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SS- Chapter 27

militarism glorification of the military
ultimatum a final set of demands
mobilize to prepare military forces for war
propaganda ideas that are spread to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause
reparations payments for war damages
neutrality taking neither side in disputes
total war channeling all of a country's resources into a war effort
mandates territories administered by another nation(s)
armistice agreement to end fighting
Germany __ joined the Triple Alliance to protect itself against France.
Bosnia On the eve of WWI, ___ was ruled by Austria-Hungary.
automatic machine gun The __ was the weapon that contributed most to the stalemate on the western front during WWI because trench warfare made it possible for troops to advance.
modern weapons WWI was more destructive because __ were more deadly.
Ottoman empire The __ joined the Central Powers in WWI.
United States The involvement of the __ had the greatest impact on the outcome of WWI.
submarine The __ helped turn WWI into a global war.
women __ kept their nations going during WWI.
Treat of Best-Litovsk The __ had the greatest immediate effect on WWI because it took Russia out of the war and allowed Germany to move its troops to the western front.
Europe In 1918, __ was in ruins.
Francis Ferdinand __ was the heir to the Austrian throne.
Woodrow Wilson __ was the author of Fourteen Points.
George Clemenceau __ was the french representative to the Paris Peace Conference who demanded that Germany be punished.
Kaiser William II __ was the German leader who supported Austria's war with Serbia.
Gavrilo Princip __ was the Serbian revolutionary who assassinated the heir to the Austrian throne.
Black Hand __ was the terrorist organization that planned the assassination of Francis Ferdinand.
League of Nations The __ is a group of 4o nations whose goal is to keep peace by using diplomacy to avoid war.
Major causes of WWI: aggressive nationalism, economic and imperial rivalries, militarism and arms races, formation of alliances, assassination of Austrian heir, Germany telling Austria not to back down from its ulimatum to Serbia.
Examples of aggressive nationalism during WWI Alsace-Lorraine, Pan-Slavism, Crisisin Balkans
Examples of economic and imperial rivalries during WWI Germany/Britain-industries, competition for colonies between Germany and France
Triple Alliance Austria-Hungary, Italy, Germany (with exception of Italy becomes Central Powers
Triple Entente France, Russia, Britain (Becomes Allied Powers)
Technology of WWI (first mechanized war) automatic machine gun, tank, submarine (U boat), airplane, poison gas and gas masks
Front area where fighting is going on
colonies __ provided troops, laborers, and supplies during WWI.
Women took men's place in the factories, etc. (kept the nation going); served as nurses, ambulance drivers, clerks, telegraph operators in the war effort; had to give up their jobs after the war
Three reasons the US entered the war: unrestricted submarine warfare, cultural ties, Zimmerman note
Created by: lmajor
Popular History sets




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