aminish123
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