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Vagabond Tomo 1
Unknown Words from the Manga Vagabond
Term | Definition |
sobrevivir | to survive |
el sobreviviente | survivor |
el cazador | hunter |
asustir | to scare |
acabado | finished |
acabar | to finish |
el pasto | grass |
consiguir | to get |
merecer | to deserve |
enemigo | enemy |
entregar | to deliver |
durar | to last |
engañarse | to trick |
el refugio | shelter |
asesinar | to murder |
ganar | to win |
lleno/a | full |
el bandido | bandit |
salvar | to save |
desear | to wish or want |
castigar | to punish |
el soldado | soldier |
casar | to mary |
quedarse | to stay or remain |
negar | to deny or reject |
crecer | to grow |
carmesí | crimson |
el venono | poison |
venenoso | poisonous |
la campana | chime or bell |
implacablemente | relentless |
rescatar | to rescue |
la espada | sword |
el ladrón | theif |
la armadura | armor |
detener | to stop |
advertir | to warn |
la pandilla | gang/mob/crowd |
aguantar | withstand or bear |
robado | stolen |
robar | to steal |
la mayoria | the majority |
el roble | oak |
varonil | manly |
la bestia | beast |
grosero/a | rude |
azergonzar | to embarass |
azergonzado | embarassed |
atreverse | to dare |
esconder | to hide |
oír | to hear |
verificar | to check |
el techo | roof |
retar | to challange/dare |
el cobarde | coward |
descuidar | to neglect |
el demonio | demon |
enfrentar | to face/address/confront |
sangriento | bloody |
evitar | to avoid |
suponer | to involve/assume/suppose |
el mocoso | brat |
la diversión | the fun |
jurar | to swear or vow |
borrar | to delete |
el pezón | nipple |
el trasero | rear |
vengarse | to take revenge |
prometer | to promise |
traer | to bring |
el costado | side |
de par en par | wide open |
unir | to join/link/bind |
el puñado | handful |
el gusano | worm |
gastar | to spend |
el presentemiento | a gut feeling |
convirtirse | to become |
grueso/a | thick/large/coarse |
deshonrar | to dishonor |
el obrero | worker |
esforzado/a | dedicated (noun=effort) |
el heredero | heir |
jobilado/a | retired |
burgesia | bourgeoisie |
luchar | to fight |
aperecer | to appear |
arrastrar | to drag |
dudar | to doubt |
capturar | to capture |
el anciano | an elder |
el consejo | council or advice |
atascar | to clog/jam/stall |
atascado/a | stuck |
feroz | fierce |
detras | behind |
sorprendente | surprising |
consagrado | devoted |
derrotar | to defeat |
la tonteria | nonsense |
tibio/a | warm |
espantoso | horrible |
alimentar | to feed or nurture |
la corteza | bark/crust/rind |
el conejo | rabbit |
eludir | to elude |
alcance | the reach or scope |
aldeano | a villager |
la aldea | a village |
el orden | order |
el templo | temple |
despreciable | dispicble |
el odio | hatred |
odiar | to hate |
entroneterse | meddle/intrude/interrupt |
el/la huerfano/a | orphan |
el sacerdote | priest |
comprometido/a | comitted or engaged |
el temod | fear |
el fracaso | failure |
bruto/a | gross or raw |
mandar | to send |
el pensamiento | the thought |
perjudicial | harmful |
involucrado/a | involved (noun=a person involved) |
involucrar | to involve |
apresurar | to speed up or hurry |
permanecer | to remain |
comportar | to entail |
pulir | to polish |
el espadachin | swordsman |
la manera | a way or manner |
el guerrero | warrior |
desfiar | to challenge |
renombrado/a | renowned |
averiguar | to find out |
patético/a | pathetic |
caer | to fall |
la mentra | a lie |
mentir | to lie |
la trampa | a trap |
atrapar | to catch/trap |
oponer | to oppose |
inútil | useless |
dispuesto/a | willing |
intentar | to attempt or try |