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S1U1 SER +adjectives
SER and descriptions
Term | Definition |
SER | to be (descriptions, time, date) |
yo soy | I am |
tú eres | you are |
él /ella /Usted es | he /she is, you (formal ) are |
nosotros somos | we are |
ellos/ ellas/ Ustedes son | they are, you (all) are |
vosotros sois | you (all) (informal) are (In Spain) |
rubio/a | blonde |
moreno/a | dark-haired, brunette, dark-skinned |
pelirrojo/a | red-haired |
alto/a | tall |
bajo/a | short (height) |
gordo/a | fat |
delgado/a flaco/a | thin |
tonto/a | dumb, foolish, silly |
inteligente | smart |
joven | young |
viejo/a | old |
simpático/a | nice |
antipático/a | mean |
cómico/a | funny |
energético/a | energetic |
perezoso/a | lazy |
trabajador/a | hard working |
bonito/a | pretty, beautiful |
guapo/a | handsome, good-looking |
feo/a | ugly |
interesante | interesting |
serio/a | serious |
tímido/a | shy, timid |
sociable | sociable, talkative |
loco/a | crazy |
fuerte | strong |
débil | weak |
divertido/a | fun |
atlético/a | athletic |
amable | friendly |
paciente | patient |
impaciente | impatient |
organizado/a | organized |
desorganizado/a | disorganized |
gracioso/a | funny |
artístico/a | artistic |
fastidioso/a | annoying |
D | description |
O | origin |
C | characteristic |
T | time |
O | occupation |
R | relationship |
lindo/a | cute |
mentiroso/a | liar |