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Chapter 13 sec 1

Distanced Learning assignment 1

What was America's first experiment in self-government? A confederation.
What were the first main problems under this government? Money, trade, and relations (With other countries and Native Americans.)
What destruction caused Georgia's need to rebuild? The Revolution and the exodus of British officials, Loyalists, and slaves.
What were the Articles of Confederation's main purposes? Defend the country, pay it's debts, settle state disputes, keep good relations with other countries, and set up a postal service.
Did the Articles have an executive branch? No, to avoid being similar to kings and royal governors.
Describe the legislative branch. Unicameral. Could not tax or regulate trade between states.
How could changes be made to the Articles? After every state agrees on it.
What government did Georgia run on after the war? The Constitution of 1777.
Describe this government's executive branch. It was run by a governor and a council.
What did the superior court do? Oversee elections, control roads, and provide aid for the poor.
What were the main issues facing Georgia (Related to problems left by the war)? Rebuilding Georgia's buildings and farms, paying off debts, and establishing better relationships with the Creek and the Cherokee.
What was the most important issue to the citizens? Land.
What were most Georgians more wealthy in? Land, not cash.
What happened to Georgian Loyalists' land? Some Loyalists had their land returned, but others had theirs taken over and sold.
Who were given bounty grants? Soldiers from the Continental Army and state militia.
How much land was Colonel Elijah Clarke given? Several thousand acres.
What drew new settlers to Georgia? Land from the headright system.
How long was Augusta Georgia's capital until Louisville was built? Ten years.
What states did the Northwest Territory become? Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
Why was Georgia developing a good relationship with Native Americans important? Many of them weren't supported in the war, the fur trade was badly affected, and the deer population was decreased in some areas.
Popular American Government sets




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