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SAT Words 24

of 1000

despondent (adj.) feeling depressed, discouraged, hopeless (Having failed the first math test, the _____ child saw no use in studying for the next and failed that one too.)
despot (n.) one who has total power and rules brutally (The _____ issued a death sentence for anyone who disobeyed his laws.)
destitute (adj.) impoverished, utterly lacking (The hurricane destroyed many homes and left many families _____.)
deter (v.) to discourage, prevent from doing (Bob’s description of scary snakes couldn’t _____Marcia from traveling in the rainforests.)
devious (adj.) not straightforward, deceitful (Not wanting to be punished, the _____ girl blamed the broken vase on the cat.)
dialect (n.) a variation of a language (In the country’s remote, mountainous regions, the inhabitants spoke a _____ that the country’s other inhabitants had difficulty understanding.)
diaphanous (adj.) light, airy, transparent (Sunlight poured in through the _____ curtains, brightening the room.)
didactic 1. (adj.) intended to instruct (Her _____ document showed employees how to handle customer questions.) 2. (adj.) overly moralistic (His _____ style showed that he wanted his students not to understand history, but to understand it from his viewpoint.)
diffident (adj.) shy, quiet, modest (While eating dinner with the adults, the _____ youth did not speak for fear of seeming presumptuous.)
diffuse 1. (v.) to scatter, thin out, break up (He _____d the tension in the room by making in a joke.) 2. (adj.) not concentrated, scattered, disorganized (In her writings, she tried unsuccessfully to make others understand her _____ thoughts.)
dilatory (adj.) tending to delay, causing delay (The general’s _____ strategy enabled the enemy to regroup.)
diligent (adj.) showing care in doing one’s work (The _____ researcher made sure to check her measurements multiple times.)
diminutive (adj.) small or miniature (The bullies, tall and strong, picked on the _____ child.)
dirge (n.) a mournful song, especially for a funeral (The bagpipers played a _____ as the casket was carried to the cemetery.)
Created by: RakRiv
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