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Preterito imperfecto
El preterito imperfecto de subjuntivo
Question | Answer |
I want them to play sport. | Quiero que hagan deporte. |
I wanted then to play sport. | Quise/Quería que hicieran/hiciesen deporte. |
You are not happy that they are here. | No estás contento de que estén aqíi. |
You were not happy that they were here. | No estabas contento de que estuvieran/estuviesen aquí. |
We are sad that they left the party. | Estamos triste de que se vayan de la fiesta. |
We were sad that they left the party. | Estuvimos triste de que se fueran/fuesen de la fiesta. |
You (plural) want him to go to work. | Quereis que vaya a trabajar. |
You (plural) wanted him to go to work. | Quisierais que fuera a trabajar. |
They don't want him to spend his money. | No quieren que gaste su dinero. |
They didn't want him to spend his money. | No quisieron que gastara su dinero. |