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Vocab Spanish 101 1st Semester Mrs Bejar
Question | Answer |
La Bandea | the flag |
el cartel | the poster |
la computadora | the computer |
el disquete | the disk the floppy disk thumb drive |
la mochila | the backpack |
la pantalla | screen |
la papelera | trash can |
el rato`n | mouse |
el reloj | clock |
el sacapuntas | pencil sharpener |
el teclado | keyboard |
el escritorio | desk |
la mesa | table |
la silla | chair |
la puerta | door |
la venatna | window |
al lado de la/del | beside next to |
Alli (aqui) | here |
debajo | underneath under |
delante | before infront of ahead |
detras | behind back in the rear |
Donde | where |
en | in |
encima | up on over |
ella | sh her |
yo | I |
de | of from about for on by at out of with |
mi | my |
tu | you |
el alumerzo | lunch |
la clase | the class |
la clase de | the class of |
arte | art |
espanol | spanish |
ciencias naturales | natural science |
cienes sociales | social science social studies |
ingles | English |
matematicas | math |
tecnologia | technology computers |
el horario | schedule |
en la ... hora | in the ... hour |
ensenar | to teach |
estudia | to study |
hablar | to talk |
primero-a | first |
segundo -a | second |
tercero -a | third |
cuarto -a | fourth |
quinto -a | fifth |
sexto -a | sixth |
septimo -a | seventh |
octavo -a | eighth |
noveno -a | ninth |
decimo -a | tenth |
la calculadora | the calculator |
la carpeta de argollas | binder |
el diccionario | dictionary |
necesito | nessesary |
aburrido | boreing |
dificil | difficult |
divertido | funny |
facil | easy |
favorito | favorite |
interesante | interesting |
practico | practical |
artistico | artistic |
atrevido | daring |
bueno | good |
deportista | sports minded |
desordenado | disorganized |
estudioso | studious |
gracioso | funny |
impaciente | impatient |
inteligente | intelligent |
ordenado | organized neat |
paciente | pacient |
perezoso | lazy |
reservado | reserved shy |
simpatico | nice friendly |
sociable | popular sociable |
talentoso |