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Exam Vocab1

verbs--warning: scarily long.

Agir To act
Batir (triangle over the a) To build
Choisir To choose
Desobeir (accent ague over all e's) To disobey
finir to finish
guerir (ague over E) to cure
nourrir to feed
obeir (ague over E) to obey
punir to punish
reflechir (ague over all e's) to think
remplir to fill
reussir (ague over E) to succeed
rougir to blush
saisir to seize
ajouter to add
arreter (triangle over first E) to stop
bavarder to chatter
briller to shine
bruler (triangle over U) to burn
cacher to hide
casser to break
cesser to stop
empecher (triagnle over second E) to prevent
enchanter to delight
entourer to surround
chasser to hunt
commander to order
crier to shout
dejeuner (ague over first e) to eat breakfast
depenser (ague over first e) to spend
deranger (ague over first e) to disturb
durer to last
embrasser to kiss
passer to spend time
penser to think
pleurer to cry
porter to carry
preparer (ague over first E) to prepare
preter (triangle over first E) to prepare
preter (triangle over first E) to lend
quitter to leave
raconter to tell
traverser to cross
trouver to find
ramasser to pick up
regarder to look
remarquer to notice
rencontrer to meet
rester to stay
sonner to ring
tomber to fall
travailler to work
epouser (ague over first E) to marry
etonner (ague over first E) to astonish
eviter (ague over fist E) to avoid
exprimer to express
frapper to strike
frotter to rub
fumer to smoke
glisser to slide
pardonner to forgive
patiner to skate
poser to put/place
hesiter (ague over first E) to hesitate
interesser (ague over firt E) to interest
louer to rent/praise
manquer to lack/miss
meriter (ague over first E) to deserve
nommer to name
oser to dare
oter (triangle over first O) to remove
accompagner to accompany
aider to help
aimer to like
apporter to bring
arriver to arrive
casser to break
causer to chant
chanter to sing
diner (triangle over I) to dine
donner to give
ecouter to listen
chercher to look for
compter to count
couper to cut
couter (triganle over U) to cost
danser to danse
demander to ask (for)
demeurer to live
desirer (ague over first E) to wish/want
ecrire (AGUE OVER FIRST e) to write
pouvoir to be able
vouloir to want
venir to come
devenir to become
revenir to come back
mettre to put
admettre to admit
permettre to permit
promettre to promise
voir to see
croire to believe
connaitre (triangle ver I) to know people
savoir to know facts
etre (triangle over first E) to be
avoir to have
aller to go
faire to make/do
dormir to sleep
sortir to go out
partir to leave
servir to smell
lire to read
dire to say/tell
ouvir to open
offrir to offer
souffrir to suffer
couvrir to cover
decouvrir (auge over E) to discover
prendre to take
apprendre to learn
comprendre to understand
emprunter to borrow
enseigner to teack
entre (dans) to enter
etudier (ague over first e) to study
expliquer to explain
fermer to close
gagner to earn/win
garder to keep
gronder to scold
habiter to live in
inviter to invite
jouer to play
laisser to leave (things)
laver to wash
marcher to walk, go
monter to go (come) up
montrer to show
oublier to forget
parler to speak/talk
prier to pray/beg
prouver to prove
regretter to be sorry
remercier to thank
ressembler a (accent grave) to look like
reveiller (ague over first e) to wake
saluer to greet
sauver to save
sembler to seem
signifier to mean
souhaiter to wish
souligner to underline
telephoner (auge over first two e's) to telephone
terminer to finish
tirer to pull
tourner to turn
tromper to deceive
tuer to kill
voler to fly, steal.
Created by: marycole2013
Popular French sets




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