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Abductor digiti minimi Muscle that separates the fingers and the toes.
Abductor halluces Muscle that moves the toes and helps maintain balance while walking and standing.
Abductors Muscles that draw a body part
Adipose tissue Technical term for fat; gives smoothness and contour to the body.
Anatomy Study of human body structures that can be seen with the naked eye and how the body parts are organized; the science of the structure of organisms or of their parts.
Angular artery Branch of the facial artery that supplies blood to the side of the nose.
Anterior auricular artery Branch of the superficial temporal artery that supplies blood to the front part of the ear.
Anterior tibial artery One of the popliteal arteries that supplies blood to the lower leg muscles and to the muscles and skin on the top of the foot and adjacent sides of the first and second toes. This artery continues to the foot where it becomes the dorsalis pedis artery.
Aorta The largest artery in the body.
Arteries Thick-walled
Belly Middle part of the muscle.
Bicep Muscle that produces the contour of the front and inner side of the upper arm- lifts the forearm and flexes the elbow.
Blood Nutritive fluid circulating through the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels) to supply oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues and to remove carbon dioxide and waste from them.
Blood vessels Tube-like structures that include arteries
Body systems Also known as systems; groups of body organs acting together to perform one or more functions. The human body is composed of 11 major systems.
Brain Part of the nervous system contained in the cranium; largest and most complex nerve tissue and controls sensation
Buccal nerve Branch of the seventh cranial nerve that affects the muscles of the mouth.
Buccinator muscle Thin
Capillaries Tiny
Carpus Also known as wrist; flexible joint composed of a group of eight small
Cell membrane Cell part that encloses the protoplasm ad permits soluble substances to enter and leave the cell.
Central nervous system Abbreviated CNS- consist of the brain
Cervical nerves Branches of the seventh cranial nerve; originate at eh spinal cord and affect the side of the neck and platysma muscle.
Cervical vertebrae The seven bones of the top part of the vertebral column
Circulatory system Also known as cardiovascular system or vascular system; body system that controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body by means of the heart and blood vessels.
Clavicle Also known as collarbone; bone that joins the sternum and scapula.
Common carotid arteries Main arteries that supply blood to the head
Common peroneal nerve A division of the sciatic nerve that extends from behind the knee to wind around the head of the fibula to the front of the leg where is divides into two branches.
Connective tissue Fibrous tissue that binds together
Corrugator muscle Muscle located beneath the frontalis and orbicularis oculi muscles that draws the eyebrow down and wrinkles the forehead vertically.
Cranium An oval
Cytoplasm The protoplasm of a cell
Deep peroneal nerve Also known as anterior tibial nerve; extends down the front of the leg
Deltoid Large
Depressor labii inferioris muscle Also known as quadratus labii inferioris muscle; muscle surrounding the lower lip; lowers the lower lip and draw it to one side
Digestive system Also known as gastrointestinal system; body system that is responsible for breaking down foods into nutrients and wastes; consists of the mouth
Digital nerve Sensory-motor nerve that
Dorsal nerve Also known as dorsal cutaneous nerve; a nerve that extends up from the toes and foot
Dorsalis pedis artery Artery that supplies blood to the foot.
Eleventh cranial nerve Also known as accessory nerve; a motor nerve that controls the motion of the neck and shoulder muscles.
Endocrine glands Also known as ductless glands; glands such as the Thyroid and pituitary gland that release hormonal secretions directly into the bloodstream.
Endocrine system Body system consisting of a group of specialized glands that affect the growth
Epicranial aponeurosis Tendon that connects the occipitialis and frontalis muscle.
Epicranius Also known as occipitofrontalis; the broad muscle that covers the top of the skull and consists of the occipitalis and frontalis.
Epithelial tissue Protective covering on body surfaces
Ethmoid bone Light spongy bone between the eye sockets; forms part of the nasal cavities.
Exocrine glands Also known as duct glands; produce a substance that travels through small tube-like ducts; sweat glands and oil glands of the skin belong to this group.
Extensor digitorum longus Muscle that bends the foot up and extends the toes
Extensor hallucis longus Muscle that extends the big toe and flexes the foot.
Extensors Muscles that straighten the wrist
External carotid artery Artery that supplies blood to the anterior (front) parts of the scalp
External jugular vein Vein located at the side of the neck that carries blood returning to the heart from the head
Facial Artery Also known as external maxillary artery; branch of the external carotid artery that supplies blood to the lower region of the face
Facial Skeleton Framework of the face composed of 14 bones.
Femur Heavy. Long bone that forms the leg above the knee.
Fifth cranial nerve Also known as trifacial nerve or trigeminal nerve; the chief sensory nerve of the face that serves as the motor nerve of the muscles that control chewing.
Flexor digiti minimi Muscle that moves the little toe.
Flexor digitorum brevis Muscle that moves the toes and helps maintain balance while waling and standing.
Flexor Extensor muscle of the wrist involved in flexing the wrist.
Frontal artery Branch of the superficial temporal artery that supplies blood to the forehead and upper eyelids.
Frontal Bone Bone that forms the forehead.
