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lvl 3Vocab
lvl 3 expresate
Spanish | English |
aburrirse | to get bored |
acampar | to camp |
Adonde fuiste? | Where did you go? |
el bosque | woods/forest |
la brisa | breeze |
cansarse de | to get tired of |
la catedral | cathedral |
la ciudad | city |
coleccionar caracoles | to collect seashells |
conversar | to converse |
la costa | coast |
dar una camita | to take a walk |
disfrutar de | to enjoy |
divertirse | to have fun |
el esqui acuatico | water skiing |
la estacion de trenes/autobuses | train/bus station |
Fui a... | I went to... |
los grados fahrenheit/centigrados | degrees fahrenheit/centigrade |
hacer calor | to be hot |
hacer crucigramas | to do crossword puzzles |
hacer windsurf | to windsurf |
jugar naipes | to play cards |
Lo/la encontre muy interestante | I found it very interesting |
Lo pase de pelicula/de maravilla | I had a great time |
llover a cantaros | to pour rain |
la llovizna | drizzle |
las montanas | mountains |
los monumentos | monuments |
montar a caballo | (to go) horseback riding |
la natacion | swimming |
pasear | to go for a walk |
el patinaje (en linea) | (inline) skating |
Que hiciste el verano pasado? | What did you do last summer? |
Que tal lo pasaste? | Did you have a good time? |
Que te parecio...? | How was..? |
el relampago | lightining |
el rio | river |
la tormenta | storm |
trotar | to jog |
el trueno | thunder |
Viaje a | I traveled to... |
aburrido(a) | bored, boring |
la banda escolar | school band |
el centro recreativo | recreation center |
el club de debate | debate club |
coleccionar estampillas/ posters/monedas | to collect stamps/posters/coins |
crear (quemar) CDs | to make (burn) CDs |
Debes... | You should... |
la dieta balanceada | balanced diet |
disenar paginas Web | to design on the computer |
escribir poemas y cuentos | to write poems and stories |
los ejercicios aerobicos | aerobic exercise |
hacer diseno por computadora | to do design on the computer |
hacer gimnasia | to do gymnastics |
hacerse amigo(a) de alguien | to become friends with someone |
Hay que... | One has to... |
impaciente | impatient |
interesar | to interest |
jugar al golf | to play golf |
mantenerse en forma | to stay in shape |
nervioso(a) | nervous |
observar la naturaleza | to observe nature |
la oratoria | speech (class) |
participar | to participate |
practicar atletismo | to do track and field |
Puedes darme algun consejo? | Can you give me some advice? |
Que consejos tienes? | What advice do you have? |
Que debo hacer? | What should I do? |
Que me recomiendas? | What do you recommend (to me)? |
saltar la cuerda | to jump rope |
solitario(a) | lonely |
Te aconsejo que... | I advise you to... |
Te recomiendo que... | I recommend that you |
tener ganas de (hacer) | to feel like (doing) |
aburrir | to bore |
Ah, si? Pues, yo creo que... | Really? Well, I think... |
las artes marciales | martial arts |
el atletismo | track and field |
el boliche | bowling |
el ciclismo | biking |
el domino | dominoes |
Eres muy bueno para...verdad? | You're really good at...arent you? |
la escalada deportiva | rock climbing |
escalar | to climb |
la esgrima | to fence |
estar loco(a) por | to be crazy about |
estupendo(a) | marvelous |
fanatico de | a huge fan of |
genial | great |
el jai-alai | jai-alai |
los juegos de computadora | computer games |
el karate | karate |
Los/ dejan frio | The../don't do anything for me |
Pues, la verdad es que... | Well, the truth is that... |
pasarlo bien/mal | to have a good/bad time |
remar | to row |
el rompecabezas | puzzle |
el remo (remar) | rowing (to row) |
el salto de altura | high jump |
el senderismo | hiking |
ser un fanatico | to be a fanatic |
si, me la paso...Estoy loco por... | Yes, Im always doing...Im crazy about... |
Soy un gran aficionado a... | I'm a |
Que deporte te gusta a ti? | What sport do you like? |
el tiro con arco | archery |
