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FLVS French 4

Les participes passée irréguliers

to drive- conduire conduit
to build-construire construit
to cook- cuire cuit
to destroy- détruire détruit
to get in - introduire introduit
to produce- produire produit
to know- connaitre connu
to translate- traduire traduit
to recognize- reconnaitre reconnu
to disappear- disparaitre disparu
to appear- paraitre paru
to resolve- résoudre résolu
to fear- craindre craint
to reach, attain- atteindre atteint
to turn off- éteindre éteint
to paint- peindre peint
to complain- se plaindre plaint
to disappoint- décevoir déçu
to see- apercevoir aperçu
to design-concevoir conçu
to receive- recevoir reçu
to have to, must= devoir dû ( due, dûs, dues)
to laugh= rire ri
to smile= sourire souri
to be enough= suffire suffit
to join= joindre joint
to get together= rejoindre rejoint
to run= courir couru
to rush in = accourir accouru
to compete= concourrir concourru
to hold= tenir tenu
appartenir à = to belong to appartenu à
to contain= contenir contenu
to get, obtain= obtenir obtenu
to hold back= retenir retenu
to support= soutenir soutenu
to come= venir venu
to become= devenir devenu
to reach= parvenir parvenue
to prevent, to warn= prévenir prévenu
to come back= revenir revenu
to remember= se souvenir souvenu
to clothe= vêtir vêtu
s'asseoir= to sit assis
avoir= to have eu
to drink= boire bu
to beleive= croire cru
to conclude= conclure conclu
to say= dire dit
to contradict= contredire contredit
to write= écrire écrit
to forbid= interdire interdit
to predict= prédire predit
to die= mourir mort
to acquire= acquérir acquis
to conquer= conquérir conquis
to be= être été
to do= faire fait
to satisfie= satisfaire satisfait
to be necessary= falloir fallu
to be worth= valoir valu
to want= vouloir voulu
to see= voir vu
to elect= élire élu
to put= mettre mis
to allow= permettre permis
to promise= promettre promis
naître = to be born
to open= ouvrir ouvert
to cover= couvrir couvert
to discover= découvrir découvert
to offer= offrir offert
to suffer= souffrir souffert
to rain= pleuvoir plu
to be able to= pouvoir pu
to please= plaire plu
to quiet= taire tu
to know= savoir su
to see= voir vu
to see again, to review= revoir revu
to take= prendre pris
to learn= apprendre appris
to understand= comprendre compris
to surprise= surprendre surpris
to follow= suivre suivi
to chase= poursuivre poursuivi
to live= vivre vécu
to survive= survivre survécu
Created by: YasminB
Popular French sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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