Frontalis Front (anterior) portion of the Epicranius; muscle of the scalp that raises the eyebrows
Gastrocnemius Muscle attached to the lower rear surface of the heel and pulls the foot down.
Glands Organs that remove and release certain elements from the blood to convert them into new compounds.
Heart Muscular
Hormones Secretions
Humerus Uppermost and largest bone in the arm
Hyoid Bone U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue and its muscles.
Inferior labial artery Branch of the facial artery that supplies blood to the lower lip.
Infraorbital artery Branch of the internal carotid artery that supplies blood to the muscles of the eyes.
Insertion The moveable part of the muscle that is farthest from the skeleton.
Integumentary system Body system that consists of skin and its accessory organs
Internal carotid artery Artery that supplies blood to the brain
Internal jugular vein Vein located at the side of the neck to collect blood from the brain and parts of the face and neck.
Joint Connection between two or more bones of the skeleton.
Lacrimal bones Small
Latissimus dorsi Large
Levator anguli oris muscle Also known as quadratus labii superioris muscle; muscle surrounding the upper lip; elevates the upper lip and dilates the nostrils
Lymph Clear fluid that circulates in the lymph spaces (lymphatics) of the body. Lymph helps carry wastes and impurities away from the cells before it is routed back to the circulatory system.
Lymph capillaries Blind-end tubes that are the origin of lymphatic vessels.
Lymph nodes Gland-like structures found inside lymphatic vessels; filter the lymphatic vessels and help fight infection.
Lymphatic/immune system Body system that consists of lymph
Mandible Lower jawbone; largest and strongest bone of the face.
Mandibular nerve Branch of the fifth cranial nerve that affects the muscles of the chin
Marginal mandibular nerve Branch of the seventh cranial nerve that affects the muscles of the chin and lower lip.
Maxillae (singular; maxilla) Bones of the upper jaw.
Maxillary nerve Branch of the fifth cranial nerve that supplies impulses to the upper part of the face.
Median nerve Sensory-motor nerve that is smaller than the ulner and radial nerves and that
Mentalis muscle Muscle that elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin.
Metacarpus Bones of the palm of the hand; parts of the hand containing five bones between the carpus and phalanges.
Metatarsal One of three subdivisions of the foot; long and slender bones
Middle temporal artery Branch of the superficial temporal artery that supplies blood to the temples.
Mitosis Usual process of cell reproduction of human tissues that occurs when the cell divides into two identical cells called daughter cells.
Motor Nerves Also known as efferent nerves; carry impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands.
Muscle tissue Tissue that contracts and moves various parts of the body.
Muscular system Body system that covers
Nasal bones Branch of the fifth cranial nerve that affects the point and lower side of the nose.
Nerve Tissue Tissue that carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily functions.
Nerves Whitish cords made up of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue
Nervous system Body system that consists of the brain
Neurology Scientific study of the structure
Nucleus Dense
Occipital artery Branch of the external carotid artery that supplies blood to the skin and muscles of the scalp and back of the head up to the crown.
Occipital bone Hindmost bone of the skull
Occipitalis Back (posterior) portion of the Epicranius; muscle that draws the scalp backward.
-Ology Word ending meaning study of.
Ophthalmic nerve Branch of the fifth cranial nerve that supplies impulses to the skin of the forehead
Orbicularis oculi muscle Ring muscle of the eye socket; enable you to close your eyes.
Orbicularis oris muscle Flat band of muscle around the upper and lower lips that compresses
Organs Structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform specific functions in plants and animals.
Origin Part of the muscle that does not move; attached closest to the skeleton.
Parietal artery Branch of the superficial temporal artery that supplies blood to the side and crown of the head.
Parietal bones Bones that form the sides and top of the cranium.
Patella Also known as accessory bone or kneecap- forms the kneecap joint.
Pectoralis major Muscles of the chest that assist the swinging movements of the arm.
Pectoralis minor Muscles of the chest that assist the swinging movements of the arm.
Peripheral nervous system Abbreviated PNS; system of nerves that connects the peripheral (outer) parts of the body to the central nervous system; it has both sensory and motor nerves.
Peroneus brevis Muscle that originates on the lower surface of the fibula; bends the foot down and out.
Peroneus Longus Muscle that covers the outer side of the calf; inverts the foot and turns it outward.
Phalanges Also known as digits; bones of the fingers or toes; one of the three subdivisions of the foot. The other two subdivisions are the tarsal and metatarsal.
Physiology Study of the functions and activities performed by the body's structures.
Pineal gland Endocrine system gland that plays a major role in sexual development
Pituitary gland The most complex organ of the endocrine system. If affects almost every physiologic process of the body- growth
Platysma muscle Broad muscle extending from the chest and shoulder muscles to the side of the chin; responsible for lowering the lower jaw and lip.
Popliteal artery Artery that supplies blood to the foot; divides into two separate arteries known as the anterior tibial artery and the posterior tibial artery.
Posterior auricular artery Branch of the external carotid artery that supplies blood to the scalp
Posterior auricular nerve Branch of the seventh cranial nerve that affects the muscles behind the ear at the base of the skull.
Posterior tibial artery One of the popliteal arteries (the other is the anterior tibial artery) that supplies blood to the ankle and the back of the lower leg.