abierto | open |
amigable | friendly |
la amistad | friendship |
atento | helpful |
apoyar | to support |
Busco a alguien a quien le guste...y que sepa algo de... | I'm looking for someone who likes...and knows something about... |
celoso | jealous |
chismear | to gossip |
chismoso | gossipy |
un conocido | acquaintance |
confiable | reliable |
confiar en | to trust |
Como debe ser un buen amigo? | What should a good friend be like? |
contar (ue) con | to count on (someone) |
creido | arrogant |
criticon | critical |
dejar plantado a alguien | to stand someone up |
(des)leal | (dis)loyal |
generoso | generous |
grosero | rude |
(no) guardar los secretos | to (not) keep secrets |
hacer las paces | to make up |
honesto | honest |
inseguro | insecure |
maleducado | rude |
mentir | to lie |
Que buscas en un novio? | What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? |
querer (ie) a | to love (someone) |
resolver (ue) un problema | to resolve a problem |
respetar los sentimientos de otros | to respect others feelings |
romper con | to break up with |
seco | cold, unfriendly |
solidario | supportive |
tener celos de | to be jeleous of |
tener fama de ser | to be known to be |
tener un malentendido | to have a misunderstanding |
tener mucho/algo/nada en comun | to have much/something/nothing in common |
terco | stubborn |
tolerante | tolerant |
Un buen amigo debe apoyarme y... no debe... | a good friend should support me and...he/she shouldnt... |
(no) valer la pena | to (not) be worth it |
el algebra | algebra |
aprobar | to pass |
el (la) consejero | guidance counsoler |
El consejero insiste en que tome...No me gusta para nada! | The guidance counselor insists that I take...I dont like it at all! |
el calculo | calculus |
las ciencias sociales | social sciences |
combatir | to combat |
los cursos | classes |
el director | principal |
la discriminacion | discrimination |
el estereotipo | stereotype |
la falta de.. | lack of |
la fama | reputation |
la fisica | physics |
la geografia | geography |
la geometria | geometry |
el horario | schedule |
la ignorancia | ignorance |
la imagen | image |
la impresion equivocada | wrong impression |
juzgar | to judge |
la literatura | literature |
Manana vamos a tener otra prueba en...? Esto es el colmo! | Were going to have another test in...tomorrow? This is the last straw! |
Me choca la actitud de...hacia...No aguanto mas! | I cant stand the attitude of...towards...I cant take it anymore! |
el prejuicio | prejudice |
respetar a | to respect |
el respeto | respect |
el semestre | semester |
suspender | to fail |
tomar apuntes | to take notes |
la universidad | university |
admitir un error | to admit a mistake |
besar | to kiss |
cometer un error | to make a mistake |
comprarle un regalo | to buy (someone) a gift |
la comunicacion | communication |
comunicarse | to communicate |
el consejo | advice |
darle un abrazo | to give (someone) a hug |
Date tiempo para pensarlo | Give yourself time to think it over. |
dejar de hablarse | to stop speaking to one another |
el detalle | detail |
la disculpa | apology |
disculparse | to apologize |
discutir | to argue |
estar resentido | to be resentful |
hacer las paces | to make up |
Has pensado en...? | Have you thought about...? |
herir | to hurt |
insultar | to insult |
maltratar | to mistreat |
No te conviene... | It's not good for you... |
No te olvides de... | Don't forget to... |
ofender | to offend |
olvidar | to forget |
pedir perdon | to ask for forgiveness |
pelearse | to fight |
perdonar | to forgive |
la reconciliacion | reconciliation |
reconciliarse | to reconcile |
ser (in)fiel | to be (un) faithful |
Seria una buena/mala idea romper con... | It would be a good/bad idea to break up with... |
Sugiero que no hagas caso a los rumores | I suggest that you not pay attention to rumors. |
Yo que tu... | If I were you... |
