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Chapter 8 Drugs Used in GI Disorders

What are the functions of the GI system? intake of food & fluid into the body; absorption of nutrients and fluid; excretion of waste products
Describe the basic structures of the GI system. Mouth, teeth, tongue, salivary glands, esophagus, outpocketings of esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, rectum, anus.
Define monogastric. One stomach; no outpocketings or forestomachs. Carnivorous animals.
Describe the ruminant GI system. three forestomachs (reticulum, rumen, omasum); one true stomach (abomasum).
What is hindgut fermentation? Equines, rabbits, and some rodents; monogastric GI configuration with a large cecum capable of limited roughage digestion.
Describe the mechanisms of control in the GI system. ANS--stimulation of parasympathetic portion increases GI activity; sympathetic stimulation decreases GI activity; stimulation of intrinsic receptors may cause peristaltic activity. GI hormones exert control over many functions; specialized cells.
What is the veterinary term for vomiting? Emesis.
What is diarrhea? the passage of loose or liquid stools, often with increased frequency.
What drugs induce vomiting? apomorphine, xylazine, hydrogen peroxide.
What drugs inhibit vomiting? antiemetics; chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine, antihistamines (for motion sickness or inner ear abnormalities).
List the types of antiulcer medications used in veterinary medicine. H2 receptor antagonists--cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine; proton pump inhibitors--increase stomach pH; antacids--decrease hydrochloric acid levels in stomach (affect absorption of other drugs like cimetidine, digoxin, captopril, tetracycline, etc.
What causes diarrhea? hypersecretion, increased permeability, osmotic overload, altered intestinal motility, parasitism.
List medications used to control diarrhea. narcotic analgesics--increase segmental contractions, decrease secretions, enhance absorption; anticholinergics/antispasmodics--use w/ caution protectants/adsorbents--coating action protects inflamed mucosa/prevent absorption.
List the categories of laxatives & their actions. saline/hyperosmotic-hold water in GI tract (softens stool & stimulates stretch receptors); bulk producing--absorb water & swell (stimulates peristalsis); lubricants soften fecal mass; surfactants allow water to penetrate contents.
What are dopaminergic antagonists? They are GI prokinetics that block dopamine at the receptor, which stimulates GI motility of the gastroesophageal sphincter, stomach & small intestine.
What are serotoninergic drugs? They stimulate the motility of the proximal and distal GI tract and promote gastric emptying.
What are direct cholinergics used for in treating GI disorders? Postoperative treatment of ileus (retention of flatus or feces) and equine colic without obstruction.
What do acetylcholinesterase inhibitors do? increase the amount of acetylcholine available to bind smooth muscle receptors; used to treat rumen atony, stimulate GI motility, and curare overdose.
Why are digestive enzymes used? To treat pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Pancrelipase contains enzymes aid in digestion of fats, proteins & carbohydrates. It is a powder mixed w/ food & allowed to stand 15-20 minutes before feeding.
Discuss antibiotic use in GI disease. Antibiotics are not routinely used because they may destroy normal GI flora and allow pathogenic bacteria to grow. Bloody diarrhea or sepsis may indicate need for antibiotics.
What are antiinflammatory agents used for in GI disease? To treat idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease in animals.
List the categories of oral products. Dentifrice & cleansing products--friskies feline diet; fluoride--CET flurafoam; perioceutic agents--doxirobe; tissue regeneration agents--consil dental; polishing paste--CET prophypaste; disclosing solution--Duo128.
Created by: kidtaxi9
Popular Veterinary sets




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