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Rancho Levels

NBCOT Prep - Rancho Levels of Cognitive Functioning

Level I - Response No response
Level I - Assist level Total Assistance
Level I - Characteristics Absence of observable change in behavior when presented with any stimuli
Level II - Response Generalized response
Level II - Assist level Total Assistance
Level II - Characteristics Generalized reflex to painful stimuli; responds to external stimuli with generalized physiological changes
Level III - Response Localized response
Level III - Assist level Total Assistance
Level III - Characteristics Withdrawal or vocalization to painful stimuli; towards toward/away from auditory stimuli; blinks with strong light; follows moving object in visual field; response to discomfort by pulling lines; responds inconsistently to simple commands
Level IV - Response Confused - Agitated
Level IV - Assist level Maximal Assistance
Level IV - Characteristics Alert, heightened state of activity; Purposeful attempts to remove lines/exit bed; may perform motor activities but w/o purpose; no STM, goal-directed, problem-solving, self-monitoring behavior; may be aggressive; mood swings; inappropriate verbalizations
Level V - Response Confused - Inappropriate - Non-Agitated
Level V - Assist level Maximal Assistance
Level V - Characteristics Alert, wanders randomly; agitated d/t external stimuli; O0x3; brief, non-purposeful attn; severely impaired STM; no goal directed, problem-solving, self-monitoring behavior; inappropriate use of objects; no new learning; responds to simple commands
Level VI - Response Confused - Appropriate
Level VI - Assist level Moderate Assistance
Level VI - Characteristics Inconsistent Ox3; attends in quiet env. w/ familiar tasks for 30 m; memory aid w/ max A; emerging awareness of self, goal-directed behavior, problem solving; carry over for relearned tasks; max A for new learning & no carry over; no safety awareness
Level VII - Response Automatic - Appropriate
Level VII - Assist level Minimal Assist for Routine ADLs
Level VII - Characteristics Ox3 in familiar env.; attends in quiet env. for > 30 m; memory aid w. min A; min A for new learning; carry over; initiates/carries out steps for routines & monitors accuracy/completeness w/ min A; superficial awareness of condition; min A for safety
Level VIII - Response Purposeful - Appropriate
Level VIII - Assist level SBA
Level VIII - Characteristics Consistent Ox3; attends to familiar tasks in any env. for > 1 hr; recalls/integrates past & recent events; memory aid w/ SBA; initiates/carries out IADLs with SBA & modifies PRN; aware of disability; over/under est. ability; depressed, frustrated, argues
Level IX - Response Purposeful - Appropriate
Level IX - Assist level SBA on Request
Level IX - Characteristics I'ly shifts attn for > 2 hrs; memory aid; initiates/carries out IADLs with SBA, modifies PRN, SBA PRN to anticipate problem/consequences; depression, irritability, frustrated; self-monitors appropriateness of social interaction
Level X - Response Purposeful - Approprate
Level X - Assist level Modified Independent
Level X - Characteristics Multitasks w/ rest breaks; I'ly creates/maintains memory aids; I'ly completes IADLs w/ more time; anticipates impact of impairments on ADLs and can avoid problems; recognizes needs/feelings of others; periodic depression & irritability when sick/fatigued
Created by: kjayala
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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