el (anillo de) compromiso | engagement (ring) |
casarse | to marry |
comprometerse | to get engaged |
la cunada | sister-in-law |
el cunado | brother-in-law |
dar a luz | to give birth |
divorciado | divorced |
divorciarse (de) | to divorce |
el divorcio | divorce |
estar casado | to be married |
Fijate que se ha casado | Get this: he got married |
el funeral | funeral |
graduarse | to graduate |
la hermanastra(o) | stepsister/brother |
la madrastra | step mother |
la medio hermana(o) | half sister/brother |
nacer | to be born |
el padrastro | stepfather |
Pues, sigue trabajando | Well, hes still working |
Que anda haciendo...? | Whats...up to? |
Que me cuentas de...? | What can you tell me about...? |
Que sabes de...? | What do you know about...? |
la reunion familiar | family reunion |
Segun tengo entendido,... | From what I understand,... |
separado | separate |
separarse | to separate |
el suegra(o) | mother/father-in-law |
el aguacate | avocado |
el apio | celery |
el bizcocho de chocolate | chocolate cake |
el calabacin | zucchini |
el camaron | shrimp |
la cereza | cherry |
los chicharos | peas |
el coliflor | cauliflower |
la crema (agria) | (sour) cream |
el dulce de coco | coconut candy |
Esta para chuparse los dedos | It's good enough to lick your fingers |
Esta pasada la leche | The milk has gone bad |
los frijoles | beans |
Al...le falta sabor, pero no se que la falta | The...lacks flavor, but I dont know what's |
la langosta | lobster |
la lima | lime |
el limon | lemon |
las pasas | raisins |
el pavo (con relleno) | turkey (with stuffing) |
el pepino | cucumber |
el pollo frito | fried chicken |
el puerco asado | roast pork |
Que asco! | That's disgusting! |
Sabe delicioso | It tastes delicious |
Se me hace la boca agua | It makes my mouth water |
la salchicha | sausage |
la sandia | watermelon |
la toronja | grapefruit |
el yogur | yogurt |
A decir verdad, me parece... | To tell the truth, it strikes me as... |
la acuarela | watercolor |
antiguo | antique |
la arquitectura | architectrue |
las artes plasticas | plastic arts |
la cinematografia | cinematography |
clasico | classic |
contemporaneo | contemporary |
Cual de estas pinturas te gusta mas, la de... o la de...? | Which of these painings do you like better, the one of (by)...or the one of (by)...? |
el dibujo | drawing |
esculpir | to sculpt |
la escultura | sculpture |
la estatua | statue |
Este retrato fue pintado por... | This portrait was painted by... |
la exposicion | exhibit |
la fotografia | photography |
la galeria | gallery |
imaginativo | imaginative |
impresionante | impressive |
llamar la atencion | to attract one's attention |
Lo/La encuentro muy... | I find it to be very... |
maravilloso | marvelous |
moderno | modern |
original | original |
el puente | bridge |
Que opinas de...? | What do you think of...? |
Que te parece? | What do you think of it? |
En realidad, admiro... | Actually, I admire... |
realista | realistic |
la talla en madera | wood carving |
el torre | tower |
las artes dramaticas | dramatic arts |
artistico | artistic |
el ballet | ballet |
la comedia | comedy or play |
crear | to create |
creativo | creative |
de buen/mal gusto | in good/bad taste |
desempenar (el papel de...) | to play (the role of...) |
el drama | drama |
entretenido | entertaining |
Es mejor que veas la opera. Es formidable | Its better for you to see the opera. It's great |
el escenario | stage/scenery |
estridente | shrill |
formidable | great, tremendous |
la funcion | performance |
hermoso | beautiful |
incomprensible | incomprehensible |
la letra | lyrics |
la melodia | melody |
melodioso | melodic |
No te olvides de ir al ensayo de la banda | Dont forget to go to band practice |
la obra (de teatro) | play |
la orquesta | orchestra |
pesimo | terrible |
presentar | to present |
el publico | auience |
la resena | (critical) review |
el ritmo | rhythm |
