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Irregular verbs

būti to be was/were been
tapti to become became become
pradėti to begin began begun
laužyti, gadinti to break broke broken
atnešti to bring brought brought
statyti to build built built
pirkti to buy bought bought
galėti / mokėti can could been able
pagauti / gaudyti to catch caught caught
ateiti / atvykti to come came come
kainuoti to cost cost cost
pasirinkti / išrinkti to choose chose chosen
pjauti / kirpti to cut cut cut
daryti to do did done
gerti to drink drank drunk
vairuoti / važiuoti to drive drove driven
valgyti to eat ate eaten
kristi to fall fell fallen
jausti to feel felt felt
rasti / atrasti to find found found
skristi to fly flew flown
pamiršti to forget forgot forgotten
gauti / tapti to get got got
duoti to give gave given
eiti / vykti / važiuoti to go went gone / been
augti / auginti to grow grew grown
turėti to have had had
girdėti to hear heard heard
mušti / smogti / trenkti to hit hit hit
laikyti to keep kept kept
žinoti to know knew known
išmokti / mokutis to learn learnt learnt
palikti / išeiti / išvykti to leave left left
paskolinti to lend lent lent
leisti / duoti leidimą to let let let
pamesti / pralaimėti to lose lost lost
gaminti / daryti to make made made
sutikti / susitikti to meet met met
mokėti / sumokėti to pay paid paid
dėti / padėti to put put put
skaityti to read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/
joti / važiuoti to ride rode ridden
skambinti / skambėti to ring rang rung
bėgti / nubėgti to run ran run
sakyti / pasakyti to say said /sed/ said /sed/
matyti / pamatyti / susitikti to see saw seen
parduoti to sell sold sold
siųsti / išsiųsti to send sent sent
dainuoti to sing sang sung
uždaryti / užtrenkti to shut shut shut
sėsti / sėdėti / atsisėsti to sit sat sat
miegoti to sleep slept slept
kalbėti to speak spoke spoken
leisti / išleisti / praleisti to spend spent spent
stobėti / stoti / atsistoti to stand stood stood
vogti / pavogti to steal stole stolen
plaukti to swim swam swum
imti / paimti / nuvežti / pasiimti to take took taken
mokyti to teach taught taught
mesti to throw threw thrown
suprasti to understand understood understood
pabusti / pažadinti to wake woke woken
dėvėti / avėti / mūvėti / nešioti to wear wore worn
laimėti to win won won
rašyti / parašyti to write wrote written
Created by: iuleckaite
Popular English Verbs sets




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