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The Great Gatsby

True/False Nick believes he and Jordan are attracted to each other because they are both fundamentally honest. False
True/False Daisy admits she was driving at the time of the accident. False
True/False Nick enters the bond business and moves to West Egg, Long Island. True
True/False The green light at the end of Daisy's dock symbolizes Gatsby's dreams and ideals. True
True/False Gatsby invents a false, romantic story about his background. True
True/False Gatsby chooses his house on West Egg because it is next to Nick's place. False
True/False Nick does not judge Gatsby harshly because he appreciates Gatsby's dreams and hopes True
True/False At the inquest, it is decided that Wilson killed Gatsby out of jealousy and a desire for revenge. False
True/False To George Wilson, the Doctor T.J Eckleberg sign represents death. False
True/False Nick pities Tom and forgives him for the part Tom played in Gatsby's death. False
George Wilson learns about his wife's affair when he finds an expensive dog collar
Daisy drives Gatsby's car home from New York because she thinks it will calm her.
Gatsby's father is awed by his son.
After Tom and Gatsby's fight, Nick suddenly recalls that it is his thirtieth birthday
The Wilson's garage is in a valley of ashes.
Tom's first reaction to Gatsby's charge that Daisy doesn't love him is disbelief
Gatsby desires Daisy because she represents wealth and culture
Gatsby is not an Oxford graduate
Nick describes Tom and Daisy as careless and destructive
Nick is distressed after Gatsby's death because Gatsby's friends are uninterested
At their first meeting, Jordan Baker tells Nick that Tom has a mistress in New York.
When Nick first sees Gatsby, Gatsby is stretching out his arm to a distant green light.
George shoots Gatsby because he thinks Gatsby killed Myrtle.
George Wilson discovers who owns the car and ran down Myrtle through Tom
Gatsby gives huge parties because he hopes to find Daisy.
During the confrontation between Gatsby and Tom, Daisy truthfully admits that she once loved Gatsby.
Nick describes Gatsby as an elaborate young roughneck.
Gatsby's pursuit of his ideals reminds Nick of the first explorers of America
Daisy marries Tom Buchanan for many reasons but Gatsby has rejected her.
Nick leaves the party in Tom and Myrtle's apartment after Tom breaks Myrtle's nose
Who said... "I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known." Nick
Who said... "He was crazy enough to kill me if I hadn't told him who owned the car." Tom
Who said... "You always look so cool." Daisy
Who said... "They're a rotten crowd...You're worth the whole damn bunch put together." Nick
Who said... "I didn't want you to think that I was just some nobody. You see, I usually find myself among strangers because I drift here and there trying to forget the sad thing that happened to me." Gatsby
Who said... "Her voice is full of money." Gatsby
Who said... "Oh, you want too much!...I love you now-isn't that enough?" Daisy
Who said... "By God, I may be old fashioned in my ideas, but women run around too much these days to suit me." Tom
Who said... "Of course she might have loved him just for a minute...In any case...It was just personal." Gatsby
Who said... "Can't repeat the past?...Why of course you can!" Gatsby
Who is the golfer who becomes romantically involved with Nick? Jordan Baker
Who is Tom's mistress? Myrtle Wilson
Who is the millionaire who employs and "educates" a youthful Gatsby? Dan Cody
Who is Gatsby's neighbor; Daisy's cousin? Nick Carroway
Who is Nick's romantic, mysterious neighbor? Jay Gatsby
Who is Gatsby's ideal woman? Daisy Buchannan
Who is the snobbish libertine and Nick's old college classmate? Tom Buchanan
Who is a Jewish racketeer and Gatsby's business friend? Meyer Wolfsheim
Who is the witness to th accident and Wilson's neighbor? Michellias
Who is Gatsby's piano playing "boarder"? Ewing Klipspringer
Who owns a garage and is Tom's mistress's husband? George Wilson
Created by: dafields



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