Seria buena idea ir al concierto de la sinfonica | It would be a good idea to go to the symphony |
superficial | superficial |
Te aconsejo que vayas a la presentacion de baile folclorico. Es muy... | I recommend that you go to the folk dance performance. It's very... |
la tragedia | tragedy |
alguno que otra (cosa) | the occasional (thing) |
el canal | channel |
el concurso | game show |
considerarse | to consider oneself |
controvertido | controversial |
la crisis ambiental/economica/politica | enviromental/economic/political crisis |
detallado | detailed |
el documental | documentary |
de modo... | in a...way |
educativo | educational |
la emisora | radio/TV station |
Es evidente que... | It's evident that... |
estar al tanto | to be up-to-date |
estar bien/mal informado | to be well/poorly informed |
Estoy convencido de que... | I', convinced that... |
Estoy seguro (de) que | I'm positive that... |
(poco) fiable | (un) trustworthy |
imparcial | unbaised |
informar | to inform |
informativo | informative |
inspirarle confianza | to inspire trust in |
investigar | to research |
el (la) locutor | newscaster |
las noticias (en linea) | news (online) |
el noticiero | newscast |
parcial | baised |
pasar por alto | to overlook |
la radio | radio |
el reportaje | news report |
el reportero | reporter |
resenar | to review, critique |
la telenovela | soap opera |
tratar un tema a fondo | to cover a topic in depth |
los anuncios | classified ads |
el articulo | article |
la censura | censorship |
el comentario | commentary |
Como supiste el resultado? | How did you find out the score? |
Como te enteraste de...? | How did you find out about...? |
los editoriales | editorial section |
el enfoque local/nacional/mundial | local/national/world perspective |
entrevistar | to interview |
Estaba en primera plana | It was on the front page |
Lo lei en la seccion deportiva | I read it in the sports section |
los obituarios | obituaries |
opinar | to think, to be of the opinion |
el periodista | journalist |
la prensa | the press |
la primera plana | front page |
la seccion de cocina | cooking section |
la seccion deportiva | sports section |
la seccion financiera | financial section |
la seccion de moda | fashion section |
la seccion de ocio | entertainment section |
la seccion de sociedad | society section |
suscribirse a | to subscribe to |
las tiras comicas | comic strips |
los titulares | headlines |
alcanzar | to reach |
los antepasados | ancestors |
el aporte | contribution |
apoyar | to support |
apoyo | support |
aprovechar | to take advantage of |
asimilar | to assimilate |
el compromiso | obligation |
contribuir | to contribute |
las costumbres | customs |
criarse (en) | to grow up (in) |
discriminar | to discriminate |
encajar (en) | to fit in |
el estilo de vida | lifestyle |
estar agradecido por | to be thankful for |
expresarse | to express (youself) |
el grupo etnico | ethnic group |
habia muchos desafios en... | there were many challenges in... |
la herencia | heritage |
mantener | to maintain |
Mis...enfrentaron obstaculos cuando... | My...faced obstacles when... |
el modo de ser | a way of being |
Nos costo trabajo acostumbrarnos a... | It took a lot of work for us to get used to |
el orgullo | pride |
el origen | origen |
pertenecer a | to belong to |
Poco a poco se adaptaron a... | Little by little they adapted to... |
las raices | roots |
el sacrificio | sacrifice |
ser de ascendencia | to be of (nationality) descent |
la tradicion | tradition |
tener exito | to be successful |
Tuvimos que hacer un gran esfuerzo para... | We had to make a big effort to... |
acostumbrarse | to get accustomed to |
Antes de que empiecen las clases, quiero... | Before classes start, I want to... |
las aspiraciones | aspirations |
Cuando sea mayor, me gustaria... | When I'm older, I'd like to... |
(no) darse por vencido(a) | to (not) give up |
empenarse en | to insist on, be determained to |
