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Capítulo 5, Vocab
Un repaso del vocabulario del capítulo 5
Español | English |
las partes del cuerpo | body parts |
la boca | mouth |
el brazo | arm |
el cabello | hair |
la cabeza | head |
la cara | face |
el cerebro | brain |
el codo | elbow |
el corazón | heart |
el cuello | neck |
el cuerpo | body |
los dedos | fingers |
los dedos del pie | toes |
los dientes | teeth |
la espalda | back |
el estómago | stomach |
la garganta | throat |
el hueso | bone |
la mano | hand |
el músculo | muscle |
la nariz | nose |
el oído | (inner) ear |
los ojos | eyes |
las orejas | (outer) ears |
el pelo | hair |
el pie | foot |
la pierna | leg |
los pulmones | lungs |
la rodilla | knee |
el tobillo | ankle |
la salud | health |
la alergia | allergy |
el antibiótico | antibiotic |
la aspirina | aspirin |
el catarro/el resfriado | cold |
el consultorio | medical office |
el dolor de cabeza | headache |
la enfermedad | disease |
el (la) enfermero(a) | nurse |
la farmacia | pharmacy |
la fiebre | fever |
el jarabe | cough syrup |
el mareo | dizziness |
la medicina | medicine |
el (la) médico(a) | physician; doctor |
el (la) paciente | patient |
la pastilla | pill |
la receta | prescription |
la sala de emergencia | emergency room |
la sala de espera | waiting room |
acabar de | to have just finished doing something |
dolerle (ue) (a alguien) | to be painful (to someone); to hurt |
enfermarse | to get sick |
estar congestionado(a) | to be congested |
estar enfermo(a) | to be sick |
estar resfriado(a) | to have a cold |
estornudar | to sneeze |
examinar | to examine |
guardar cama | to stay in bed |
resfriarse | to catch a cold |
sentirse (ie) bien | to feel good |
sentirse (ie) mal | to feel bad |
tener dolor de cabeza | to have a headache |
tener escalofríos | to have chills |
tener fiebre | to have a fever |
tener gripe | to have a cold/the flu |
tener mareos | to feel dizzy |
tener náuseas | to feel nauseous |
tener tos | to have a cough |
tomarle la temperatura (a alguien) | to take (someone's) temperature |
toser | to cough |
verbos de la rutina diaria y personal | daily and personal routine verbs |
acostarse (ue) | to go to bed |
afeitarse | to shave |
bañarse | to take a bath |
cepillarse los dientes | to brush one's teeth |
cuidarse | to take care (of oneself) |
despertarse (ie) | to wake up |
dormirse (ue) | to fall asleep |
ducharse | to take a shower |
lavarse | to wash up |
levantarse | to get up |
maquillarse/pintarse | to put on makeup |
peinarse | to comb one's hair |
ponerse la ropa | to put on (one's clothes) |
respirar | to breathe |
quejarse | to complain |
quitarse (la ropa) | to take off (one's clothes) |
secarse (el cuerpo) | to dry off (one's body) |
vestirse (i) | to get dressed |
este(a) | this |
estos(as) | these |
ese(a) | that |
esos(as) | those |
aquel (aquella) | that (over there) |
aquellos(as) | those (over there) |