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alternative medicine
Ch 30 complementary and alternative medicine - pharm tech
Question | Answer |
homeopath | homeopathic physician |
chiropractor | practitioner of chiropractic medicine |
chiropractic medicine | manual manipulation of the joints and muscles |
complementary medicine | a range of medical therapies that fall beyond the scope of Western medicine; complementary to traditional medicine |
alternative medicine | any range of medical therapies not regarded as orthodox by Western medicine used in place of conventional medicine |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
NCCAM | National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine |
CAM | can include dietary supplement therapy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and homeopathy |
natural products | includes the use of herbs (herbal remedies), vitamins, minerals, and other natural products, such as probiotics |
synthetic medicines | a medication made in a laboratory from chemical processes |
herbs and herbal supplements | are considered dietary supplements and not regulated the same was as drugs |
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database | a good resource for herbal product info |
homeopathy | means "like suffering"; belief that "like cures like"; law of similars; consuming a small amount of the substance that caused a person's disease or condition enables the body to fight the disease |
homeopathic remedies | only one remedy is correct for each illness |
unlike herbs and other alternative treatments | FDA overseas the manufacture of homeopathic drugs |
Homepathic Pharmacopeia | contains monographs on ingredients used in homeopathic medicine; standards for strength, quality, and purity |
GMP | all homeopathic ingredients must be manufactured using good manufacturing practices |
this drug classification has unwanted interactions with many herbal drugs | anticoagulants |
examples of complementary and alternative medicine treatments | acupressure, acupuncture, aromatherapy, chiropractic medicine, herbal remedies, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, biofeedback, ayurveda |
acupuncture | based on the meridians in the body. These lines are believed to carry energy to specific parts of the body. When they become blocked, illness or pain can occur. The practitioner relieves blocked pathways with the use of needles |
ayurveda | based on the spiritual side of the body and all that affects the body, including the environment, emotional stability, and physical health i.e. meditations, posture, massage |
traditional Chinese medicine | based on the ying and yang; diagnosis based on the person's dreams, taste, sensations, smell, and other senses; herbal remedies and acupuncture are treatments used |
herbal remedies | are a common component of complementary medicine; herbal therapies can be found in pharmacies and health food stores |
acupressure | same principles as acupuncture but the practitioner uses his or her hands to apply pressure on specific points of the body instead of needles |
aromatherapy | through the sense of smell, various blends of fragrances result in the relief of certain ailments; aromatic herbs, perfumes, oils |
biofeedback | a learned technique that enables self-control of various physiological responses of the body including voluntary and involuntary systems of the body |