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BB Test

All the questions for test

BB was furst invented in 1891
BB was invented by Dr. James Neismith
the inventor was the physical educatyion director at the YMCA in Spingfeild, massachuts.
The first ball and basket were a soccerball and a peach basket.
How many teams, players, and positions. 2 teams of 5, two forwards, two guards, and a center.
How long is game In middle school games- 4 6 minute quarters HS games- 4 8 min quarters. College games- 20 minitue halves professional- 4 twele minute quaters
a successful feild goal is 2 points
free-throw 1 point
any shot made from behind the arc line 3 points
game begins with a jump ball at the center circle
A Bball is no larger than ______ and no smaller than _____ in circumfance 30 and 29.
How big is the womens ball 28.5
which ball is bigger mens
how many players needed to start a game 5
how many players needed to end game, if no subs? 4
In ______ , ______, and ______ games, after _____ or ______ personall foul a player is out of the game. Middle school , HS, and college, after 4 or 5
How many full- timouts does each team receive? 3
How many 30-seconds timouts does each team receive? 2
In the event of overtime, what timouts does each team receive? 1 extra full timout.
Which team as choice of baskets, and when do they switch? visting team, half-time.
A team has _____ seconds to get the ball from back court to front court and over the half court line. 10
takeing more than ___ steps without dribbling is a ____ violation 2, traveling.
dribbling the ball with ___ hands is a _______ violation 2, double dribble
stopping dribbling, then restarting is a ______ violation double dribble
_____ the ball is a violation kicking
Holding the ball for more than ____ seconds is a violation 5
Inability to ____ the ball within ___ seonds in a violation imbound, 5
Stepping ___ or ____ and out of bounds line is a violation on , over.
Standing inside the ___ or ____ for more than ____ seconds by the _______ team is a violation key or lane. 3 . offensive team.
Violations result in a turnover of possesion to the other team. v
Personal fouls result in FT- free throw change of ball possesion on a non-shooting foul 1 FT and a bonus if it is made on the 7-9 foul. 2 FT on the 10 th or more fouls. (double bonus 2 FTon shooting fouls 3 FT on a shooting foul from beyond the three point line.
Offensive team fouls Illegal contsct of the dribble chanrging illegal screens
Defensive team fouls Cotanct of shoulder Intentional fouls Blocking.
Apun recieivng a ____ personal foul ,a player is no longer eligibale to play in the game 5th
________ __________ are used instead of a jump ball when there is a held ball between two opposing players ( HS and COllege alternate possesions.
team in possesion of ball- offense
team that doesn't have ball defense
Created by: potteemi
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