En cuanto cumpla los...anos, voy a | As soon as I turn...years old, I'm going to... |
enfocarse en | to focus on |
esforzarse (ue) por | to make an effort to |
establecerse | to get established |
llegar a ser | to become |
lograr | to achieve |
luchar por | to fight for |
la meta | goal |
el objetivo | objective |
realizar (un sueno) | to fulfill (a dream) |
seguir adelante | to move forward |
sonar (ue) con | to dream of |
Tan pronto como...pienso... | As soon as...I plan on... |
Tengo la intencion de... | I intend to... |
tomar la iniciativa | to take the initiative |
triunfar | to triumph |
Voy a...con la idea de... | I'm going to...with the intention of... |
a la vez | at the same time |
los adelantos | advances |
la agenda electonica | electonic planner |
el auxiliar administrativo/medico/de laboratorio | administrative/medical/laboratory assistant |
cambiar | to change |
competente | competent |
el contestador automatico | answering machine |
decidirse a +infinative | to decide to |
la desventaja | disadvantage |
empeorar | to become worse |
enseguida | right away |
en un santiamen | instantly |
Eso me resulta facil/bastante dificil | That's easy/pretty difficult for me |
Esta fuera de/a mi alcance | It's outside/within my reach |
facilitar | to facilitate |
la fotocopiadora | photocopier |
el hombre/la mujer de negocios | businessman/businesswoman |
hoy (en) dia | these days |
immediatamente | immediately |
Lo puedo hacer | I can do it |
Me cuesta trabajo (hacer)... | It takes a lot of work for me (to do)... |
mejorar | to improve |
No me es nada dificil | It's not hard for me at all |
el robot | robot |
sembrar | to plant |
Soy capaz de (hacer)... | I am capable of (doing)... |
tratar de +infinitive | to try to |
el talento | talent |
la tecnologia | technology |
utilizar | to utilize |
la ventaja | advantage |
la vida diaria | daily life |
el voluntario | volunteer |
actualizar | to update |
el ambiente de trabajo | work enviroment |
los beneficios | benefits |
la carrera | career |
los campaneros de trabajo | work enviroment |
conseguir | to obtain |
el curriculum (vitae) | resume |
dirigir | to direct |
donar tiempo a una causa | to donate time to a cause |
el empleado | employee |
el empleo a tiempo completo/medio tiempo | full-time/part-time job |
la empresa | company |
la entrevista | interview |
Muy estimado Sr./Sra./Srta. | Dear Sir/Madam/Miss |
el gerente | manager |
el horario | schedule |
el jefe | boss |
Le/Les adjunto un... | Im enclosing a... |
Muy atentamente | Most sincerely |
Por mediode la presente... | The purpose of this letter is... |
el puesto (de trabajo) | position (for work) |
Reciba un cordial saludo, | Kind regards, |
requerir | to require |
los requisitos | requirements |
el salario | salary |
el seguro (medico) | (medical) insurance |
solicitar | to apply, to ask for |
la solicitud | application |
supervisar | to supervise |
acordar (ue) la paz | to make peace |
la bandera | flag |
la batalla | battle |
el campo de batalla | battlefield |
cobarde | cowardly |
declarar la guerra | to declare war |
la derrota | defeat |
el dictador | dictator |
El sueno de mi vida es vencer a... | My life-long dream is to overcome (defeat)... |
Es de esperar que... | Hopefully... |
el enemigo | enemy |
los exploradores | explorers |
el heroe | hero |
la heroina | heroine |
honrar | to honor |
el imperio | empire |
la independecia | independence |
la justicia | justice |
lamentar | to lament |
liberar | to liberate |
la libertad | liberty |
la mujer soldado | female soldier |
Ojala que los paises aun en guerra lleguen a un acuerdo. | i hope that warring countries can reach an agreement |
regocijarse | to rejoice |
la revolucion | revolution |
el soldado | soldier |
sufrir | to suffer |
Tenia muchas esperanzas de... | I had many hope of... |
las tropas | troops |
valiente | brave |
vencer | to defeat |
la victima | victim |
la victoria | victory |