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Desde la Independen

Desde la Independenica Hasta Hoy (67)

Hasta Until
How long did Spain dominate its colonies until they wanted independence? 3 Centuries (Siglos)
La minoria culta The Civilized Minority
What was the majority of the civilized minority? People born in Latin America (Los criollos)
What did the criollos ask for? Reforms
Quejas Complaints
What were one of their complaints? The Monarchy's Political Intervention + The Control of the Economy
What trade restricitions did the Crown prevent? Commerce with countries other than Spain
What would the Crown do with the raw materials? It would buy it from the colonies at low prices. Then, it would see the manufactured products at high prices.
What was another problem of the Spanish monarchy that culminated in invasion? The weakness (la debilidad) of the monachy
Who then invaded Spain? France - Napoleon
When was Spain invaded? 1808
What did Napoleon do after he invaded France? Named his brother Jose Bonaparte the king of Spain
When did the rebels of independence begin? The 19th Century (1800s)
Who were the main rebel leaders? Simon Bolivar + Jose de San Martin
Where did Bolivar fight? In the North - Venezuela and Colombia
Where did Jose de San Martin? In the South - Argentina and Chile - Continued along the coast until Lima (Peru)
Where were the two rebels reunited? Guayaquil
When were the two rebels reunited? 1822
De acuerdo Agree
Sobre About
What could the two rebels not agree on? A postwar policy (una política de posguerra)
Where did San Martin withdraw to? France
What did Bolivar do after San Martin withdrew? Continued to Fight
El mariscal Marshal
Under what do people did the domination of Spain end? Bolivar and el mariscal Sucre (Marshal Sucre)
When did the domination of Spain end in Latin America? 1824
With what two battles did the domination of Spain end? Junin and Ayacucho
Aun Even
Surgir To Rise
Even before the independence, what begin to rise? Separatist and regionalist interests (intereses)
En vez de Instead
What was the dream (sueño) of Bolivar? To form a grand political entity in Latin America
What happened instead of Bolivar's dream? The viceroys divided into many different nations
Virreinato Viceroy
Desde Since/From
What was the history of the andean countries Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia's independence like? Rather turbulent with confrontations
Enfrentamientos Confrontations
What were the confrontations between? Conservatives and Liberals
What did the andean countries' governments have? Have had democratic governments and dictatorships
What have the andean countries all enjoyed? Stable (estable) periods and instable periods
What have the andean countries conserved? The majority of the population of the indigenous people of Latin America
What percent have the indigenous and mestizo populations reached in Latin America? 70 Percent
Where is there a strong renaissence (un fuerte renacimiento) of interest? In all "native" interest
What is the indigenous population asking for? A voice (un voz) in government and leadership in every country
Leadership liderazago
El poder Power
Who continues to exercise the most power? The high class in Latin American (los criollos)
Created by: FreeThinker
Popular Spanish sets




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