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Vocabulario, Cap. 2

lista de vocabulario para el capítulo 2

la familia family
el padre father
la madre mother
hermano(a) brother/sister
hijo(a) son/daughter
esposo(a) husband/wife
marido husband
abuelo(a) grandfather/grandmother
gemelo(a) twin
hermanastro(a) stepbrother/stepsister
medio(a) hermano(a) half brother/half sister
tío(a) uncle/aunt
primo(a) cousin
padrastro stepfather
madrastra stepmother
papá dad
mamá mom
pariente relative
viudo(a) widower/widow
nieto(a) grandson/granddaughter
novio(a) boyfriend/girlfriend
sobrino(a) nephew/niece
padrino godfather
cuñado(a) brother-in-law/sister-in-law
hermanito(a) younger brother/younger sister
bisabuelo(a) great-grandfather/great-grandmother
suegro(a) father-in-law/mother-in-law
yerno son-in-law
nuera daughter-in-law
arrogante arrogant
alto(a) tall
anciano(a) ancient
antipático(a) mean, unpleasant
bajo(a) short
bilingüe bilingual
bonito(a) pretty
buen, bueno(a) good
delgado(a), flaco(a) thin
fácil easy
difícil difficult, hard
divertido(a) fun
gordo(a) fat
obeso(a) obese
grande big
guapo(a) good-looking, handsome
lindo(a) pretty
importante important
inteligente intelligent, smart
interesante interesting
joven young
largo(a) long
mal, malo(a) bad
mismo(a) same
mucho(a) much
nuevo(a) new
paciente patient
pelirrojo(a) redhead
pequeño(a) small
poco(a) little
pobre poor
responsable responsible
rubio(a) blonde
simpático(a) nice
tacaño(a) stingy, frugal
tímido(a) timid, shy
tonto(a) foolish
trabajador(a) hard-working
viejo(a) old
nacionalidades nationalities
español(a) Spanish
mexicano(a) Mexican
argentino(a) Argentine
cubano(a) Cuban
nicaragüense Nicaraguan
colombiano(a) Colombian
inglés, inglesa English
francés, francesa French
italiano(a) Italian
americano(a) American
estadounidense American, citizen of the United States
chino Chinese
japonés, japonesa Japanese
ruso(a) Russian
británico(a) British
costarricense Costa Rican
dominicano(a) Dominican
canadiense Canadian
al lado de next to
a la derecha de to the right of
a la izquierda de to the left of
allá over there
allí/ahí there
cerca de near
con with
debajo de below
delante de in front of
detrás de behind
en in, on
encima de on top of
entre between
lejos de far from
sin without
sobre on, over
creer to believe
abrir to open
aprender to learn
asistir to attend
beber to drink
comer to eat
comprender to understand
correr to run
deber should
decidir to decide
describir to describe
escribir to write
leer to read
recibir to receive
tener to have
venir to come
vivir to live
tener calor to be hot
tener hambre to be hungry
tener miedo to be afraid
tener cuidado to be careful
tener razón to be right
tener éxito to be successful
tener frío to be cold
tener sed to be thirsty
tener sueño to be sleepy
tener prisa to be in a hurry
tener suerte to be lucky
tener (tres) años to be (three) years
mi(s) my
tu(s) your (informal)
su(s) his, her, your (formal), their
nuestro/a(s) our
vuestro/a(s) your (Spain)
almorzar (ue) to have lunch
cerrar (ie) to close
comenzar (ie) to begin
contar (ue) to tell, to count
dar (yo doy) to give
decir (go, i) to say, tell
dormir (ue) to sleep
empezar (ie) to start
encontrar (ue) to find
entender (ie) to understand
hacer (go) to do, make
ir to go
jugar (ue) to play
mentir (ie) to lie
mostrar (ue) to show
oír to hear, listen (to)
pedir (i) to ask for, request
pensar (ie) to think
perder (ie) to lose
poder (ue) to be able to, can
poner (go) to put, place
preferir (ie) to prefer
querer (ie) to want, love
recordar (ue) to remember
repetir (i) to repeat
salir (go) to leave, go out
seguir (i) to continue, keep on
suponer (go) to suppose
traer (traigo) to bring
ver (veo) to see, watch
volver (ue) to return, go back
pasatiempos hobbies
andar en bicicleta to ride a bike
bucear to scuba dive
cazar to hunt
escalar las montañas to climb mountains
correr to run
leer to read
levantar pesas to lift weights
mandar mensajes de texto to send text messages
mirar la tele to watch tv
montar a caballo to go horseback riding
nadar to swim
patinar to skate
pasear to take a walk
dar un paseo to go for a walk
esquiar to ski
estar al aire libre to be outside
hacer ejercicio to exercise
ir to go
jugar to play
pescar to fish
practicar deportes to play sports
sacar fotos to take pictures
tomar el sol to sunbathe
tocar la guitarra to play the guitar
usar un teléfono inteligente to use a smart phone
ver una película to watch a movie
visitar un museo to visit a museum
deportes sports
el baloncesto basketball
el béisbol baseball
el boxeo boxing
el equipo team
el estadio stadium
el esquí acuático water skiing
el fútbol soccer
el fútbol americano football
el juego game
el jugador(a) player
la natación swimming
el tenis tennis
el vóleibol volleyball
el softball softball
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