Procerus muscle Muscle that covers the bridge of the nose
Pronator Muscle that turns the hand inward so that the palm faces downward.
Protoplasm Colorless jelly-like substance found inside cells in which food elements such as protein
Pulmonay circulation The system that sends the blood from the heart to the lungs to be purified
Radial artery Artery
Radial nerve Sensory-motor nerve that
Radius Smaller bone in the forearm (lower arm) on the same side as the thumb.
Reflex Automatic reaction to a stimulus that involves the movement of an impulse from a sensory receptor along the sensory nerve to the spinal cord.
Reproductive system Body system that includes the ovaries
Respiratory system Body system consisting of the lungs and air passages; enables respiration (breathing)
Ribs Twelve pairs of bones forming the wall of the thorax.
Risorius Muscle Muscle of the mouth that draws the corner of the mouth out and back
Saphenous nerve Nerve of the leg that supplies impulses to the skin of the inner side of the leg and foot.
Scapula Also known as shoulder blade; large
Sciatic nerve Largest and longest nerve in the body.
Sensory nerves Also known as afferent nerves; carry impulses or messages from the sense organs to the brain
Serratus anterior Muscle of the chest that assists in breathing and in raising the arm.
Seventh cranial nerve Also known as facial nerve; chief motor nerve of the face. Its divisions and their branches supply and control all the muscles of facial expression.
Skeletal system Forms the physical foundation of the body
Skull muscle that originates at the upper portion of the fibula and bends the foot down.
Soleus Muscle that originates at the upper portion of the fibula and bends the food down.
Sphenoid bone Bone that joins all of the bones of the cranium together.
Spinal cord Portion of the central nervous system that originates in the brain and extends down to the lower extremity of the trunk. It is protected by the spinal column.
Sternocleidomastoids Muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head.
Sternum Also known as the breastbone; flat bone that forms the ventral (front) support of the ribs.
Submental artery Branch of the facial artery that supplies blood to the chin and lower lip.
Superficial peroneal nerve Also known as musculocutaneous nerve; extends down the leg
Superficial temporal artery A continuation of the external carotid nerve artery; supplies blood to the muscles of the front
Superior labial artery Branch of the facial artery that supplies blood to the upper lip and region of the nose.
Supinator Muscle of the forearm that rotates the radius outward and the palm upward.
Supraorbital artery Branch of the internal carotid artery that supplies blood to the upper eyelid and forehead.
Sural nerve Nerve of the lower left leg that supplies impulses to the skin on the outer side and back of the foot and leg.
Systemic circulation Also known as general circulation; system that carries the blood from the heart throughout the body and back to the heart.
Talus Also known as ankle bone; one of three bones that comprise the ankle joint. The other two bones are the tibia and fibula.
Tarsal One of three subdivisions of the foot. There are seven bones-talus
Temporal bones Bones that form the sides of the head in the ear region.
Temporal nerve Branch of the seventh cranial nerve that affects the muscles of the temple
Thorax also known as chest or pulmonary trunk; consists of the sternum
Thyroid gland Gland of the endocrine system that controls how quickly the body burns energy (metabolism)
Tibia Larger of the two bones that form the leg below the knee. The tibia may be visualized as a bump on the big-toe side of the ankle.
Tibial nerve A division of the sciatic nerve that passes behind the knee. It subdivides and supplies impulses to the knee
Tibialis anterior Muscle that covers the front of the shin; bends the foot upward and inward.
Tissue Collection of similar cells that perform a particular function.
Transverse facial artery Branch of the superficial temporal artery that supplies blood to the skin and Masseter muscle.
Trapezius Muscle that covers the back of the neck and upper and middle region of the back; rotates and controls swinging movements of the arm.
Triangularis muscle Muscle extending alongside the chin that pulls down the corner of the mouth.
Tricep Large muscle that covers the entire back of the upper arm and extends the forearm.
Ulna Inner and larger bond in the forearm (lower arm)
Ulnar artery Artery
Ulnar nerve Sensory-motor nerve that
Veins Thin walled blood vessels that are less elastic than arteries; veins contain cup like valves that keep blood flowing in one direction to the heart and prevent blood from flowing backward.
Venules Small vessels that connect the capillaries to the veins. They collect blood from the capillaries and drain it into veins.
Zygomatic bones Also known as malar bones or cheekbones; bones that form the prominence of the cheeks.
Zygomaticus major muscles Muscles on both sides of the face that extend from the zygomatic bone to the angle of the mouth. These muscles pull the mouth backward
Zygomaticus minor muscles Muscles on both sides of the face that extend fro the zygomatic bone to the upper lips. These muscles pull the upper lip backward
Arterioles Small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries.
Autonomic Nervous System Abbreviated ANS; the part of the nervous system that controls the involuntary muscles; regulates the action of the smooth muscles
Cells Basic units of all living things—from bacteria to plants to animals
Fibula Smaller of the two bones that form the leg below the knee. The fibula may be visualized as a bump on the little-toe side of the ankle.
levator palpebrae superioris muscle Thin muscle that controls the movement of the eyelid.
Created by: cvis
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