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400 review west med
5 branches, 400 review class western med definitions
Question | Answer |
Epidermis | Outer layer of skin, thick on hands and feet |
Dermis | Second layer of skin, living tissue with nerve, hair, glands, vessles etc |
Hypodermis | Subcutaneous tissue, loose connective and adipose tissue |
Suddriferous gland | produce sweat |
sebaceous gland | produce oil |
Lunula | base of nail where grows |
1st degree burn | red skin, hyperesthesia (acute sensory stimuli) |
2nd degree burn | Epi and dermis damage: blisters, no scar |
3rd degree burn | Epi and dermis destroyed: connective tissue damage, waxy charred skin, insensitive to touch, scar tissue |
furuncle | bac infection of hair folicle or sweat gland |
carbuncle | several furuncles |
cellulitis | acute infection of the skin and subQ tissue (heat, red, pain, swelling) |
Ecchymosis | Skin discoloration (bruise) |
Eczema | Acute or chronic skin inflamation 0erythma, pustules, scales, crusts, scabs, posssible itching) |
Erythema | red skin by swelling of the capilaries (sunburn, blushing) |
Keratosis | thckened epidermis (callus, wart) |
Petechia | pinpoint hemorrhage under skin |
Psoriasis | Chronic skin disease (auto immune, red patches covered by thick, dry, silvery, adherent scales) |
Pruritus | Intense itching |
Purpura | Any severe bleeding disorder |
Tinea | Any fungal skin disease (ringworm) |
Urticaria | Allergic reaction of the skin (eruption of pale red elevated patches, hives) |
Vitiligo | Loss of skin pigmentation |
Verruca | Warts |
Pharynx | throat |
esophagus | tube that leads to stomach |
Small intestine | 20' long |
Duodenum | uppermost segment of SI |
Jujunum | Middle section of SI (8' long) |
Ileum | bottom section of SI ( 12' long) |
Large Intestine | 5' long, no digestion, only secretion of mucas in colon |
Liver | largest organ in body, produces bile, removes glucose from blood, stores vitamins (B12, A, D, E, K), destroys toxic products, destroys erythrocytes to create bilirubin, produces blood proteins |
Prothrombin | blood protein made in liver to aid in clotting |
Fibrinogen | blood protein made in liver to aid in clotting |
Pancreas | performs endocrine (metabolism hormones 1. alpha / glucagon 2. Beta / insulin) and exocrine (insulin secretion) function |
Gall Bladder | stores bile and releases into duodenum through common bile duct |
Ulcer | circumscribed lesion of the skin or mucous membrane (gastric, doudenal, or colitis) |
Peptic Ulcer Disease | devel in part of GI tract exposed to HCLand pepsin, H. pylori is leading cause (releases a toxin that promotes mucosal inflammation and ulceration) |
Ulcerative colitis | Chronic inflammatory disease of the LI and rectum (starts in lower portion / profuse watery dia. w/ bl, mucus and pus) |
Hernia | Protrusion of any organ, tissue, or structure through the wall of cavity |
5 types of Hernia | 1. Inguinal= groin 2. strangulated= blood supply to hernia cut off 3. umbilical = intestine through naval 4. Diaphragmatic 5. Hiatal = lower esophagus and st top through diaphragm to thorax |
Bowel obtruction | bowel twists on itself = tissue death, perforation, inflam. of peritoneum |
Hemorrhoids | enlarged veins in mucus membranes of anal canal, itch, hurt, bleed |
Bilirubin | yellow product formed when erythrocytes are destroyed (Jaundice color) |
Diverticulosis | small blisterlike pockets in LI inner lining that can possibly balloon through the intestinal wall |
Diverticulitis | Inflamed diverticuli (lower left ab pain, extreme const or dia, fever, ab swelling, occasional bl in stool) |
Stomach cancer | persistent indigestion, rare, high mortality, men more |
colorectal cancer (LI epithelial lining) | common, bowel changes, bl / mucus in stool, rectal/ ab pain, anemia, weight loss, obstruction and perforation |
colorectal cancer (sigmoid and rectum) | common (partial obstruction- const and dia alt, low ab cramp and distention |
Ascites | Acum of fluid in ab (cirrhosis, HBP, cancer, heart failure) |
Borborygmus | noise with gas passing through intestines |
Cachexia | lack of nutrition and wasting with chronic disease and emotional disterbance |
Crohn disease | chronic inflammation in intestion (usually Ileum) w/ fever, cramping, dia, weight loss |
Cirrhosis | degenerative disease of the liver (hepatic cells replaced by fibrous tissue that impairs flow of blood and lymph |
Colic | spasm in any hollow or tubular soft organ accompanied by pain (esp colon) |
Dysentery | inflamation of the intestines (esp colon), results in bloody diarrhea |
Dyspepsia | epigastric discomfort felt after eating |
Dysphagia | inability or difficulty swalowing |
Eructation | belching |
