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Vocabulario L4

el/la antepasado/a ancestor
el/la bisabuelo/a great-grandfather/grandmother
el/la cuñado/a brother/sister-in-law
el/la esposo/a husband/wife
el/la (hermano/a) gemelo/a twin (brother/sister)
el/la hermanastro/a stepbrother/stepsister
el/la hijo/a único/a only child
la madrastra stepmother
el/la medio/a hermano/a half brother/sister
el/la nieto/a grandson/granddaughter
la nuera daughter-in-law
el padrastro stepfather
el/la pariente relative
el/la primo/a cousin
el/la sobrino/a nephew/niece
el/la suegro/a father/mother-in-law
el/la tío/a (abuelo/a) (great) uncle/aunt
el yerno son-in-law
agradecer to thank
apoyar(se) to support (each other)
criar to raise (children)
independizarse to become independent
lamentar to regret
malcriar to spoil
mimar to pamper
mudarse to move
pelear(se) to fight (with one another)
quejarse (de) to complain (about)
regañar to scold
respetar to respect
superar to overcome
el apodo nickname
la autoestima self-esteem
el carácter character
la comprensión understanding
(bien) educado/a well-mannered
egoísta selfish
estricto/a strict
exigente demanding
honrado/a honest
insoportable unbearable
maleducado/a ill-mannered
mandón/mandona bossy
rebelde rebellious
sumiso/a submissive
unido/a close-knit
la adolescencia adolescence
el/la adolescente adolescent
el/la adulto/a adult
la edad adulta adulthood
la juventud youth
la muerte death
el nacimiento birth
la niñez childhood
el/la niño/a child
la vejez old age
la ascendencia heritage
la brecha generacional generation gap
la patria homeland
el prejuicio social social prejudice
la raíz root
el sexo gender
heredar to inherit
parecerse to look alike
realizarse to fulfill
sobrevivir to survive
Created by: mmziegler
Popular Spanish sets




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