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j'ai i have
je n'ai pas de i don't have
ll y a there is/are
un baton de colle a glue stick
un cahier an exersize book
un agenda a planner
un crayon a pencil
un dictionare a dictionary
un livre a textbook
un sac a bag
un taille-crayon a pencil sharpener
un calculatrice a calculator
une gomme a rubber
une regle a ruler
une trousse a pencil case
des ciseaux some scissors
des feutres some felt tips
comment t'applles tu? what is your name
je m'appelle i am called
ou habites-tu where do you live
j'habite a i live in
quel age as-tu how old are you
jai____ans i am_____years old
un 1
duex 2
trois 3
quatre 4
cinq 5
six 6
sept 7
huit 8
neuf 9
dix 10
onze 11
douze 12
treize 13
quatorze 14
quinze 15
seize 16
dix sept 17
dix huit 18
dix neuf 19
vingt 20
je suis i am
je ne suis pas i am not
ll est he is
elle est she is
amusant (e) funny
branche (e) trendy
bavard(e) chatty
cool cool
drole funny
ennuyeux boring
marrant (e) funny
paresseux/se lazy
intelligent clever
sympa nice
gentil (le) kind
penible weak
sportif/ve sporty
creatif/ve creative
poli (e) polite
curieux/se curious
charmantt (e) charming
modeste modest
generuex/se generous
as-tu des freres ou des soeurs do you have any brothers and sisters
j'ai i have
je n'ai pas de i don't have
un frere a brother
une soeur a sister
je suis fils unique i am an only child (boy)
je suis fille unique i am an only child (girl)
ll s'appelle he is called
elle s'appelle she is called
mon pere my dad
ma mere my mum
mon oncle my uncle
ma tante my aunt
mon cousin my male cousin
mon cousine my female cousin
ma famille my family
mes grands-parents my grandparents
j'ai i have
ll a he has
elle a she has
les yeux eyes
bleu(s) blue
brun(s) / marron brown
vert(s) green
gris grey
les cheveux hair
blond(s) blonde
roux ginger red
noir(s) black
long(s) long
mi-long(s) medium-length
court(s) short
raide(s) straight
en tresses braided
ondule(s) wavy
boucle(s) curly
je suis i am
ll / elle est he is / she is
petit(e) small
de taille moyenne meduim height
grand(e) tall
mince thin
gros(se) fat
Created by: dogman20
Popular French sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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