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Princ of Drug action

Define "drug" A substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.
Define Drug Effect How drugs produce changes within the body
State the main effects of drugs on the body. affects speed of processes in the body, Destroying certain cells or parts of cells, Replacing substances that the body lacks or fails to produce
Differentiate between a local effect and a systemic effect Local effect: Response to a medication that is confined to a specific part of the body. Systemic effect: Generalized or widespread response to a drug by the body because it is absorbed into the bloodstream
Cumulation the drug is not completely excreted from the body before another dose. accumulation of the drug in tissues, causing toxic effects
Idiosyncracy An unusual, inappropriate response to a drug or to the usual effective dose of a drug ( eg. Anaphylactic shock)
Potentiation Occurs when two drugs administered together produce a more powerful response than the sum of their individual effects
Tolerance Resistance to effect of a drug resulting in a higher dose being administered.
Bioavailability portion of the drug that reaches the systemic circulation
State the routes of administration oral, buccal, rectal, vaginal, topical, intravenous, inhalation, transdermal and parenteral (Intradermal, intramuscular, intravenous, subcutaneous)
State the advantages and disadvantages of oral administration. Advantage: Easiest and safest method, Most economical method Disadvantage: Slow method of absorption, Possibility of being destroyed by gastric juices
tate the advantages and disadvantages of buccal administration Advantage: More rapid absorption rate than oral, Higher concentration of medication reaches bloodstream Disadvantage: Possibility of swallowing the pill
te the advantages and disadvantages of inhalation administration Advantage: Good absorption due to large surface contact area, Provides rapid treatment Disadvantage: Sometimes difficult to regulate dose, Not suitable method for medications that irritate mucous membrane lining
te the advantages and disadvantages of rectal administration Advantages: for patients who have trouble swallowing the mediation and prevents reactions such as vomiting and nausea, suitable for infants for fever or pain meds Disadvantage: absorption is slow and irregular
te the advantages and disadvantages of vaginal administration Advantage: easiest method for treating infections in the vaginal area. Disadvantage: Medications can stain underwear
te the advantages and disadvantages of topical administration Advantage: easy and convenient to treat in that area Disadvantage: slow absorption through skin
te the advantages and disadvantages of transdermal administration Advantage: Good method for administering medications slowly into bloodstream over a period of time Disadvantage: Units can be dangerous if they come in contact with skin of children or pets
Define the Parenteral method of drug administration Injection of liquid medication in to the body using a needle and syringe.
State the four methods of parenteral drug administration subcutaneous, intradermal, intravenous, intramuscular
Define the intravenous drug administration and needle angle. IV- injected directly into the vein, entering the bloodstream immediately providing a rapid response. NA: 25
efine the intradermal drug administration and needle angle. Small amount of medication is injected just beneath epidermis. NA: 10-15
efine the intramuscular drug administration and needle angle. injected directly into muscle. NA: 90
efine the subcutaneous drug administration and needle angle. injected into subcutaneous layer, or fatty tissue of skin. NA: 45
Subcutaneous injections are used to administer what medications? insulin, hormones, and local anesthetics
uIntramuscular injections are used to administer what medications? antibiotics, medications that might be irritating to layers of the skin, and medications that require dosages larger than amount allowed for subcutaneous injections
Intradermal injections are used to administer what medications? allergy testing, tuberculin skin testing, and some vaccinations
State the four types of receptors Agonist (ligand)‐gated ion channels, protein coupled receptors, Nuclear receptors, Kinase linked receptors
Created by: Naomi20
Popular Pharmacology sets




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