Gastroesphageal Reflux Disease | backflow of gastric contents into the esophagus due to spincter malfunction at the inferior esophagus |
Hematemesis | vomiting blood (bright red, usually Peptic ulcer) |
IBS | ab pain, altered bowel function, aggravated by stress and anxiety |
Melena | dark tarry stools from blood in upper GI |
Peristalsis | involuntary wavelike motion in hollow tubes of body |
pyloric stenosis | narrowing of the pyloric oriface |
Steatrrhea | pass large amount of feces because can't digest and absorb |
Larynx | voice box |
Epiglottis | seals air passage during swallowing |
Trachea | wind pipe |
Pharynx | passage of food and air |
bronchi | 2 branches trachea divides into |
Bronchioles | branches off of bronchus |
Aveoli | sacs where bronchioles terminate |
how many lobes of Lungs | 5 (3 right and 2 left) |
Mediastinum | space between rt and lt lung |
Pleura | serous membrane that envelopes lung lobes |
Visceral Pleura | innermost lung lining |
Parietal Pleura | outermost lung lining (lines thorasic cavity |
Pleural Cavity | cavity between visceral and parietal pleura containing a small amount of lubrication to allow gliding during breathing |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (chronic partial obstruction of air passage, difficult breathing on exertion, chronic cough) |
3 main disorders in COPD | Asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema |
Asthma | spasms in bronchial passages (sudden and violent, cough produces large amounts of mucus) |
Chronic Bronchitis | Inflammation of bronchi from smoking, air pollution, viruses, bacteria (heavy productive cough with chest pain, severe= exercise intolerance, wheezing) |
Emphysema | decreased elasticity of the aiveoli, can't contract to original size. Barrel chest appearance. Hard to breath when lying down. Assoc with long term smoking |
Influenza | Acute infectious respiratory disease caused by a virus (A worse - C mild flu) |
TB | highly communicable (through breath). survive 6-8 mo outside of body. asymptomatic for years |
Pneumonia | any inflammatory disease of the lungs (chest pain, mucopurulent sputum, spitting bl). Caused by bacteria, virus, fungi, chemicals |
Cystic fibrosis | hereditary disorder of endocrine gland causing viscous secretion of mucus that clogs ducts or tubes of pancreas, digestive tract, and sweat glands. Body's immune system attacks lungs |
Bronchogenic carcinoma | most common cancer assoc. with tobacco use |
Acidosis | xs acidity of body fluids assoc with pulmonary insufficiency and retention of CO2 |
Anosmia | Absence of or decrease in the sense of smell |
Apnea | temporary loss of breathing |
asphyxia | condition caused by insufficient intake of oxygen |
Cheyne-stroke respiration | repeating breathing patterns, fluctuations in the depth of respiration (deep to shallow to not at all) |
Croup | common childhood condition = inflammation of the larynx, trachea, bronchial passages (resonant barking cough, suffocative and difficult breathing) |
Epistaxis | nosebleed |
Finger clubbing | enlargement of the fingers and toes assoc with pulmonary disease |
Hypoxemia | deficiency of oxygen in the blood |
hypoxia | absence or xu of oxygen in the tissues |
Pertussis | whooping cough |
Pleurisy | inflammation of the plural cavity (stabbing pain, increased when coughing or breathing) |
Rale | crackle, abnormal respiratory sound heard on auscultation (listening with stethoscope) |
Pneumoconiosis | disease caused by inhaling dust particles |
Pulminary edema | Commonly caused by heart failure (extravascular fluid accumulates in lung tissues and alveoli) |
Rhonchus | breath sounds like snoring or rattling (due to obstruction from secretions, mucosal, tumor tissue) |
stridor | high pitched sound due to turbulent air flow in the upper airway (seek immediate attention) |
Wheezing | whistling or sighing sound |
Aneurysm | a blood filled localized dilation of blood vessels caused by weakening of a vessel wall (usually an artery) |
Arrhythmia | a lack of steady rhythm |
Bruit | also a murmur (vascular not cardiac) the sound that blood makes as it rushes past an obstruction in an artery |
Embolus | mass of undissolved matter (usually a clot of blood, thrombus) that circulates until it becomes lodged in a vessel |
Thrombus | blood clot |
Fibrillation | usually referring to the heart, spontaneous muscle contractions or quivering that prevent effective contractions |
Hemostasis | blood stagnation |
Hyperlipidemia | too much fat in the blood |
Epicardium | outer most layer of the heart |
myocardium | muscle layer of the heart |
endocardium | membrane that lines the four chambers of the heart and valves |
Atruims | collect blood |
ventricles | pump blood |
Diaphoresis | profuse sweating |
viscosity | sticky or gummy in quality |
Arteries | heart to body |
Veins | body to heart |
