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Intrnl Marketing


Marketing that is focused solely on domestic consumers and on home-country environment Domestic Marketing
Involvement in international marketing ltd to exporting; although the firm seeks international clients, it considers international mkt an extension of domestic mkt and doesn't give special consideration Export Marketing
Creating, producing, distributing, promoting, and pricing products for international markets; req. focus on international consumers in a certain country(ies) International Marketing
Marketing in many countries w/o coordinating Multinational Marketing
International marketing activities that don't have a country/region focus and are due to emergence of global consumer segments and efficient global allocation of company talent and resources Global Marketing
Have great potential to international firms; attractiveness is in their rate of econ. growth (7%/year in past 20 years) and include: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Israel, South Africa, Poland, Russia... Emerging Markets
Traits include: high political stability, sound currency, low inflation, privatization policies that reduce deficit, sound corporate law, high savings rate, policies that facilitate repatriation of K, and people w/ integrity, strong work ethic, & respect. Emerging Markets
Share all traits of emerging markets and present most potential b/c they have large populations, and set a pace for economy in the region. BEMs (Big Emerging Markets)
Include: protection of markets w/ excess productive capacity, employment protection, infant industry arguments, natural resources conservation, protection of consumers, national defense interests. Arguments for Protectionism
Includes: Bilateral Agreements, Free Trade agreements (NAFTA), Customs Unions, Common Markets, Monetary Unions, Political Unions Levels of Economic and Political Integration
Includes: Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity, Individualism vs Collectivism Hofstede's Dimensions
One's conscious and unconscious ref. to their own national culture and its values in process of making decisions in host country Self-Reference Criterion
Tests that are performed in emerging markets and include: brand name generation and testing, product testing (degree tow hich product conforms to local taste), and product packaging design studies International Product Research
At this level, the plan allocates resources and est. objectives for whole enterprise, worldwide. Has LT focus involving highest levels of mgmt, and planning involves target mkt selection decisions Corporate Level International Marketing Strategy
At this level, the plan allocates funds to each business unit based on goals and company coordinates all local operations. Also, company uses analysis tools to decide which brands to start and invest in. Division Level International Marketing Strategy
At this level, company develops plan within each country and decisions are made on which segments to target Business Unit Level International Marketing Strategy
At this level, a marketing plan is developed for achieving objectives Product Level International Marketing Strategy
Includes: Measurability, Substantiality, Stability over Time, Accessibility, Actionability, Differential Response Requirements for effective international segmentation
Company sells its products to intermediaries in home country who sell product overseas Indirect Exporting
Firm handles its own exports, usu w/ in-house dept. Direct Exporting
Offers more control than exporting and more flexibilty and rapid international expansion and high brand-awareness. Doesn't req. knowledge of local mkt. Person (____) offers know-how, shares technology, and possibly brand name Licensing
Licensing's mode for the service industry. Business know-how and brand name and right to use related trademarks in return for royalties Franchising
Corporate entity created w/ two companies that share equity, K, and L. Joint Venture
For companies that can afford the costs, are willing to commit in LT, want total control. A totally new company is called Greenfielding or it can use A & M's. Wholly Owned Subsidiary
In this stage of the IPLC, developed countries engage in domestic production and market product to industrialized countries. Introduction and Growth
At this stage of the IPLC, there is a slowdown in sales, product is adopted by most target consumers, and there is a leveling/decline in profit b/c of intense price competition Maturity
In this stage of the IPLC, products are marketing in developed countries, b/c these consumers... Can afford the high prices
At the end of the growth stage, the product is... Standardized
This is the longest stage in the IPLC... Maturity
A TV set, stereo equipment, and video cameras are examples of products in the... Maturity stage
During this stage of the IPLC, products are rapidly losing ground to new technologies, there is a decrease in sales and profits, and companies consider a presence in developing countries now. Decline
The main benefit of turning to developing countries during the Decline stage of the IPLC is to: Extend the product life cycle
ex: Unilever makes frozen foods, ice cream, margarine, cheese, fruit drinks, tea, and deodorants and detergents. This describes... The width (total # of product lines the company offers)
