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chinese measure word

chinese words

gè insan, herhangi şey 一个人 (yī ge rén) “bir insan”
wèi insan 三位老 师 (s ā n w è i l ǎ osh ī ) “ üç öğretmen”
míng insan, prof. , dr. 一名医生 (yī míng yīshēng) “bir doktor”
kǒu dependent 六口家眷 (li ù k ǒ u ji ā ju à n) “ six dependents(bağlı)”
jù corpse, ölü 一具尸体 (yījù shītǐ) “bir ölü”
hù ev halkı 十 戶 人 家 (sh í h ù r é nji ā ) “ ten households”
zhī hayvan 一只鸟 (yī zhī niǎo) “a bird bir kuş”
tóu livestock-çiftlik hayvanları 一头牛 (yī tóu niú) “a cow”
pǐ horse- at 一匹马 (yī pǐ mǎ) “a horse, bir at”
tiáo fish, snakes-balık yılan 一条鱼 (yītiáo yú) “a fish”
kē tree-ağaç 一棵树 (yī kē shù) “a tree, bir ağaç”
zhū plant,bitki flower still in the ground 一株花 (yī zhū huā) “a flower , bir bitki”
duǒ flower bulb or stem 一朵玫瑰 (yī duǒ méiguī) “a stem of rose , bir sap gül”
bǎ handful-avuç dolusu 一把花 (yī bǎ huā) “a bunch of flowers - bir demet gül ”
zhī long uzun (and straight ve düz) 一支笔 (yī zhī bǐ) “a pen , bir kalem”
tiáo long uzun (and winding , ve yol patika cadde) 一条河 (yī tiáo hé) “a river”
gēn long uzun (and thin ve ince) 一根头发 (yī gēn tóufǎ) “a strand of hair , bir tel saç ”
zhāng flat - düz 一张票 (yī zhāng piào) “a ticket - bir bilet”
tuán pile-yığın, küme 一团乱 (yī tuán luàn) “a mess (lit. a pile of junk)”
duī big pile,büyük yığın küme 一堆瓦砾 (yī duī wǎlì) “a pile of rubble”
kē small(küçük) , compact 一颗珠 (yī kē zhū) “a perl”
lì tiny 一粒药 (yī lì yào) “a pill”
shàn leaf, something that turns on a hinge 一扇门(yī shàn mén) “a door”
bāo a pack-paket,çanta 一包面纸 (yī bāo miàn zhǐ) “a pack of tissues(kumaş)”
juǎn a roll-rulo 一卷卫生纸 (yī juǎn wèishēngzhǐ) “a roll of toilet paper”
tǒng tube(tüp), bucket(kova) 一桶油漆 (yī tǒng yóuqī) “a bucket of paint- bir kova boya”
hé box- kutu 一盒巧克力 (yī hé qiǎokèlì) “a box of chocolates”
shù boquet-buket 一 束 花 (y ī sh ù hu ā ) “ a boquet of flowers-bir buket çiçek”
běn book 一本书 (yī běn shū) “a book”
fèn newspaper 一份报紙 (yī fèn bàozhǐ) “a newspaper”
jiàn incident (olay, vaka, hadise, vukuat)一件事 (y ī ji à n sh ì ) “ an incident, a circumstance, a thing(bir olay)”
jié event, episode 一节课 (yī jié kè) “one class” from a series or a course
mén a subject or series of classes 你在修几门课 n (nǐ zài xiū jǐ mén kè) “How many subjects are you taking?”