Capillaries | join the arterial system to the venous system |
oxygen blood travels from | arteries to arterioles to cappilaries |
Rt side of heart's job | pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs |
Lt side of hearts job | pumps oxygenated blood to body |
Sinoatrial node (SA) | specialized HT cell, pacemaker of the heart, propagates each heartbeat |
Systole | contraction phase , blood forced out of ht, top number of BP reading |
Diastole | relaxation phase, ventricles fill with blood, bottom number of BP reading |
Thinngs that effect Blood pressure | 1. how much blood 2. how elastic arteries 3. how thick blood 4. how well heart pumps blood 5. how blood flow resists in the vessles |
Aneurysm | Weakness or dilation of blood vessels |
Arrhythmia | When Ht beat skips |
Thrombus | blood clot that causes obstruction |
Embolus | a thrombus, pbject, gas, air etc. that iscirculating in the body |
Where is pituitary gland (hypophysis) | base of the brain |
Anterior pituitary secretes | ACTH, FSH, GH, LH, TSH, Prolactin |
Posterior pituitary secretes | ADH, Oxytocin |
Adrenocorticotropic hormone ((ACTH) | Promotes the secretion of some hormoes, particularly Cortisol |
Too much of what hormone can cause cushing disease | Cortisol |
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) | women = produces eggs and increases estrogen men = produces sperm too little and failure of sexual maturation |
Growth Hormone (GH) | causes growth too much = gigantism in children, too little = pituitary dwarfism |
Lutenizing Hormone (LH) | women = promote ovulation, men = promotes testosterone secretion |
Prolactin | promotes lactation |
Thyriod stimulating hormone (TSH) | secretion of thyroid hormone, too much = graves disease, too little in infant = cretinism, too little in adults = myxedema |
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) | helps water return to blood, too little = diabetes insipidus |
Oxytocin | causes uterine contractions and promotes secretion of milk |
largest endocrine gland | thyroid |
Thyroid hormone | responsible for metabolism of fats, protein, carbohydrates and plays an important role in maintaining a healthy blood pressure |
Thyroxine T4 | major hormone that thyroid secretes |
Triodothyronine T3 | hormone that thyroid secretes |
Parathyriod hormone | regulates calcium balance: causes calcium and phosphate to be released from the bones and enhances the absorption of calcium and phosphates from foods |
Melatonin | secreted by pineal gland |
Islets of Langerhans | part of the pancreas containing alpha and beta cells which secrete glucagon and insulin respectivly |
glucagon | signals liver to release glucose |
insulin | causes insulin to enter the body |
Cancer stage | categorizes the size and extent of the primary tumor (T), the number of lymph nodes involved (N), and the amount of metastasis (M) |
Cancer grade | a measure of how abnormal cells from your tumor appear under the microscope |
Cancer stage one | Tis (in situ) no invasion of other tissues |
Cancer stage two | T1 - T4 depending on size and extent of primary tumor, N0M0 |
Cancer stage three | N1 - N4 depending on the number of lymph nodes involved, M0 |
Cancer stage four | M1 indicates metastasis |
Basal cell carcinoma | most common type of skin cancer, malignancy of the stratum germinatum (basal cell layer of the epidermis), hair follicles are over exposed to sunlight resulting in malignancy, metastasis is uncommon |
Stratum germinatium | basal cell layer of the epidermis |
Squamous cell carcinoma causes | Causes: 1. repeated overexposure to UV rays 2. radiation therapy 3. chronic skin irritation and inflammation 4. exposed to local carcinogens (tar and oil) 5. hereditary diseases 5. presence of pre-malignant lesions |
Squamous cell carcinoma | arises in keratinizing epidermal cells, invasive and potential for metastisis |
Malignant melanoma | neoplasm of melanocytes, commonly begin in dark pigmented mole. most lethal, metastasize extensively to liver, lungs and brain. |
Atrioventricular node (AV) | Specialized HT cell, when gets the contraction impulse causes atria to contract |
Bundle of HIS (AV bundle) | Specialized HT cell, when gets the contraction impulse relays impulse to purkinje fibers |
Purkinje Fibers | Specialized HT cell, when gets the contraction impulse causes ventricles to contract |
What is the order of the HT contractor impulse | SA node, AV node, Bundle of HIS, Purkinje fibers |
What does the P wave represent on an electrocardiograph | depolarization / contraction of the atria |
What does the QRS wave represent on an electrocardiograph | depolarization / contraction of the ventricles |
What does the T wave represent on an electrocardiograph | re-polarization / recovery of the ventricles |