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Capítulo 3_La vida

Capítulo 3_ El desarrollo humano_verbos

abrazar to embrace / to hug
abrazarse to embrace each other / to hug each other
Ella abrazó a su hijo. She hugged her son.
Ellos se abrazaron. They hugged each other.
amar to love
amarse to love each other
Ellos se aman mucho. They love each other very much.
besar to kiss
besarse to kiss each other
un beso a kiss
Ellos se besaron. They kissed each other.
Dame un beso. Give me a kiss / Kiss me.
Dale un beso. Give him /her a kiss.
casarse to get married
Ellos se casaron ayer. They got married yesterday.
¿Cuándo se casó María? When did María get married?
Me casé el año pasado. I got married last year.
Vamos a casarnos en dos años. We are going to get married in two years.
comprometerse to get engaged
Se comprometieron el mes pasado. They got engaged last month.
enamorarse to fall in love
Se enamoraron enseguida. They fell in love right away.
llevarse bien to get along well
Nosotros nos llevamos bien. We get along well.
llevarse mal to get along poorly
La pareja se lleva mal. The couple gets along poorly.
Los niños se llevan mal. The children get along poorly - don´t get along.
Anita se lleva bien con María. Anita gets along well with María.
Marta se lleva mal con Rosa. Marta gets along poorly with Rosa.
divorciarse to get divorced
Se divorciaron. They got divorced.
separarse to get separated
Se separaron. They got separated.
separar to separate / to set aside / to sort
Vamos a separarle comida a ella para cuando llegue. Let´s separate (set aside) food for her for when she arrives (gets here).
Voy a separar la comida de los niños. I am going to set aside the children´s food.
Separé los distintos vinos. I separated (sorted) the different wines.
graduarse to graduate
Yo voy a graduarme en mayo. I am going to graduate in May.
dar a luz to give birth (literally to give light)
Ella ya dio a luz. She already gave birth.
nacer to be born
Nació ayer. He / she was born yesterday.
querer to love / to like / to want
quererse to love each other
Ellos se quieren mucho. They love each other very much.
Ellos se querían mucho. They loved each other very much.
Ella quiere casarse en mayo. She wants to get married in May.
Quiero Taco Bell. I want Taco Bell.
salir to go out
Ellos salieron juntos anoche. They went out together last night.
Ellos salían mucho antes de casarse. They used to go out a lot before getting married.
romper to break / to break up
Rompieron. They broke up.
Ella rompió el compromiso. She broke up her engagement.
¡Felicidades! Congratulations!
fallecer to die
morirse to die
la muerte death
el fallecimiento death
Falleció el año pasado. He / she died last year.
Se murió de cáncer. He / she died of cancer.
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