cì time, occurrence 三次 (sān cì) “three times”
chǎng large event 一场大雨 (yī chǎng dàyǔ) “a heavy rain”
duàn a period of time 一段往事 (yī duàn wáng shì) “a past event”
zhèn sudden(ani), passing event 一阵雨 (yī zhèn yǔ) “a quick rain shower”
kè a moment 一刻疯狂 (yīkè fēngkuáng) “a moment of madness”
fān a long period of time, or an activity that requires significant effort 一番好气象 (yī f ān hǎo qì xi àng) “a stretch of good weather”
xí banquet(ziyafet) 一席宴会 (yīxí yànhuì) “a banquet”
tàng a trip 一趟旅行 (yī tàng lǚxíng) “a tour”
jiān room, house 一间屋子 (yī jiān wūzi) “a room”
dòng tall building 一 栋 大 楼 (y ī d ò ng d à l ó u) “ a tall building”
céng floor 五层大楼 (wǔ céng dàlóu) “a five story building”, literally “five floors of building”
dǔ wall 一堵墙 (yī dǔ qiáng) “a wall”
miàn wall 一面墙 (yīmiàn qiáng) “a wall”
suǒ multi-building complex 一所医院 (yī suǒ yīyuàn) “a hospital”
chǎng field, open public space 一场宴会 (yī chǎng yànhuì) “a party”
jiā place of work 一家公司 (yī jiā gōngsī) “a company”
zuò large structure 一座桥 (yī zuò qiáo) “a bridge”
fèn portion 一份面 (y ī f è n mi à n) “ an order of noodles”
piàn piece 一片饼干 (yīpiàn bǐnggān) “a piece of cookie”
kuài piece, slice 一块蛋糕 (yīkuài dàngāo) “a slice of cake”
kǒu sip(yudum), mouthful(ağız dolusu) 口 means “mouth”.
dào dish(tabak) 一道名菜 (yīdào míng cài) “a famous dish”
dùn meal-öğün 一顿早餐 (yī dùn zǎocān) “a breakfast”
wǎn bowl(kase) 一碗饭 (yī wǎn fàn) “a bowl of (cooked) rice”bir kase (pişmiş) pirinç
pán plate 一盘水果 (yī pán shuǐguǒ) “a plate of fruit-bir tabak meyve”
lóng bamboo drum-bambu davul 一笼蒸饺(yī lóng zhēng jiǎo) “an order of steamed dumplings”
dī drop-damla,düşürmek 一滴水 (yī dīshuǐ) “a drop of water”
bēi cup-kupa 一杯茶 (yī bēi chá) “a cup of tea”
píng bottle-şişe 一瓶啤酒 (yī píng píjiǔ) “a bottle of beer”
hú teapot-demlik 一壶茶 (yī hú chá) “a pot of tea”
guàn can, jar 一罐蜂蜜 (yī guàn fēngmì) “a jar of honey-bir kavanoz bal”
gǔ whiff, smell-esinti,koku 一股香味 (yī gǔ xiāngwèi) “a pleasant aroma”
chuáng bedsheets-çarşaf 一床棉被 (yī chuáng mián bèi) “a cotton blanket”
tiáo towel, tablecloth 一条毯子 (yī tiáo tǎnzi) “a blanket-battaniye”
zhǎn lamp 一盏台灯 (yī zhǎn táidēng) “a standing lamp-ayakta Lamba”
fú painting or drawing-boyama veya çizim 一幅画 (y ī f ú hu à ) “ a painting or drawing”
zhēn printed picture-basılı resim 一 帧 照 片 (y ī zh ē n zh à opi à n) “ a photograph”
jiàn article of clothing-giyim eşyası 一件衣服 (yī ji àn yīfú) “an article of clothing”
tiáo a long article of clothing-uzun bir makale Giyim 一条领带 (yī tiáo lǐngdài) “a necktie”
tào costume-kostüm 一套西装 (yī tào xīzhuāng) “a (Western) suit”
dǐng hat-şapka 一顶帽子 (yī dǐng màozi) “a hat”
shuāng pair of identical objects-özdeş nesneler çifti 一双眼睛 (yī shuāng yǎnjīng) “pair of eyes”
