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GRE prep

a couple of new word

Enthymeme An argument in which one premise is not explicitly stated
Dogma a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true
Omniscient All-knowing
Positivism Recognizing only that which can be scientifically verified or which is capable of logical or mathematical proof
Teleology The explanation of phenomena in terms of the purpose they serve rather than the cause by which they arise
Parlance A particular way of speaking common to those a particular job or interest
Laity Lay people, distinct from clergy Or ordinary people, distinct from professionals or experts
Pundit An expert in a particular field who is frequently called upon to give their opinions to the public
Spate A large number of similar things coming in quick succession
Cloy Disgust or sicken with an excess of sweetness or richness
Bedizen Dress up or decorate gaudily
Verdant Green with grass or other rich vegetation
Resplendent Attractive and impressive through being richly colourful or sumptuous
Quiescence Inactivity
Irascible Having a tendency to be easily angered
Ameliorate Improve
Impecunious Having little or no money
Proletariat Working class
Stolid Calm, dependable, showing little emotion
Laconic Using very few words
Gregarious Sociable
Reticent Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily
Stentorian Loud and powerful
Propiniquity Being close to something
Maraud Go about in search of things to steal or people to attack
Parley A conference between opposing sides
Capitulate Give in / cease to resist
Bent (n) A natural talent or inclination
Firebrand Someone who is very passionate about a cause and ignites radical shifts
Panacea A solution or remedy for all difficulties and diseases
Equivocal Ambiguous
Turgid Swollen OR using pompous or bombastic language
Bombastic High-sounding but with little meaning
Sedulous Showing dedication and diligence
Exegesis Critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially scripture
Milieu Social environment
Munificence Being extremely generous
Asceticisim Self-denial and avoiding indulgence
Garrulous Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
Irreverent Showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously
Inveterate Having a particular habit
Fatuous Silly and pointless/complacently foolish
Scotch Decisively put an end to
Posit Put forward as fact or as basis for an argument
Eschew Deliberately avoid or abstain from
Misanthropic Unsociable, disliking other people
Hedonistic Engaged in the pursuit of pleasure
Feckless Lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible
Nugatory Useless
Runic Mysterious; secret meaning
Truculent Eager to argue/fight
Recalcitrant Uncooperative towards authority
Bellicose Aggressive, willing to fight
Equanimity Calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation
Extempore Without preparation
Portent A sign or warning that a momentous or calamitous event is likely to happen
Capricious Given to sudden or unaccountable changes in mood or behaviour
Parity Equality, especially in income
Deleterious Causing harm or damage
Flagitious Evil
Pleonastic Using more words than necessary
Insouciant Showing a casual lack of concern
Elucidation Explanation, clarification
Obfuscation Making something obscure
Excoriate Criticize severely
Felicitous Fitting and well chosen
Vociferous Loudly and vehemently expressive
Imbibe Drink (/eat)
Ochlocracy Mob rule
Plutocracy Government by the wealthy
Censure Official reprimand
Scintillation Flash or sparkle of light
Quittance Release from debt or obligation
Diffident Shy or modest from lack of confidence
Quotidian Daily/commonplace
Intransigent Stubborn, refusing to change one's views
Excogitate Think out, plan
Iconoclasm Rejecting cherished and established beliefs, belief in destroying icons
Intemperate Showing lack of control
Probity Integrity
Unctuous Excessively flattering
Abstruse ` Obscure, difficult to understand
Esoteric Only understood by a small group of people with specialized knowledge
Recapitulate Summarize and state the main points of
Repudiate Reject
Ubiquitous Present everywhere
Solicitous Showing interest or concern
Irresolute Hesistant/uncertain
Ebullient Cheerful and full of energy
Prevarication A lie
Mendacity Untruthfulness
Baseness Lack of moral principles; bad character
Avarice Extreme greed for wealth and material gain
Temporal Relating to time or relating to worldly (not spiritual) affairs
Debased Reduced in quality or value
Jettison Drop/get rid of
Salubrious Healthy
Pernicious Subtly harmful
Florid Red complexation/ excessively intricate or elaborate
Calumnious False and defamatory
Inveigle Persuade by deception or flattery
Intractable Hard to control or deal with
Evanescent Soon passing out of memory
Recrudescence Revival
Inimical Tending to obstruct or harm
Ineluctable Can't be avoided or resisted; inescapable
Invidious Likely to arouse resentment or anger
Plangent Loud, mournful tone
Denouement Final outcome
Choleric Bad-tempered or irritable
Augury Omen
Conspectus A summary or overview of a subject
Prolific Plentiful
Approbation Approval or praise
Partial Biased
Underwrite Accept liability for
Indemnify Compensate for harm or loss
Paucity Presence of something in small/insufficient quantities
Surfeit Excessive amount of something
Pillory Attack or ridicule publicly
Partisanship Bias
Invulnerable Impossible to harm or damage
Benign Gentle and kindly / not harmful
Interminable Endless or apparently endless - often hyperbole
Posturing Behaviour intended to impress or mislead
Enfeeble Make weak
Delineate Describe precisely
Deftly Skillfully, quickly, cleverly
Presage Be a sign/warning of
Prosaic Using the style of prose instead of poetry / unromantic and commonplace / unoriginal or unimaginative
Nebulous Hazy/vague
Usury Lending money at unreasonably high interest rates
Insipid Lacking flavour
Diatribe Forceful and bitter verbal attack
Coda Concluding passage of a piece/movement/dance
Opprobrium Harsh criticism
Imperious Arrogant and domineering
Amenable Open to suggestion and easily persuaded
Craven Cowardly
Effrontery Rude and disrespectful behaviour
Deference Polite submission and respect
Complaisance Disposition to please or comply
Chicanery Use of deception
Vitiate Spoil
Created by: GeniusInstructor
Popular GRE sets




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