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Baby Boom
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Second set of pop vocab

Anti-natalist argue that people should refrain from procreation (having babies) usually government policy to curb population growth by discouraging citizens from having children
Baby Boom A cohort of individuals born in the U.S. Between 1946 and 1694, which was just after WWII in a time or relative peace and prosperity. These conditions allowed for better education and job opportunities, encouraging high rates of both marriage and fertility.
Bosrup's theory of agriculture (Esther Bosrup) Argued against Malthus. Stated that as population pressure increases, cultures farm more intensively and increase output
Cohort A group of people banded together or treated as a group (Age Cohort on a population pyramid)
Contraceptives A device or drug serving to prevent pregnancy's
Dependency ratio The number of people under 15 and over 64 compared to the number of people in the workforce.
Elderly support Ratio The number of working-age people (ages 15-64) divided by the number of persons 65 and older
Epidemic Widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time
Epidemiology The branch of medical science that is concerned with the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases that are prevalent among a population at a special time.
Pandemic Disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a very high proportion of the population.
Pro-natalist The policy or practice of encouraging the bearing of children, especially government support of a higher birthrate. (accelerate population growth)
Temperate climates Those with moderate temperatures and adequate precipitation amounts are usually more densely populated.
Neo-Malthusian A new school of thought raises concerns about sustainable use of the planet, claiming that Earth's resources can only support a finite population. (The prefix neo-means NEW)
Malthus's 1 Was a demographer who lived and worked in England in the late 1700s. This was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Era of new technologies and scientific advances that prolonged life and reduced the death rate in much of the world. Malthus interpreted the rising life expectance and lower death rate as a sign that the worlds population would grow exponentially. 2. This is that it would expand at an ever increasing rate. At the same time, he observed that food productivity was growing more slowly at an arithmetic or constant rate. In his essay on population Matlhus speculated that Britain's accelerated population growth would contribute to a food shortage and famine by the late 1800s. He coined the term over population
Created by: Ajsteele
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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