Unilever's ice cream includes: Ben and Jerry, Klondike Bars..and its margarine includes: Flora Spreads, Country Crock, Stork, etc...The total number of product lines that the company offers is refers to... Width
Used to describe all of the brands the company offers or # of different offerings in the same product category Product Line-depth
The steps include: Generating new product ideas, screening new ideas, developing/evaluating concepts, performing a product business analysis, design and develop the product, test market it, launch it internationally... The New product development process
This mode of transportation has the highest flexibility, high cost, high speed.. Truck
This mode of transportation has the highest flexibility, highest cost, and highest speed... Air
This mode of transportation has medium flexibility, medium cost, and a lower speed... Rail
This mode of transportation has a low flexibility, lowest cost, and low speed... Pipeline
This mode of transportation has a low flexibility, low cost, and low speed... Water
Automobiles and perishables would be shipped by... Truck
Coal, gas, forestry products, grains, and automobiles would be shipped by... Rail or Water
Jewelry, electronics, and other expensive and low-volume products would be shipped by... Air
Grains, gas, forestry products, cement and fertilizers would be shipped by... Water
This is also called a gray market Parallel Imports
Used to refer to products purchased in a low-price market and diverted to another distribution system that is not authorized by the manufacturer Parallel Imports
For Parallel Imports, a low-price market is one where: a)products can be purchased b/c company is in a competitive situation and must lower price b) local taxes don't significantly increase the price c)Most often, companies are just ridding of excess inventory
This entity sells brand name and designer merchandise below regular retail Off-price retailers
Food retailers include: Su., Ss, WC, CS Supermarkets, Superstores, Wholesale clubs, Convenience stores
Includes: advertising, international sales force management, international sales promotion, PR, and Publicity International Promotional Mix
The sender (international sponsor) ENCODES the message into a certain channel to the target market and the receiver DECODES the message International Communication Process
Nonpersonal communication includes: Print, broadcast, and interactive
Personal communication includes: Salesperson, telemarketer, or trade show
All the potential interference in the communication process Noise
Information regarding the effectiveness of a company's message Feedback
Process whereby advertiser puts message into words and images aimed at a target Encoding
Process whereby target receives message and translates it into meaningful information Decoding
Availability, Reliability, Restrictions are all Challenges of Media Infrastructure
This challenge refers to the extent to which media are available to communicate w/ consumers Availability
This challenge refers to the extent to which the existing media will reliably reach the target in intended format in intended time frame Reliability
This challenge refers to legal or self-imposed restrictions on types and #s of ads aired Other Media Restrictions
These include: limiting # and types of ads, cultural differences, clustered ads, and media scheduling (lag times) Other Media Restrictions
Includes: posters on kiosks and fences, sides of private homes, plastic bags, outdoor umbrellas, and billboard The formats, features and trends around the world
This mode of advertising is relatively inexpensive and valuable Kiosks
Advertising on fences and kiosks appears way less in _____ than in ______ US;World
These are placed in high traffic areas and are a source of revenue for homeowners and owners of commercial buildings Adv on sides of homes
The process of globalizing a company's promotional strategy so that it is uniform Standardization of advertising strategy
qAct of changing a company's promotional mix to each country/market Adaptation of the advertising strategy
Barriers to Standardization include: Communication infrastructure (availability), literacy level, legal restrictions, different purchase motivations, attitudes towards country of origin, and standardizing language.
This budgeting method identifies goals in terms of reach, awareness...conducts research to determine the cost of this, and allocates a sum to the expenditure Objective and Task Method
This budgeting method is popular w/ multinational corporations Objective and Task Method
This budgeting method determines total budget allocated to adv based on past/projected sales % of sales method
This budgeting method bases adv budget on past expenditures, putting more weight on more recent ones Historical Method
This budgeting method is not recommended for a firm that has an unstable, economic, political, or competitive environment Historical Method
This budgeting method uses competitors' level of adv as a benchmark Competitive Parity
This budgeting method is used by 1/3 of transnational companies Executive-Judgment Method
Created by: N.Mokris
Popular Marketing sets




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