fù pair of complementary objects-tamamlayıcı nesneler çifti 一副碗筷 (yī fù wǎn kuài) “bowl and chopsticks”
duì man-woman pair 一对夫妻 (y ī du ì f ū q ī ) “ a married couple”, literally “one pair husband wife”
xiē a few-bir kaç 一些東西 (yī xiē dōngxī) “a few things”
zhǒng a kind-bir tür 一种动物 (yī zhǒng dòngwù) “a type of animal”
qún group, flock-grup, sürü 一群人 (yī qún rén) “a group of people”
zhòng a crowd- bir kalabalık 一众人 (y ī zh ò ng r é n) “ a crowd of people”
zǔ an organization -bir organizasyon 一组用戶 (yī zǔ yòng hù) “consumers’ organization”
bāng a group or a band-bir grup veya bir grup 一帮贼 (yī bāng zéi) “a group of thieves-hırsız”
bān a class-bir sınıf 一班学生 (yī bān xuéshēng) “a class of students”
pái a row, queue-sıra, sıra 一排电杆 (yī pái diàn gān) “a row of electrical posts”
duì a team, battalion-bir takım, tabur 一队军人 (yī duì jūnrén) “a battalion of soldiers”
liè a chain, exhibited items-sergilenen bir zincir ürün 一列火车 (y ī li è hu ǒch ē ) “ a train ”, literally “a chain of cars”
xiàng item in a list, headline-listedeki öğe, başlık 一项标题 (yī xiàng biāotí) “a headline”
chuàn skewer-şiş 一串肉 (yī chuàn ròu) “a skewer of meat”
dá dozen-düzine 一打鸡蛋 (yī dá jīdàn) “a dozen eggs”
dié stack-yığın, küme, istif 一叠箱 (y ī di é xi ā ng) “ a stack of boxes/containers”
jù sentence-cümle 一句话 (yī jù huà) “a spoken sentence”
shǒu poem, song-şiir, şarkı 一首诗 (yī shǒu shī) “a poem”
chǎng speech-konuşma 一场演说 (yī chǎng yǎnshuō) “a speech”
tōng phone call-telefon araması 接到三通电话 (jiē dào sān tōng diànhuà) “receive three phone calls”
piān written piece 一篇文章 (y ī pi ā n w é nzh ā ng) “ a newspaper article-bir Gazete makalesi”
zé advertisement, news report, story-reklam, haber rapor, hikaye 一则广告 (y ī z é gu ǎ ngg à o) “ an advertisement”
chū a play-oyun 一出戏 (yī chū xì) “a play, a drama”
bù a movie-film 一部电影 (yī bù diànyǐng) “a movie”
tái machine-makina 一台电视 (yī tái diànshì) “a television”
liàng road vehicle-yol aracı 一辆汽车 (yī liàng qìchē) “a car”
jià airplane-uçak 一架飞机 (yī jià fēijī) “an airplane”
sōu ship-gemi 一艘帆船 (yī sōu fānchuán) “a sailboat”
miǎo second 一秒钟 (yī miǎo zhōng) “one second-bir saniye”
fēn minute 一分钟 (yī fēnzhōng) “one minute-bir dakika”
tiān day 一天 (yī tiān) “one day-bir gün”
rì day 一日 (yī rì) “one day” (used in literature and journalism-literatürde kullanılmış ve gazetecilik)
zhōu week 一 周 (y ī zhō u) “ one week ” (used in literature and journalism- edebiyat ve gazetecilikte kullanılan)
nián year 一年 (yī nián) “one year-bir yıl”
dài era, generation 上一代 (sh à ng y ī d à i) “ the previous generation-önceki nesil”
gè unit 一个小时 (yīgè xiǎoshí) “one hour-bir saat”
jīn unit of weight-ağırlık (~0.5 kg)
dūn unit of weight-ağırlık (ton)
