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CMA Ch. 3

What is one important reason for a medical assistant to study ethics? To develop the intellectual skills to analyze complex problems
An individual’s own beliefs about right and wrong in our society Morals
Current thinking about biomedical ethics identifies several rights. A strong claim
Early leaders of the American government believed in natural rights and the duty of any government to preserve them. Right to life Right to privacy Right to autonomy
What is another name for the duty to meet reasonable expectations of patients? Fidelity
A patient’s right to make decisions about health care according to individual values and concerns Autonomy
What right is the basis for informed consent? Right to autonomy
What is the name for the concept that a health professional should do the best possible? Beneficence
In today’s health care environment, it is seen as a proactive duty that physicians and other health care professionals must provide truthful information without having to be asked. This expectation of truthfulness by all health care workers is called: veracity
Informed consent is consent based on: understanding of a medical procedure and its possible outcomes.
What type of consent occurs if a patient offers an arm when the medical assistant says it is time to obtain a blood sample? Implied consent
Giving patients new genes or parts of genes that have been synthesized in the laboratory, taken from human tissue, or engineered from genetic material of animals or other species is called: genetic engineering.
What is the minimum required for expressed consent? Verbal agreement
Which 1990 law recognizes the rights of adults to refuse treatment for disease? Patient Self-Determination Act
In how many states is physician-assisted suicide legal? Three or more
What is the purpose of an advance directive? -individual to make decisions for the incapable -individual’s wish to donate organs when he or she dies. -individual’s wish not to be resuscitated -individual’s wishes regarding health care if cannot speak
What principle applies if a patient confides information about their health to a medical assistant and then asks the medical assistant not to tell the physician? The medical assistant cannot ethically withhold medical information from the physician.
What is the branch of law that deals with offenses against the public welfare that affect all people? Criminal law
What type of law refers to law arising from the actions of federal government agencies such as the Social Security Administration and the Internal Revenue Service? Administrative law
Cities and towns enact laws that have to do with the general welfare of its citizens. What are these laws called? Ordinances
What is the name for a serious crime punishable by death or imprisonment? Felony
What is the name for the crime of billing an insurance company for tests and procedures that were never performed? Fraud
What is the legal nature of the doctor-patient relationship? A contract
How should a physician terminate a relationship with a patient in order to avoid a possible lawsuit for abandonment? Notify the patient in writing.
What is the legal meaning of the word “liability”? Responsibility
A physician has discontinued care of a patient without properly notifying the patient. This is called: abandonment
Patient Bill of Rights Right to refuse treatment Right to continuity of care Right to select a physician
The term that refers to “the level of appropriate care legally required of any other practitioner with the same education and training providing the same care in the same geographic region” is: standard of care
informed consent The patient is told about any risks, hazards, or possible complications associated with the treatment in terms that the patient fully understands before submitting to treatment
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act
What is malpractice insurance also called? Professional liability insurance
What does the doctrine of respondeat superior mean? The physician is liable for the negligent actions of his or her employees
What type of laws protects health professionals who provide emergency care at the scene of an accident? Good Samaritan laws
If both sides are willing, some disagreements can be settled out of court with the help of a facilitator. What is this process called? Mediation
A drug that has a potential for addiction and/or abuse is called: a controlled substance
How many employees must a business have for them to be protected by Equal Opportunity Employment laws? 15 people
Equal Opportunity Employment Agency
What is a court summons ordering a recipient to appear before a court and produce documents (such as a paper medical record or a certified copy of an electronic medical record? Subpoena duces tecum
What is the name for a minor who is allowed to choose or reject health care treatment without parental consent? Mature minor
Which federal law regulates minimum wages? Fair Labor Standards Act
Who is not allowed to sign a consent form? An individual who has been declared incompetent by a physician or court
What federal acts includes incentives to encourage adoption of electronic medical records by physicians and health care facilities? HITECH
What are reasons to revoke or suspend a physician’s license? -Conviction of a crime -Unprofessional activity -Physical or mental incapacitation -Senility
Local board of health
Regulates privacy of information and sets standards for filing electronic insurance claims Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Refers to the choice between alternative courses of action that have moral and social consequences. Ethics
may instruct health care providers not to engage in life-sustaining measures. A living will
A physician on a temporary assignment locum tenens
Individuals under the age of 18 who have legally obtained adult rights, including the right to consent for medical treatment emancipated minors
Regulates the minimum wage and overtime pay Federal Fair Labor Standards Act
Prohibits use of genetic information for hiring, firing, or job promotion decisions Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
Makes it easier for individuals to establish that they have disabilities Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act
Protects employees from injury in the workplace Occupational Health and Safety Act
Allows employees to take unpaid leave for health needs of family members Family and Medical Leave Act
Regulates organ donation Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
Requires health facilities to provide information about advance directives to patients Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA)
Created by: chandymigues



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