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ASD 1 Chapter 7A

summer activities

alquilar to rent
rentar to rent
los anteojos de sol the sunglasses
las gafas de (para) sol the sunglasses
la arena the sand
el balneario the beach resort
el barquito the little boat
bucear to scuba dive
el buceo the scuba diving
el buceador the scuba diver
la cámara digital the digital camera
la cancha the court (basketball/volleyball
la crema solar the suntan lotion
el esquí acuático the water skiing
Está nublado. It's cloudy.
Hace buen tiempo. It's nice weather.
Hace calor. It's hot.
Hace sol. It's sunny.
Llueve. It's raining / it rains.
una loción bronceadora the tanning lotion
el mar the sea
nadar to swim
la nube the cloud
la ola the wave (of water)
pasar (tiempo) to spend (time)
la piscina the swimming pool
la alberca the swimming pool
la plancha de vela the windsurfing; the windsurf board
la playa the beach
practicar to practice
el sol the sun
la tabla hawaiana the surfboard
una temperatura alta a high temperature
la toalla the towel
el traje de baño the bathing suit
el bañador the bathing suit
el verano the summer
el voleibol; el vóleibol; el volíbol the volleyball
la cabaña the cabin
el campamento the camp
la canoa the canoe
la moto de agua the jetski
acampar to camp; go camping
cortar leña to cut wood
cortar el césped to mow the lawn
gozar to enjoy
dar* una caminata to take a hike
ir* en kayak to kayak; go kayaking
levantar las pesas to lift weights
ir* en patineta; andar en monopatín to skateboard
sacar fotos; tomar fotos to take pictures
broncearse; tomar el sol to tan; sunbathe
trabajar en los campos to work in the fields
no vale it's not worth it.
tener miedo to be afraid
quizás; quizá maybe
tal vez perhaps
Created by: bethlawrence
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