bàng unit of weight (pound)-ağırlık birimi (pound)
píng unit of area-alan birimi (~0.6 m2)
kuài monetary unit-para birimi (1 yuan)
máo monetary unit-para birimi (1/10 yuan)
bǐ an unspecified amount of money- belirsiz bir miktar para
cùn one inch-inç (~1/30 m)
chǐ one foot-bir ayak, bir adım (~1/3 m)
lǐ unit of distance-mesafe (~0.5 km)
shēng unit of volume-seviye (1 liter)
dòu unit of volume-seviye (10 liter)
dù degree, level , derece
yi1 one 1
gun3 line 1
zhu3 dot 1
丿 乀 (fu2), 乁(yi2) pie3 slash 1
乙 乚 (yin3), 乛 yi4 second 1
jue2 hook 1
er4 two 2
tou2 lid 2
人 亻 ren2 man 2
er2 legs 2
ru4 enter 2
八 丷 ba1 eight 2
jiong3 down box 2
mi4 over 2
bing1 ice 2
ji1 table 2
qian3 open box 2
刀 刂 dao1 knife 2
li4 power 2
bao1 wrap 2
bi3 spoon 2
fang1 right open box 2
xi3 hiding enclo­sure 2
shi2 ten 2
bu3 mysti­cism 2
jie2 seal 2
chang3 cliff 2
si1 private 2
you4 again 2
kou3 mouth 3
wei2 enclo­sure 3
tu3 earth 3
shi4 scholar 3
zhi3 (top) go 3
sui1 (bot­tom) go slowly 3
xi1 evening 3
da4 big 3
nü3 woman 3
zi3 child 3
mian2 roof 3
cun4 inch 3
xiao3 small 3
尢 尣 wang1 lame 3
shi1 corpse 3
che4 sprout 3
shan1 moun­tain 3
川 巛, 巜 (gui4) chuan1 river 3
gong1 work 3
ji3 oneself 3
jin1 turban 3
gan1 dry 3
yao1 short thread 3
广 guan3 dotted cliff 3
yin3 long stride 3
gong3 two hands 3
yi4 shoot 3
gong1 bow 3
彐 彑 ji4 snout 3
shan1 bristle 3
chi4 step 3
心 忄 xin1 heart 4
ge1 halberd 4
hu4 door 4
手 扌 shou3 hand 4
zhi1 branch 4
攴 攵 pu1 rap 4
wen2 script 4
dou3 dipper 4
jin1 axe 4
fang1 square 4
wu2 not 4
ri4 sun 4
yue1 say 4
yue4 moon 4
mu4 tree 4
qian4 lack 4
zhi3 stop 4
dai3 death 4
shu1 weapon 4
wu2 do not 4
bi3 compare 4
mao2 fur 4
shi4 clan 4
qi4 steam 4
水 氵 shui3 water 4
火 灬 huo3 fire 4
爪 爫 zhao3 claw 4
fu4 father 4
yao2 double x 4
爿 丬 pan2, qiang2 half tree trunk 4
pian4 slice 4
ya2 fang 4
牛 牜 niu2 cow 4
犬 犭 quan3 dog 4
xuan2 pro­found 5
玉 王 yu4 jade 5
gua1 melon 5
wa3 tile 5
gan1 sweet 5
sheng1 life 5
yong4 use 5
tian2 field 5
pi3 bolt of cloth 5
chuang2 sick­ness 5
bo4 dotted tent 5
bai2 white 5
pi2 skin 5
min3 dish 5
mu4 eye 5
mao2 spear 5
shi3 arrow 5
shi2 stone 5
示 礻 shi4 spirit 5
rou3 track 5
he2 grain 5
xue4 cave 5
li4 stand 5
竹 ⺮ zhu2 bamboo 6
mi3 rice 6
糸 纟 mi4 silk 6
fou3 jar 6
网 罒 wang3 net 6
yang2 sheep 6
yu3 feather 6
lao3 old 6
er2 and 6
lei3 plow 6
er3 ear 6
yu4 brush 6
rou4 meat 6
chen2 minis­ter 6
zi4 self 6
zhi4 arrive 6
jiu4 mortar 6
she2 tongue 6
chuan3 oppose 6
zhou1 boat 6
gen4 stop­ping 6
se4 color 6
艸 艹 cao3 grass 6
hu1 tiger 6
chong2 insect 6
xue3 blood 6
xing2 walk enclo­sure 6
衣 衤 yi1 clothes 6
襾 覀 ya4 west 6
見 见 jian4 see 7
jue2 horn 7
言 讠 yan2 speech 7
gu3 valley 7
dou4 bean 7
shi3 pig 7
zhi4 badger 7
貝 贝 bei4 shell 7
chi4 red 7
zou3 run 7
