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ASD 2016 L2 CH05
ASD 2016 L2 CH05 ¿Qué se celebra?
Spanish | English |
una feria | a fair, festival |
una fiesta | holiday; party, celebration, festivity |
el día feriado | holiday |
el santo patrón | patron saint (masculine) |
la santa patrona | patron saint (feminine) |
una procesión | procession, parade |
un desfile | parade |
patronal | related to a patron saint (adjective) |
desfilar | to march, to parade, to walk in line |
caminar | to walk |
los muertos | the dead, those who have passed |
los difuntos | the dead, those who have passed |
los fallecidos | the dead, those who have passed |
el camposanto, el cementerio | the cemetery |
el mausoleo | the mausoleum |
la tumba | the grave |
una ofrenda | an offering; gift |
una corona (de flores) | a wreath |
una calavera, un cráneo | a skull |
un esqueleto | a skeleton |
un hueso | a bone |
un disfraz | a disguise, costume |
una máscara | a mask |
enterrado/a | buried |
la Navidad, las Navidades | Christmas, Christmas season |
la Nochebuena | Christmas Eve |
la chimenea | fireplace, chimney |
un aguinaldo | gift |
los Reyes Magos | the Wise Men |
el Día de los Reyes Magos | Three Kings Day, Epiphany |
la paja | the straw (in a barn) |
el camello | the camel |
el árbol de Navidad | Christmas tree |
decorar, adornar | to decorate |
Hanuka, Janucá | Hanukkah (other spelling variants are common) |
la fiesta de las luces | the Festival of Lights |
la menora, la menorá | the menorah |
la vela | candle |
judio/a | Jewish |
hebreo/a | Hebrew |
encender | turn on (light), light (match/fire) |
la banda municipal | the municipal band |
los fuegos artificiales | the fireworks |
el cielo | the sky, heaven(s) |
bailar | to dance |
iluminar | light up, illuminate, put up lights |
el bizcocho | sponge cake, biscuit |
todo el mundo | everyone |
dulce | sweet |
celebrar | to celebrate |
confeccionar | make, prepare (as in food, clothing) |
elaborar | make, prepare (as in food, clothing); manufacture |
mientras | while |