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D098 Unit 2 Module 2
Digital Marketing Specializations
Term | Definition |
Content Marketing | A marketing specialization that involves the creation and sharing of meaningful information (through stories, blogs, videos, or social media posts) designed to raise interest in a company's products or services in a pull motion |
Social Media Marketing | The use of online applications, networks, blogs, wikis, and other collaborative media for communicating brand messaging, conducting marketing, public relations, and lead generation |
Digital Advertising | Paid advertising on the internet that could be found anywhere you access the web, also known as online advertising |
Marketing Automation | The standardization, repetition, and automation of marketing processes to support a company's customer relationship management |
Retention-Based Emails | Part of an effective email marketing strategy designed to help customers understand the value of a product, prompt engagement, and reduce churn rate |
Promotional Emails | Marketing emails with an immediate conversion goal for the recipient, such as making a purchase or downloading content |
Creating buzz | Developing and publishing messages (in a variety of formats, e.g., text, video, and images) that are disseminated via user-to-user contact |
Fostering community | Building ways for fans to engage with one another about a shared interest in a brand, product, or service |
Facilitating two-way communication | Promoting and encouraging user participation, feedback, and dialogue |
Content Management System (CMS) | A system for managing any forms of content |
Common Short Codes (CSCs) | Phone numbers (short ones, as the name implies) to which users can send a text message from a mobile phone, usually to get something in return. |
Short Message Service (SMS) | Supports messages of about 160 characters in length, though it is possible to string several messages together to send longer messages. |
Digital Marketing Strategist | Develops, oversees, and inspires digital strategies with the aim of achieving marketing goals through the use of digital tools and technologies |
AMA | American Marketing Association |