足 ⻊ zu2 foot 7
shen1 body 7
車 车 che1 cart 7
xin1 bitter 7
chen2 morning 7
辵 辶 chuo4 walk 7
邑 阝 (right) yi4 city 7
you3 wine 7
bian4 distin­guish 7
li3 village 7
jin1 gold 8
長 长 chang2 long 8
門 门 men2 gate 8
阜 阝 (left) fu4 mound 8
dai4 slave 8
zhui1 short tailed bird 8
yu3 rain 8
qing1 blue 8
fei1 wrong 8
mian4 face 9
ge2 leather 9
韋 韦 wei2 tanned leather 9
jiu3 leek 9
yin1 sound 9
頁 页 ye4 leaf 9
風 风 feng1 wind 9
飛 飞 fei1 fly 9
食 飠 饣 shi2 eat 9
shou3 head 9
xiang1 fragrant 9
馬 马 ma3 horse 10
gu3 bone 10
gao1 tall 10
biao1 hair 10
dou4 fight 10
chang4 sacri­ficial wine 10
li4 caul­dron 10
gui3 ghost 10
魚 鱼 yu2 fish 11
鳥 鸟 niao3 bird 11
lu3 salt 11
鹿 lu4 deer 11
麥 麦 mai4 wheat 11
ma2 hemp 11
huang2 yellow 12
shu3 millet 12
hei1 black 12
zhi3 embroi­dery 12
黽 黾 min3 frog 13
ding3 tripod 13
gu3 drum 13
鼠 鼡 shu3 rat 13
bi2 nose 14
齊 齐 qi2 even 14
齒 齿 chi3 tooth 15
龍 龙 long2 dragon 16
龜 龟 gui1 turtle 16
yue4 flute 17
li4 stand 5
竹 ⺮ zhu2 bamboo 6
mi3 rice 6
糸 纟 mi4 silk 6
fou3 jar 6
网 罒 wang3 net 6
yang2 sheep 6
yu3 feather 6
lao3 old 6
er2 and 6
lei3 plow 6
er3 ear 6
yu4 brush 6
rou4 meat 6
chen2 minis­ter 6
zi4 self 6
zhi4 arrive 6
jiu4 mortar 6
she2 tongue 6
chuan3 oppose 6
zhou1 boat 6
gen4 stop­ping 6
se4 color 6
艸 艹 cao3 grass 6
hu1 tiger 6
chong2 insect 6
xue3 blood 6
xing2 walk enclo­sure 6
衣 衤 yi1 clothes 6
襾 覀 ya4 west 6
見 见 jian4 see 7
jue2 horn 7
言 讠 yan2 speech 7
gu3 valley 7
dou4 bean 7
shi3 pig 7
zhi4 badger 7
貝 贝 bei4 shell 7
chi4 red 7
zou3 run 7
足 ⻊ zu2 foot 7
shen1 body 7
車 车 che1 cart 7
xin1 bitter 7
chen2 morning 7
辵 辶 chuo4 walk 7
邑 阝 (right) yi4 city 7
you3 wine 7
bian4 distin­guish 7
li3 village 7
jin1 gold 8
長 长 chang2 long 8
門 门 men2 gate 8
阜 阝 (left) fu4 mound 8
dai4 slave 8
zhui1 short tailed bird 8
yu3 rain 8
qing1 blue 8
fei1 wrong 8
mian4 face 9
ge2 leather 9
韋 韦 wei2 tanned leather 9
jiu3 leek 9
yin1 sound 9
頁 页 ye4 leaf 9
風 风 feng1 wind 9
飛 飞 fei1 fly 9
食 飠 饣 shi2 eat 9
shou3 head 9
xiang1 fragrant 9
馬 马 ma3 horse 10
gu3 bone 10
gao1 tall 10
biao1 hair 10
dou4 fight 10
chang4 sacri­ficial wine 10
li4 caul­dron 10
gui3 ghost 10
魚 鱼 yu2 fish 11
鳥 鸟 niao3 bird 11
lu3 salt 11
鹿 lu4 deer-geyik benzeri hayvan 11
麥 麦 mai4 wheat-buğday 11
ma2 hemp-kenevir-haşhaş 11
huang2 yellow -sarı 12
shu3 millet -darı(tahıl) 12
hei1 black - siyah 12
zhi3 embroi­dery-nakış 12
黽 黾 min3 frog-kurbağa 13
ding3 tripod 13
gu3 drum-davul 13
鼠 鼡 shu3 rat-sıçan 13
bi2 nose - burun 14
齊 齐 qi2 even- bile 14
齒 齿 chi3 tooth- diş 15
龍 龙 long2 dragon- ejderha 16
龜 龟 gui1 turtle - kaplumbağa 16
yue4 flute- flüt 17
Created by: blueeyedgoliath
Popular Traditional Chinese sets




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